League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

03 Mar


Originally posted by SaengerDruide

Could you make the bright Lux skin's E make some ripples like a water surface after a stone fell in? Would be a handy little Easter egg for gravitational waves.

They are in there! I just had to tone it down a lot so it's barely noticeable because it was interfering with gameplay too much. :c


Originally posted by Predatoratorr

man idk if you're going to read this, but props to you and everyone who worked on the xerath skin, 5 years were definitely worth the wait (also gorgeus splashart!) thank you! i'm really optimistic for skarner!

Here’s hoping that you won’t have to wait another 5 for the next one. :)


Originally posted by Focus_and_Improve

Asol & Taliyah mains

Asol got Mecha last year


Originally posted by TheRatInTheWalls

While I'm very excited about the thematic opportunities, the 750 skin band is depressingly barren. Do they just not sell well?

Correct they do not perform well. Not only do not that many people buy those skins, but even fewer actually use them once they own them.


Originally posted by Sadarot

Just confused why it was removed from the pbe. I mean it was there, and now its gone.. But yeah guess it will be back tomorrow.

Right before we ship a patch we have to remove things on PBE that aren't actually going to be in the patch is my understanding. I think there's some technical reason.


10.6 remains the current plan


Originally posted by -Haliax

One full tank yuumi carrying the other four

Indeed - I'd also recommend Deadman's Plate and Predator for the mothership Yuumi.


Originally posted by Feramah

Any thoughts on battle pass for League itself?

I personally prefer the path-based battle pass with an order of content you go through and unlock, but I don't think it fits well with League. TFT has more champion-agnostic content than League does. Having a prescribed track where you unlock things in League would be challenging since your champion preferences totally change how you value rewards at different points in the track. I think League's event passes do a good job and providing people choices around what content they want to unlock. Different games have different problems to solve.

Originally posted by AtomicSugarglider


I guess you could say she's a... copy cat

buffed multiple secondary items because a large part of the issue seems to be failure to scale and carry. it should be worth while investing resources to get many of these more carry oriented champions fed (ie: Jax/Fiora), but currently does not seem to be at higher levels of play. botrk is a luxury item and will only be purchased on certain melee that are ahead enough to be able to afford to build an almost pure damage item.

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Originally posted by l3rowncow

Hey Jatt, I know this doesn’t apply to this episode, but can you turn up kien’s voice when you have him on? I listen to you in the car and I can’t hear him over the highway.

Sure thing


Originally posted by Stewbodies

They're amazing, huge fan!

How'd you get into this line of work, how'd you get this gig?

Thanks! My experience was pretty linear and basic: learned game art at school, decided to learn VFX online, made some fan arts, got a first job, then applied to Riot and eventually got in.


Originally posted by cricri4167

Twisted fate?

We had to push them to 10.6 for some tech/localization work to add granular ratios per card type. Still coming, just a bit later.

Originally posted by GanksOP

Rip the 45 gold I was gunna get well my adc is respawning.

dead champ corpses count : >


Originally posted by Signor65_ZA

f*ck I went like a week without listening to this. Thank you.


Originally posted by celigodtko

Dont tell me this was just now realized????? I came back to play in last September and didnt worked at that time too. (Even reported in game and to the support)

We've been aware of the issues with the stats tab (hence why we've been refactoring it). Just making sure that there aren't any additional issues.

From what we can tell, this is related to the game backlog that has built up in EUW, and was exacerbated a bit by other recent issues. It's in the process of being corrected, but that's taking some time.


Originally posted by TeamAquaGrunt

You can buy the base little legends from the store, not the recolors. So if you're like me and wanted the spicy chicken, have fun rolling away hundreds of rp because there are 24 different dudes in those eggs. God forbid you want a 3 star

You're kind of both right. You can buy eggs for any species (Any random Shisa for example), or directly purchase specific colors from a rotating selection (ex: Firecracker Shisa).


Originally posted by TehRudeSandstrm

Assuming this is gonna be the normal version of Malphite's Prestige skin then.

ALSO there's no way in hell these Lux skins weren't worked on by Sirhaian considering they were brought in for the Jax skin too, right?

Edit: Confirmed :DD

Just for full disclosure, I work full-time at Riot now (and have done so for two years now), so there's no need to bring me in anymore hahaha.

(And yes I just HAD to work on those two skins!)


Originally posted by MrMulligan

Taric, Twitch, and Talon skins are all so good. I've been fairly consistently unhappy in some capacity every skin batch for the past year or so, but this f**king rules.

I'm normally not a big fan of Dark Star either but these are all really good. Weakest is Malphite, but that's mostly because Malphite is kind of lame in general (even if I enjoy him in ARAM).

The Lux skins are good too, although I am literally never buying another Lux skin since I have the ultimate already.

edit: this does make me wish the older RPG skins were 1350s, cause that is a massive lost opportunity we can't get back. Oh well. At least the skinline is back.

We do hope that bumping the RPG line up to 1350 serves the thematic a bit better. We’re fans of it and hope to see it continue assuming players do too. :)


We'll take a look at this today - we're refactoring a bunch of the backing systems for the Stats tab this year. It seems to be more stable in most regions, but in some places where there are a lot of games to process (such as EUW) it may still be getting backed up. Thanks for the bug report!