whats the champion betwen twitch and urgot
whats the champion betwen twitch and urgot
LEC - Video Editor
So you are one of our gods?
Legit LEC's content has been so on point since rebranding it's insane. Just keep going with this work, you guys are top notch
He sure is.
I think Doinb has excellent game knowledge and game-sense, which allows him to be world class. Hai was also a world class mid-laner in the sense that he could use shotcalling to win games at an international level, but no one would call him a conventional mid-laner. Sometimes being smart and developing a new way to play a game that is highly effective is better than being conventionally "good."
How many LPL games have you watched this split?
Yes, this also applies to Katarina, although its worth mentioning that conqueror is also pushing her beyond the limit at the moment because its a terribly designed rune. Difference is at least Riot stuck to their guns and kept the Kat rework when it made her healthier instead of reverting it like Leblanc.
Reworked LeBlanc was Akali before Akali...
Urgots stun is gonna be brutal. In two patches it’s gone from .75 seconds to 1.5 seconds. And he get movespeed after using it, and his Q gets more damage and a stronger, longer stun.
Might be time to break Urgot back out. Hell, I wonder if support urgot could even be a thing now with all his CC.
This is a clarification and bugfix - before he spent .5s throwing the enemy over his shoulder, then stunning for .75s after. That was buffed to be stunning for 1s after in patch 10.6
Then in 10.7, I did a light rescript of the ability that ended up actually setting the total CC duration to 1s instead of the intended 1.5s, since I got mixed up with what the tooltip stated. So now we are fixing it back to 10.6 value and clarifying the tooltip
The good ol'Rioter move.
You discuss things about the game: no rioter appears (which i get, there are the same threads every week/day)
You talk about chicken: u/Cashmiir "Now this looks like a job for me!"
I don't work on League so I can't comment on things directly about it. :( I don't want to misrepresent myself to anyone and promise things I can't deliver on. If you want some spicy memes I'm your person. But I do try to pass on stuff from Reddit to the right people.
I f*cking LOVE chickens.
The Galio buff is completely mental, I don't understand how that sh*t makes it into the game
idk they seem super coinflip aside from the top 3
Same as always
Congratulations, you have found your true mmr
Banner of Command
Love your username... I played Venge a lot when I used to play Dota.
Best character I've ever played in a MOBA. Wish she could be ported to League somehow lol
seems like every single league went down in quality with going online. aside from NA which somehow looks better lol
I don't see any difference in LPL tbf
Yea I truly enjoy when their Fizz gets fed and he just presses Q + W on me and do 90% of my health
Not very fed if he only does 90%!
You shouldn't care what the average player "feels" is good (which is where pickrate and banrate comes from).
And Kassadin is picked a lot more often in pro play. Almost like he's really strong...
Read moreYeah I don't know why anyone would take a ranged mage now
This has been the case for aeons already. Assassins just keep getting buffed directly or indirectly and nothing is done about it. If you play safe, they roam and come back with a double kill and the lane is effectively over. If you play aggressive, the odds are stacked in their favor and good f**king luck trying to survive a gank as an immobile squishy mage. If you go for plates when they roam, they can simply wait in the bushes or beside them and make passionate non-consensual butt love with you while you're trying to take plates or you get destroyed in a second by assassin junglers just the same. And it they actually go bot, you better ping a billion times and write in all caps begging your bot lane to hug their turret because sometimes not even that is gonna save them, so you proceed to get flame nonstop that you didn't follow Katarina as Orianna lmao.
I like playing mages becaus...
The Zhonyas is broken circlejerk is by far the worst. The item is very situational and only really worth building against AD assassins but somehow people act like it's some 100% necessary buy every game.
MF has actually been largely dropped from pro play in favor of Varus/Kalista. A lot of teams are currently even prioritizing Varus over Senna, which says a lot about his perceived strength.
Holy moly. That's not a chicken. That's a tiny dinosaur.
It's a Brahma chicken! They're one of my favorite breeds (behind the Ayam Cemani chicken and Polish crested chickens). They used to be the main meat chicken breed in the US.
That one's way bigger than normal and looks like it's even bigger than a Jersey Giant, which iirc is the largest breed of chicken.
Or what about items? The strongest item in the game is technically not even balanced around it's stats but its active. The rest are stat-checky and uninteresting. Ludens is to mages what old Morello was. A perfect combination of stats leading to little deviation.
Ludens sucks though, GLP is better on most champions