League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker

21 Feb


Originally posted by hydroctopus

Who makes Cactopus’ coffee and what do I have to do for you to f**k it up every time from now on?


but i need my daily morning flat white


Originally posted by grimmjasper

What does BF sword REALLYAstand for?





Originally posted by IxdrowZeexI

I am still waiting for a valid explanation why we even need two different "elos" and why the imprecise one is the more powerfull one (it decides wit who we can duo and which rewards we get in the end)

I just wrote a long post on why we think MMR and Rank have value, and we wouldn't necessarily show MMR. But as for why we use Rank for things like premades and rewards - it's the one that's visible, and we want you to have the information you need to know who you can group with and what you'll get at the end of the year.


Originally posted by Gabcpnt

The moba those rito guys did after teamfight tactics

oh yeah that's the one with all the funny characters and the lady who says "WELCOME TO SUMMONERS RIFT" yeah it's tight


Hey there! I'm the designer in charge of Ranked, so I can speak pretty directly to this. To start, I totally get the pain you're feeling here - seeing players with really different ranks in your game feels like garbage, even if we tell you that the MMR makes it fair. We want to solve this problem by getting MMR and Rank closer together, something we'll be talking about more over this season. But there are some really good reasons we don't just show MMR:

First, check out this post from a couple years ago where Riot Gortok goes over this question: https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2018/02/dev-matchmaking-real-talk/ . I think that answer ho...

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Originally posted by CosmicNeeko

Thank you so much, it means so much to get such a detailed answer :D

Atm im just a helpdesk tech for a big hospital so experience is definitely what im lacking, but i have managed to get some IT certifications and will be taking classes for webcoding and some other coding types like python and c++ later this year. I also do minor map design and sprite work occasionally for a pokemon fan site(kinda lame ik but i do love it)

I definitely need to get more into design now and start fleshing out stuff to make in the future so that i can start filling out my experience logs like you said

Thank you again cactopus, hopefully one day ill get to where i can join yall 💚

That pokemon thing you just mentioned is NOT lame. It's exactly the sort of thing that a good games company will perk up and pay attention to. Get better at your craft, ship projects with lots of love in them, and be realistic about the level of roles you're applying for. You can go far.


Originally posted by robeartoeee


I currently have a job as a lab analyst analyzing water quality for a city.

I would love to join the gaming industry and I’m thinking of going back to school to be able to find my way in.

I’m in my mid 20s and sometimes it feels late. Any words of inspiration you guys could send my way?

I'm not one of the Rioters giving the AMA here, but I'd just like to say that I joined Riot in my mid 20s. You can do it too!


Originally posted by Neville_Lynwood

I only do some website coding as a hobby but even I feel personally attacked.

Some days I'm like: "Let me update those few pages I made 5 years ago. Oh wtf is this shit, that's bullshit idiotic nonsense, who wrote this crap. Oh wait... I'm the only one that works on these websites..."

6 months ago aredherring is the enemy of present day aredherring


Originally posted by FTWinDz

How could I get a Rioter to speak at my school club based in the LA Area?

dm me, i can connect you


Originally posted by The_Real_HeXed

What's the air speed velocity of a flying swallow?

Also, more importantly, what is your favorite book related your profession or field?

i think it's 7

also MASTERS OF DOOM is one of the best books ever written about a video game company


Originally posted by jenfolds

Does the Sombrero of Shame still exists for folks who break the build?

I exists in our hearts. Idk if it exists in reality anymore.


Originally posted by RiotSafeandSecure

If you want to come to LA and lift with me, you are welcome to. Then again, there's someone in your office that is no slouch.

Also, you do kinda LOOK like spongebob.

Also, you do kinda LOOK like spongebob.


I'll take you up on that when I'm next there!


Originally posted by CosmicNeeko

For someone who has a goal to one day work in the field(and specifically at riot) in either the design creation/idea side or the actual development side, what would you say is a good metric of being qualified? I know I’m nowhere near that point yet but I wanna learn whatever it takes to get there

Actually legit question, so I'll answer as best I can:

The first thing a recruiter looks for is evidence of credibility. This can be work history at another company, or education credentials, or especially shipped projects. Without one of these three things, it's hard for a recruiter to know whether to take you seriously as a candidate. So if you can't get a job in the field that'll earn you relevant experience, do—and FINISH–a project on your own, and seek an education that'll give you relevant credentials.

Before I joined Riot as a writer, I spent years grinding as a freelance writer, working my way up the ladder in the games media by shipping lots of articles for different websites and magazines. After like six or seven years of that, I had enough experience to consider applying to a place like Riot.

Your experience/mileage may vary, but the best advice I could possibly give would be to get started on shipping projects now, even if it's small and doesn't...

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if i, hypothetically, wanted to get started in lifting, what do

please remember that i have the upper body strength of spongebob.


Originally posted by MoreChrono

I recall a moment when we were triaging a bug that was deep within some very very old code. The engineer was frustrated and making some verbal comments about the quality of the code, things like "why would they have done it this way?", "who reviewed this?", "it doesn't make any sense"

After the process of triage and analysis was complete, the engineer decided to scroll up to the top of the file to see who written this bit of code we had been wrestling with.....yeah it was them.

I've decided to change git blame to git toast just so when this happens to me I don't feel so bad


Originally posted by JustJohnItalia

What's the funniest programmer moment you recall? Something like finding some long lost description of a variable among the older parts of the spaghetti code

I recall a moment when we were triaging a bug that was deep within some very very old code. The engineer was frustrated and making some verbal comments about the quality of the code, things like "why would they have done it this way?", "who reviewed this?", "it doesn't make any sense"

After the process of triage and analysis was complete, the engineer decided to scroll up to the top of the file to see who written this bit of code we had been wrestling with.....yeah it was them.


Originally posted by BBQMasterDad

How much job experience would you require to get a career, I have about 200 years of collective experience in video game character design, would that be enough?

Recently, we've discovered that actually that's NOT enough. I know, we were shocked too.


Originally posted by Dingle1

do they play league of legends?

what's that?


Originally posted by RiotAryeila

Hello Cashmiir! Nice to meet you for what's definitely the very first time ever! ;)

I love sharing my puns with people who can't escape them, so it feels pretty good. My favorite Champ Spotlight video is Neeko's, and my favorite pun is "Neeko Neeko Nii"--I stuck it in as a comment and nobody knew what I meant. "Trust me," I said--"they'll love it. They're all weebs." And I was right!

I do all kinds of technical edits, but the Tech Blog is my main domain. This means sourcing stories, supporting authors, managing stakeholders, providing (typically many) edits, handling staging/publishing, and coordinating with other teams like social.

Did you know that our first interaction was during my writing test when you highlighted my em dash and freaked out?

What I'm saying is that I'm upset you used the evil -- in your response instead of the far superior — . Please respond.