That is a nice post as it lays down some design values to adhere by. I've got a couple of questions:
1) Does the team value playing AS more than playing VS when adding new champions / VGU's?
2) Look at VALORANT, the community is already hassling them about balance prior to release. The community AND the devs know the design pillars of the game and that is helping with clear communication. What are the design values of LoL in 2020? Are they still mastery, meaningful choices, counterplay, teamplay, clarity, and evolution?
League was touted to be a hardcore game that will last for decades, was just wondering if that is still the aim.
Those old design values from 2014 that we made still hold up very well. We still use all of them in our current design choices.
We balance both playing as and against, they don't need to compete when done right. Adding counterplay and weaknesses to a champ doesn't make them less satisfying and our target is to make a satisfying and unique champ that doesn't make the game worse for the other 9 players.
It's worth saying that in a PVP game like LoL, there is some frustration that is built in to every champ. They have to beat you somehow. Take blitzcrank, a classic and original LoL champ, can be frustrating to die to but in the end he makes the game more interesting to play when he's on the enemy team.