League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

17 Apr


Originally posted by bz6


That is a nice post as it lays down some design values to adhere by. I've got a couple of questions:

1) Does the team value playing AS more than playing VS when adding new champions / VGU's?

2) Look at VALORANT, the community is already hassling them about balance prior to release. The community AND the devs know the design pillars of the game and that is helping with clear communication. What are the design values of LoL in 2020? Are they still mastery, meaningful choices, counterplay, teamplay, clarity, and evolution?

League was touted to be a hardcore game that will last for decades, was just wondering if that is still the aim.

Those old design values from 2014 that we made still hold up very well. We still use all of them in our current design choices.

We balance both playing as and against, they don't need to compete when done right. Adding counterplay and weaknesses to a champ doesn't make them less satisfying and our target is to make a satisfying and unique champ that doesn't make the game worse for the other 9 players.

It's worth saying that in a PVP game like LoL, there is some frustration that is built in to every champ. They have to beat you somehow. Take blitzcrank, a classic and original LoL champ, can be frustrating to die to but in the end he makes the game more interesting to play when he's on the enemy team.


Originally posted by ATrueHunter

Any thoughts about Udyr? I've mained this champ for years now and its become increasingly frustrating to do anything in higher levels of play.

Udyr is popping up on our "hasnt gotten love in a long time" list. No concrete plans yet because he's not really in a spot where we can just straight buff him.

Probably will look to get him some QoL improvements at some point, what are you hoping for?


Originally posted by HardstuckPlasticV

It would be interesting if we could hear about how their projections for Fiddle's winrate over the last patch compared to what actually happened, as well as how they made those projections using test data or whatever else.

Also, I appreciate the idea of releasing champions that start with somewhat low winrates and then reach a balanced state over time. Based on the Fiddle release, though, it seems like people are fairly impatient about that sort of thing even over a pretty short timeframe. I don't know if that's a product of expectations from previous champ releases or just Reddit stupidity, but that's just how it is I guess. Based on how Fiddle's winrate stabilized remarkably well in 10.6, particularly with the WQE max order, I think the developers should double down on whatever predictive tools they're using in the release patch (and maybe publicly share what they expect to happen if they're reasonably confident).

With fiddle we expected him to grow by roughly 6% winrate over the first patch as players learned him. So after we saw that he landed a bit weaker than that we did a small (roughly 2% micropatch buff).

With that buff included across the patch he's climbed up to pretty close to 50. There's still definitely some deeper learning that will give him slow growth over the next few weeks, so we're letting him rest rather than overbuff.


Originally posted by sitwm

Instead of caring about clarity problems for champions, maybe they should do it for skins as well

We're also doing work on skins to make sure champion and spell recognizably is as clear as it needs to be.


Originally posted by OfficialC9

tmw a Finals hype video is just full of you losing them :(

you got it this time bro i believe in you


Originally posted by Ryuhardt

With Leds in his eyes I think he means the fact that Shen appears with no pupils in the comic

ah! I was thinking like LEDs the screens. (And was assuming some text to speech error had occured)

His eyes still have pupils but they are glowing white with the energy inside of him. When he connects to his power he can see the spirit realm on top of our world. Look out for the tales of runeterra short.


Originally posted by PescadoIII

Every time you mention Yevnai, a kitten dies.

Actually, I'm quite allergic to cats.


Yevnai! Yevnai! YEVNAI!



Man this gave me so much chills. Crazy memories. What a good weekend we're gonna have!


Originally posted by SeaHorseB

Hello Mr Odin! I Loved the comic even with those little artistic fails detail's ( like Shen having an undercut and then having none. We loved the undercut so much!!!)

I'm shy but I'm adventuring this time to write, in the hopes you sir at least just read this. I'm a lore fan, soon to be 30yo. Since I'm playing LoL I've loved the lore and I can say you're one of my favorite writer's at riot.

I will try to summarize my comment 1- the end with Zed and Kayn touched something in me, I'll elaborate, I've always tough that Kusho was a bad father, but for being negligent towards Shen in favor of Zed, not for being a abusive paternal figure to both! Less to Zed maybe. And the end confirming it, but... Making Zed grown up past the abuse he received from kusho, and even with his mistakes, Zed trying to be a better father figure to kayn make me cry a lot like I haven't done in time, I was abused at my 15yo in my search of a replacement of a paternal figure, because my dad died...

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Thank you so much. I am glad to hear the story resonated with you. And I'm terribly saddened to hear you experienced abuse. (But I'm glad therapy is helping you and that you had the courage to engage with proffesional help!)

Please know that reaching people like you, is always the real goal of my writing.

In every story, I am hoping that I am being honest and that I am not alone. And hidden between the lines of any story, I am whispering and screaming to reader... that you are not alone either.

"You are not alone."

Because you're not alone. None of us are. Knowing other people have experienced similar pains. Have made similar mistakes, or suffered similar injustices, is a strength.

Knowing other people have seen and felt things like you... means knowing empathy is out there, and that healing is possible.

Thank you so much for kind words... and for taking the time to send them.



Originally posted by Rindr0

Romain putting the work in !

GGWP to my colleague Nicolas and ze boss Alban + our sales agency Lagardere!

That's one of those activation where you're reaaaally happy when it finally goes live :-)
This weekend is gonna be crazyyyyyy


Originally posted by ndeahhhhhhhhhhh

Hello, If I am sorry, I would really like to know how to speak correctly. In my region there are no rioters involved or who care to answer these things. What I said is personal, I don't want to make anyone feel bad. Okay, now I understand some things more, I like your explanations. Regarding Zed and his friendship, the only thing that Shen obtained was Jhin (and that surely escapes 1000 times more) The fact that Zed says that he will kill him seems excessive and makes no sense, Shen only gave him good things. Hopefully they treat Shen better, I am seriously thinking that she is the saddest and most unhappy character in the game. I feel like your relationship is like this--> https://imgur.com/nycGZnG  I understand about yevnai, everything was summed up and was open to misinterpretation. It seemed strange to me, you know? It doesn't change my image of zed if you put that character on or off of the history, Zed and his friendship with shen was e...

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Stupid questions ps: Shen has a mother?

Are the Leds in your eyes always on? Huh?

Akali still wants to kill Zed? Probably.

Where's Jhin? Oh he is still jail. Wait.... what's today's date? Uh... hard to say... probably in jail.


Hey folks - we're going to be delivering a mission to grant 140 tokens with an objective of "Play 1 game." We don't want to swap out the existing mission because that would cause players to lose progress, so adding another mission to grant the extra tokens is the best approach.

Sorry for the headache in the meantime. We're grateful for your feedback and patience during this bumpy transition from working in our HQ to working from home. Unfortunately, some things slipped through the cracks, but we appreciate the hell out of you and are working aggressively to fix these issues.

The 140 token mission should be live sometime next week.

16 Apr


Originally posted by john58129343

Ender is the best part of the LEC.

Edit: the LEC broadcast team.



Originally posted by Ryuhardt

HAHAAA YESSS I KNEW HE DID IT ON PURPOSE IN THE FINAL FIGHT! Such a relief to hear it officially though. I asked this on a different thread but if you dont mind answering, who would win in an all-out fight between Zed and Shen? It was stated many times both in comics and in the comment section that Zed was holding back, but what if he wasnt? Has he completely surpassed Shen, or are they equals?

I think they're equals... and because they trained together they know a lot of each other's techniques and fighting styles. (not all but they had the same foundation... hence the panel where they land in the same pose.) . I also think it would be hard for both of them not to hold back. And I think they respect each other too much to use traps or dirty tricks. So I feel like a "fair fight" would probably be decided by the battlefield or situation. This is just spitballing... but if Zed was protecting Kayn.. I'd bet on him winning... but ditto for Shen defending Akali. So.. shrug.


Originally posted by EdgyShadowBoi

I loved the comic with all my heart, even though the Kusho part was kinda cliche- it very much took me off guard!
I dunno if you will anwser this but- I don't mind if you don't!

Both Zed and Kayn are my most favourite champs ever, lore wise, design wise, game wise.. everything. I really love how you portrayed them in Zed's perspective and I know Zed isn't a "hero", hes done a lot of horrible things but as he said, most men have. Especially growing up in a war torn land and witnessing all those dreadful things at such a young age, I don't blame Zed for the way he thinks, that doesn't make him good or "justified", but it definitely doesn't make him a completely bad person.

Although I love the whole badass facade Zed gives off a lot.. I was really hoping that by the end of the comic Zed and Shen could have at least remained allies. I understand where you were trying to go with Zed- and I understand with the circumstances it would be very hard for Zed to rema...

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I think in a small way Zed and Shen's relationship did heal. They did work together which indirectly sets a precedent that they could work together in the future. For instance, if the world was in trouble.. or if Yevnai was in trouble or one of her sons got in trouble.. I kinda feel like Shen and Zed would put there feud on hold again. And I think in a way they both know that now. (in part because Shen DIDN'T kill Zed when he had the chance... and because Zed DID keep his word to Shen.) Baby steps.

I'm not sure about Akali and Kayn. And don't know any plans for them. But I do think an interesting buddy story could be told with the two of them having to team up.


Originally posted by ndeahhhhhhhhhhh

Hello, I like the comic but I have been disappointed a little bit in some things ... 1) the cliche. I hate edgys protagonists with unlimited powers that are invincible and are cool in everything. Before the comic, Zed scared me, now he is a fantastic hero that everyone loves. If he's ruthless or extreme, none of that was seen in the comic. Please, if you have an idea don't change it, I would have liked to see Zed killing vastayas. Even if everything remained the same, that scene would have made a huge difference. 2) Currently Shen should be on the verge of suicide, because committing suicide is what I would do if everyone abandons me and if the only person I trust lies to me non-stop (and Zed says that maybe will kill him WTF) expected that Shen and Zed be friends again, or that reestablishes the confidence of both, or something different. Why did all this happen without anything changing between them? Zed used Shen to capture Jhin, he did the same thing that Kusho did to him, us...

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This is a bit hard to read... but I totally get english is your second language. However I suggest trying to use paragraph breaks in the future, as this really hard to read in one big block


I'm not sure I think Zed l lying to Shen was really a choice... and possibly it was the right thing to do. Even if Shen knew the truth, Zed and Shen are on different paths now. They will never be friends again... but Zed was still holding onto a false hope.

Zed decided it was better for him to be disillusioned with Zed than for Shen to be disillusioned with his own father. That's probably not fair, and maybe Shen has a right to know. But Zed is flawed... and blinded by his need to feel he's worthy and honorable.

Shen I think is a tragic figure in this comic... but that's because this is Zed's view of him. And Zed's view is clouded by guilt. Shen, I would argue did his homework... and knew what he was capable of and importantly knew where his em...

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For those interested you can vote on the Bwipo emote poll on twitter. Hope you enjoyed the episode. Bwipo is, as always, an incredible guest.


Originally posted by TheToxicWasted

DRAKOS! Why no beard? Now there is no representation for beards on the LEC broadcast team.

Its already in the process of regrowing, I'll be fully bearded again in two weeks.