So chat, we've got a spam for you
So chat, we've got a spam for you
Official update on this:
We don’t think forcing a name change in this instance is in line with our policies, so we’ll be looking into this situation.
Ayeee you were just in my game as Ashe. Crazy coincidence
Aye I’m sorry we lost that one. Hate Swain support :p
Very wholesome story. Thanks for sharing.
Read moreHaving a core mechanic that makes fights more unpredictable/unreliable can also be good for competition.
Variance isn't good for competition if you're looking to find the best player. Variance means the worse player can win more often than they should be able to. It might be entertaining for the audience to watch but if you're strictly trying to determine who is a better player it's worse.
If everyone knew with 100% reliability what an ADCs damage output would be (Especially in high level play), you would never have any reason to take risks, or never get into fights that you would lose (Because you know you lose them 100% of the time).
I also don't agree with this. You're assuming that both get 100% perfect uptime in the fight which we both know never happens. If my AD does X damage and the other does 1.3X damage it wouldn't be lost if my AD fought for 15 seconds and the other one fought for 10.
There are a lot of skills that you can test of a player to decide who is best. That doesn't mean the game needs to be chess. Seeing how a player adapts to things not going their way, or setting up a scenario to minimize the chance they lose from variance are valuable skill tests.
Crit is fun. League of legends is a game and games should be fun. Thats the point of them. Crits are fun because they are unreliable and can pump out big numbers. Yes there are lows and frustrating moments with crits, and there are highs. Thats what makes it exciting. The lows and the highs. A good example is True Damage IE which was a lot less fun then crit IE.
You have to keep in mind that game design isnt always about consistency and the most competitive experience. A lot of times it will be about fun.
This is a fantastic point. (Edit: The point being that an effect that isn't reliable can be more powerful, and thus more satisfying)
Another to consider is that basic attacks are a very reliable source of damage output. Having a core mechanic that makes fights more unpredictable/unreliable can also be good for competition.
If everyone knew with 100% reliability what an ADCs damage output would be (Especially in high level play), you would never have any reason to take risks, or never get into fights that you would lose (Because you know you lose them 100% of the time).
This variance has value, and critical strike is an intuitive mechanic to achieve that. That doesn't mean league will use crit forever, but we would likely need another mechanic that has similar outputs before we would replace or remove it.
i'll just tell you what happened in my case (don't want to make a ticket)
- client was very slow.
- i traded with friend n1.
- shortly after or at about the same time friend n5 traded with me
- i declined his trade since i had traded with friend n1.
- friend n5 tried to trade with friend n1, however friend n1 was unable to accept. nothing showed on his screen, and he was locked in doing anything. he couldn't choose his summoner spells either.
that's all i got, hope you guys will manage to fix it.
Thanks for the details. Let's see if we can reproduce with those instructions.
when exactly? i missed it
!remindme 1 hour
Hey, this is no doubt one of the worst feelings in League. If you're able, can you send in a support ticket with your logs attached. You can just zip up the whole folder I'll make sure they get to the right people.
Issues like this are hard to track down, and logging won't always tell us what happened, but any little piece of information helps.
Best info to provide: * this video * pc specs * log folder zipped * network provider info and if you're wired or wirelessly connected
I couldn't figure out how to get the scouting phase from the API endpoints. I saw the new Clash APIs but I didn't see one for brackets. Is it part of the "Current Game Info by summoner" endpoint that it counts?
Bracket api isnt out yet unfortunately. You can likely use roster to pull it out.
IGN: Riot Codebear
Rank and Tier: Gold I and Tier II
Looking for One More: Mid Laner for Tier II lock-inChamp Pool: Pref control mages and teamfight champs
Filled. Thanks all!
IGN: Riot Codebear
Rank and Tier: Gold I and Tier II
Looking for One More: Mid Laner for Tier II lock-in
Champ Pool: Pref control mages and teamfight champs
This is an odd but good time as any question then, are you guys planning to update the Voli plush then to match his VGU?
Not sure. That's a question for the Merch team. I can ask!
This is great! Really excited to see how this evolves. Will definitely be using this tonight with my team to enhance the experience. Well done!
Read moreFor reference, the item is just over 110% gold efficient at max stacks. Obviously the OP doesn't want to say that. Turns out not accounting for 5 ad (175 gold) on a cheap item is really meaningful. Who would have thought
I said 5 AD because everyone will compare it to Seekers which is more efficient upon purchase and gives a net +15 AP, +15 armor upon fully stacking.
Armguard is also not "nearly 160% gold efficient" unless you're in the habit of rounding to the nearest 40%, which no reasonable analyst would. It's ~151%. If you had any goals other than delivering the most biased drivel possible, you'd probably say something like 150% gold efficient, but YOLO, I guess.
I misread it as 157% when I made the post. You can assume all you want and call me biased but it was a honest mistake.
Jaurim's also stacks faster. 20 minions vs. 30. It's not a massive difference but it...
Honest mistakes happen. That's fair and I shouldn't have assumed your intentions. My apologies.
People sit on Seeker's because upgrading all the way to Zhonya's is not efficient. You're paying for the refreshing stopwatch cooldown, but you'd rather actually use the stopwatch first. Additionally, most midgame scenarios sees players build Fiendish Codex and not the Armguard if they're building one component on their way to a midgame Zhonya's.
Again you're not comparing apples to apples. I said armor is worse than heath per-gold early game. Comparing 900 gold of armor to 800 gold of health is not that comparison.
Another point,having 2 swords and a ruby cristal uses 3 slots which sucks,versus the 1 this item uses.
Sure, but the post was specifically comparing Jaurim's to Seeker's. No one wants to build three cloth armors and a pair of amplifying tomes either. You're still right about slot efficiency, though :)
This was a super interesting read! Do you have any reading recommendations for how I could learn how to do this kind of analysis myself?
Health divided by health is an easy one. Just do ratios.
For armor and MR, just add 100 to both sides of the fraction (a champion with 0 armor and 0 mr is still "100%" durable against those damage types). Then just as before, simple ratios.
Just apply to your favorite champion's base stats, and voila.