League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

02 Mar


Originally posted by Fuzzikopf

In the process of improving these metrics, we'll also be tackling things like bugs, crashes, etc.

This is very worrying.
They talk like making the client faster is their main goal, as if that was the problem.

The problem with the client is not that it's too slow (okay, sometimes it is), but that it has more bugs than the amazon rainforest.

Be sure to check out the whole post! We know speed isn't the only problem. In the process of going after specific speed metrics (which we explain in-depth) we'll be opportunistically tackling bugs too.


Originally posted by Mahomeboy_

Can you please make the client the priority?


(it is)


Originally posted by oV3

yeah. few years ago when ghostcrawler was doing streams on twitch with another rioter (forgot the name) where the community can ask question i asked them if they plan on adding more content to clubs like missions etc. and they said "yeah a lot of content for clubs comming" and nothing was done in like 3+ years so unless it's actually there, i doubt it.

Sometimes plans change—if they do, we'll tell you about it. But if we weren't pretty damn sure about this client stuff this time, we wouldn't be coming out here and showing our sorry faces lol


Originally posted by 8-Brit

Can I make it bigger yet? The tiny size of the client when browsing stuff is irritating!

Did ya try cntrl + ?


Originally posted by Avarrocka

riot should hire that guy tbh

ikr what a lad


TL;DR: We're trying out something new here, both on the product side and the publishing side.

Product: Reworking big chunks of the client (plugins, ember apps)

Publishing: New transparency on exactly what we're changing + our performance targets

We're showing a bunch of data that reveals just how bad the client can be for some players. That might seem weird, but I'm hoping we'll be able to then follow up with clear, measurable improvements to those same metrics in the months to come. It's gonna take some time, so wish us luck!


Originally posted by Avarrocka

fixpubg.com 2.0

yeah i really liked the work that u/pubg_riggles put in on that campaign


Originally posted by JoXul

I really want the sound as my notification

It's the last sound clip in this article.

Someone should be able to make it from that!


Originally posted by PsychoPass1

That makes me wonder how they recorded that. Some guy was just breathing into a microphone and the SFX guy worked their magic?

It's Riot Sound Bear screaming and pigs.

I cover it in the last section of this article.


Originally posted by Tinbuster00

Will miss clicking on a post by a Rioter and have all the comments being something like "Buff my main pls"

Literally still happens on Reddit 🙃

Edit: I deserve this for posting at 5am


Originally posted by Baamzyy

Ignoring gameplay completely, that theme song SLAPS


01 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


Yeah, the point I am trying to make is that OP explicitly asked for champions with mid prio early game, which Kassadin does not have.


Originally posted by TheAmazingDeutschMan

That doesn't answer his question though, arguably Kassadin and talon as well can roam the most effectively for applying map pressure.

Kassadin has OK map pressure after level 6 and great map pressure around level 11 but this comes at the cost of completely giving up map pressure pre-6. This is really important for the jungle matchup and can snowball into a loss before Kassadin becomes relevant.


Twisted Fate cannot solo kill early game unless your opponent messes up but he is the premier roaming mid laner at most stages of the game.

Other champions might be stronger than him at certain level breakpoints, but he is one of the best champions to shove the wave and roam due to his W, Q and R.

29 Feb


Originally posted by CrsMarkZ

Thank god, my stocks are so bad.

This injection puts you from dead last to first! 😂


Originally posted by Toxicyoshi7

Hopefully that was the last time Vedius casts a Fnatic game, he only talks about them never mentions the other team...

That happens when one team dominates as hard as fnatic did. I believe I talked a lot about the options schalke had in the early game, along with things I'd like to see them do, but they didn't do anything, so o changed my focus to be more on the lanes, spending a lot of time talking about bwipo. The moment they won that fight though, I'd like to think I have schalke their fair share of credit and time. I'll be sure to go back and listen though.


Originally posted by mrsata1

I don't think Vedius understands how Madness - Passive stacks.

Correct. I thought it stacked like conqueror, but I was wrong. I know now though!


Going to take it and the idea is super interesting. A few tips (as someone who works a ton in qualtrics)

Add page breaks - breaking up the first thirty questions would be nice quality of life, and help prevent people from potentially just clicking the same number down the line. Additionally, having a page break between the question set and the calibration questions and information at the end will prevent people from scrolling to the bottom of the page.

For the questions, I would either change this to a multi-statement matrix and break the questions up into blocks of 4 or 5 statements, or at the very least make sure that the labels are actually included on the scale of each question. Having the scale only defined at the top of the page may make some people have to scroll up and check in between questions.

Last thing is on the template your university has set up. The default text size is super small and makes it a little fatiguing to read the statements. One...

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Super clean and interesting video - gg Shakarez!