League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

27 Feb


Originally posted by Ehler

If youre gonna bash someone for being unable to read patch notes you might wanna read 8.11 yourself.

Replies to a thread about Runes Reforged

References an entirely different patch

Well done.


Originally posted by izillah

I feel like this is well trod ground at this point. As general rule EVERYTHING Riot add to the game is more powerful than the stuff that preceded it.

The notable exception in this example is that you cannot really spec into MR and Armour in botlane where it's almost certain you are going to be facing mixed damage.

I'm actually interested in whether other options might be better than arbitrarily going AS|AD|Armour . Especially in some match ups where the AD does mixed or little damage early like Kaisa or Twitch. Or double dipping defence against lanes like Lucian Nami where you will outscale without the 9AD anyway

Mathematically untrue.

When Runes Reforged came out, champions were all compensated for their Seals choice (mostly, just flat Armor, except for mids who were given HP/level). By contrast, mages lost their flat magic penetration marks and other champions lost their magic resist glyphs. That came pretty close to treading water.

There were lots of people, commentators included, who would say things like, "Ah yes, he died because he doesn't have his MR glyphs anymore." That was also fraudulent. For example, most mid laners ran CDR/level runes and so the Runes Reforged base stat changes actually made mages tankier against one another. To claim otherwise means you didn't actually look at pro rune pages and just regurgitated what other people said.

I went so far as to dissect some of the specific cases where this refrain was used, considering all the old runes (Deathfire Touch, Thunderlord's, etc.) they used to run and comparing to the new ones (Aery, Scorch, etc.)...

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Originally posted by helloquain

Not sure what rank you are, but if you're Gold or lower I recommend just learning Amumu jungle (or AP Malphite jungle, which seems to work for me, but feels questionable). It's pretty straight forward: ignore your laners desperate cries for attention (you: Level 3, half health, killing bot scuttle; your top lane: PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING PING), clear camps, rush to 6, kill someone with ult, take an objective, go back to jungle for two minutes, repeat. You'll be pretty effective with that relatively straight forward, low complexity gameplan and from there you can learn to weave in efficient/effective non-ult ganks, invading, optimal routing, surviving the asshole Lee Sin who really wants your dick, etc.

From there you can pick up more complex stuff, but something with a simple play pattern will help you focus on learning the nuance of jungle.

I learned how to jungle on WW. 10/10 would recommend because the "vision" you get on injured enemies is really handy. His clear is also pretty fast and his kit's pretty simple.

Amumu is also a great one because you just farm until you can press R and then you win.


I recommend Blitz! It's a desktop app that takes care of item builds, rune selection, etc and generally allows you to focus on the game more.


Originally posted by Delusional12345

hey kobe what is your op.gg?? I have been trying to get better at jungling and want to see what items/paths/builds that you are doing. It doesn't seem to be riot kobe, so idk what it is.

I keep it hidden so I don't get targeted and flamed haha. It can get pretty brutal out there D:


Originally posted by decl_n

Thanks for your reply!

I'm just the messenger :) I fed this back to our team after I laned against my first Zyra mid in several years on Sylas. That was a painful experience.


Originally posted by decl_n

Do you think it is intentional or just something overlooked? Miss Fortunes Q for example is also an ability that applies on hit effects and I think it does apply PtA?

I'm not sure on this specific interaction, but the interaction where Petricite Burst doesn't kill summoned minions (Yorick Ghouls, Zyra Plants) in one hit is a bug and will be fixed.

26 Feb


With all the content he’s creating I can understand why Jatt is in therapy.


This really is the Weirdest Elise penta I’ve seen


Originally posted by Spence199876

Been having fun when my teammates are paying attention and not asking me to be everywhere XD

Don’t worry, you can always mute them. :)


Originally posted by Spence199876

I may pick up zac as a backup for clash and such, but I’m only low Elo so tanks aren’t great for solo carrying XD Gonna give ekko a good go though thanks :)

Good luck! Jungle is a little rough upfront but it’s a fun role.


As a fellow Vi main, I’ve been really enjoying Ekko and Zac jungle. Zac has healthy clear, great ganks, scales well, and ultimately carries by way of being super disruptive. Ekko is fun as a more assassin-y jungles with a nutty ultimate and great clear. W takes some time to get down but it’s an awesome tool once you nail it.

Originally posted by xthelord2

One question: who did buff TF like that while on acid trips? Card boi be now slappin cheeks with blue cards,like goddamit were bout to get slapped with information sign downscaled to the midget level just because somebody wants a poker game but you don't bet into money instead damage inside league of legends

yeah hes also getting renamed to cheek slapper


Originally posted by [deleted]

Happy cake day!!!!!!!!!!

Tyty <3

Originally posted by bz6

Isn’t this going to increase snowball??

since we see one of the main snowball strats right now is 4 man diving bot tower and pushing it, I see this as pulling snowball from that and pushing it into solo lane melees taking towers

Originally posted by FireDevil11

So let's say I have 100AD and the turret has 0 armor so I am hitting for a clear 100 damage every attack and my basic attack as a ranged does 100 damage not 80, while a melee champion with 100AD will do 120 damage not 100 ?



Ok, if you all really want an adc vote that isn't "building my own team..." I'll throw Kobbe's name out there!

Don't worry, the real all pro votes at the end of the split will be according to the rules :P

25 Feb

Originally posted by Halfscan

Turret plates take -20% damage from Ranged Champions

Cries in measly mage autos

this is actually not the most accurate representation. it would be better to say turrets take 20% more damage from melee champs

turret plates gained damage resist vs anything that's not a melee champion, but turrets lost armor and mr so that damage is roughly equivalent

More clarification

Turret plates gained 18% damage resist vs anything that's not a melee champion

Pre 14 minutes, outer turrets have 40 + 40 per lost plate Armor and MR >>> 15 + 35 per lost plate Armor and MR

Post 14 minutes, they have 40 armor and mr like before

Which literally means VS Live, melee are dealing ~ 120% increased damage, and ranged are dealing ~2% reduced damage

Originally posted by TheOneArmedWolf

"We look at 4 different tiers of play when approaching champion balance:

Majority (most players fit here) The sample size here is massive and the main things we look at are win-rate, play rate, and ban rate.

High skilled (roughly plat+ MMR) Same as Majority but slightly stricter on criteria

Elite (really high, like Grandmaster+) Winrate starts to fall apart up here due to sample size, so mainly look at perception and ban rate

Pro play Look heavily at the overall systems and presence% of picks"

"If a champion is “OP” in ANY of the 4 tiers, they should be nerfed"

Apareantly, this didn't apply to Riven back then, so she wasn't nerfed for a while (even tho there were nerfs for champions that weren't "op" in all 4 tiers either).

So how come Rammus fits into "If a champion is “OP” in ANY of the 4 tiers, they should be nerfed" now? Rammus is stomping low elo, but on a low playrate. He also does great in Diamond and Masters, but at th...

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Playrate is generally not used to compare champs unless it changes dramatically - Rammus in general will never be anywhere near Riven in terms of popularity assuming equivalent power since relatively fewer people (understatement of the year) want to play as an armadillo in need of a vgu VS an edgy warrior with amazing skins - so judging them against each other via playrate would be wildly ignorant of non-balance impacting factors.


Except in elite / pro, where we assume that players are optimizing heavier for power rather than personal enjoyment (or perhaps rather they personally enjoy winning more than other factors), since the top of the ladder is self selecting for players that do what it takes to win.

So from our perspective, Darius is a reasonable champi...

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