Read more"We look at 4 different tiers of play when approaching champion balance:
Majority (most players fit here) The sample size here is massive and the main things we look at are win-rate, play rate, and ban rate.
High skilled (roughly plat+ MMR) Same as Majority but slightly stricter on criteria
Elite (really high, like Grandmaster+) Winrate starts to fall apart up here due to sample size, so mainly look at perception and ban rate
Pro play Look heavily at the overall systems and presence% of picks"
"If a champion is “OP” in ANY of the 4 tiers, they should be nerfed"
Apareantly, this didn't apply to Riven back then, so she wasn't nerfed for a while (even tho there were nerfs for champions that weren't "op" in all 4 tiers either).
So how come Rammus fits into "If a champion is “OP” in ANY of the 4 tiers, they should be nerfed" now? Rammus is stomping low elo, but on a low playrate. He also does great in Diamond and Masters, but at th...
Playrate is generally not used to compare champs unless it changes dramatically - Rammus in general will never be anywhere near Riven in terms of popularity assuming equivalent power since relatively fewer people (understatement of the year) want to play as an armadillo in need of a vgu VS an edgy warrior with amazing skins - so judging them against each other via playrate would be wildly ignorant of non-balance impacting factors.
Except in elite / pro, where we assume that players are optimizing heavier for power rather than personal enjoyment (or perhaps rather they personally enjoy winning more than other factors), since the top of the ladder is self selecting for players that do what it takes to win.
So from our perspective, Darius is a reasonable champi...
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