Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

08 Apr


Originally posted by DamianWinters

You are actually putting a 3 mana 4/4 in already, holy powercreep batman. Im kinda scared for the future now.

I think that's fair, but keep in mind we have a more aggressive commitment to Live Balance than most (all?) of our big competitors so we do have some protection in case things get out of control.


Originally posted by Vampyricon

Can you explain what a Captain Planet is?

It's an old cartoon where people combine their powers and make a superhero who saves the Earth!

07 Apr


Originally posted by DeadlyFatalis

Scrap Scuttler and Illegal Contraption don't have rarity stones at the bottom of their cards, nor do any other token card.

Badgerbear does.

Could it be a typo, maybe, but another token card from this revealed set (Valor) shows that it doesn't have a rarity icon.

Yes, it could be recalled, or they could have just drawn it from the deck.

There's more evidence pointing to that it is a collectible card rather than it isn't.

Long shot, but maybe /u/riotstrokke can lay whether or not this is a collectible card to rest.

Happy to help! Loyal Badgerbear IS a collectible

23 Mar


Originally posted by erratically_sporadic

So as of now, my token is worth expedition rewards + guaranteed champion. 3000 shards + my winnings.

After the patch on the 31st, my tokens are at minimum worth an epic cap plus 100 shards.

Going into this next patch, there's no incentive to retaining any tokens, at the risk of losing a guaranteed champ per token, right?

There is no reason to retain them, since the Tokens you use in the future will give you the new loot table. If you had an active Expedition from before the patch though, you will still get the old loot table since that is what you paid for :)


Originally posted by Generalbunbun

Are there any plans to make free expeditions more accessable?

I like the mode but currently I have all champions(from playing so many expeditions!) so if I play it I lose alot of value.

With these changes I'll be able to play it again but I only need a handful of epics and rares to complete the set I'd like to just do free expeditions for fun.

That's a great question! We are still exploring how to make Expeditions an even better fit in the new economy. But, we want to make sure that we find the right way to do it, so currently we are not able to commit to any particular changes to Open Play, but I can say that it is on our minds!


Hey friends! I know I posted a little bit below, but seeing the confusion I thought it might actually be best to give you a sneak peek of what the new Expedition rewards will look like.

The full details will be in the patch notes, but in the meantime enjoy!

  • 0 wins: Epic Capsule. Epic Capsules contain an Epic, 2x Rares and 2x Commons, all with a random chance to upgrade (including the capsule itself).
  • 1 win: Epic Capsule, 100 Shards
  • 2 wins: Epic Capsule, 200 Shards
  • 3 wins: Epic Capsule, 200 Shards, Common Wildcard
  • 4 wins: Epic Capsule, 300 Shards, 2x Common Wildcards
  • 5 wins: Epic Capsule, 500 Shards, Rare wildcard, Common Wildcard
  • 6 wins: Epic Capsule, 1000 Shards, Rare Wildcard, Common Wildcard
  • 7 wins: Epic Capsule, 2000 Shards, 2x Rare Wildcards

If you are curious how these rewards stack up in terms of value, here's a quick snapshot:

If value random cards at ful...

Read more

Originally posted by Drunkwizard1991

The way things are right now, there is a lot of incentive to play Expeditions because at worst you walk out without any gains as if you just had bought a Champion for 3k shards. But the new expedition without the guaranteed champion you will actually LOSE resources by joining in paying 2k, getting that sweet 0/1 run and losing almost the entire entry cost you payed for.

That is a horrible change that will slowly and surely kill the game mode for everyone. If I'm bad at expedition, why would I ever touch it if i'm guaranteed to lose my hard earned currency??? It does not make sense.

Please keep the current costs and rewards, or at least change it to a guaranteed champion after 3 or more wins so there is a good reward for the risk of losing a lot of shards by having a bad run.

It seems that there might be some confusion: the Champion reward was removed, but we put other loot in its place.

We are still using the same rule for Expedition rewards to make sure players feel good: if you value cards at "face value" (ie Champion at 3000 Shards, Epic at 1200 etc) then you cannot lose value in an Expedition even if you get 0 wins.


Originally posted by Drunkwizard1991

Your comment makes zero sense.

  1. Expeditions will be MUCH more costly to afford because if you love the mode you will need a lot of shard to tank the bad runs which will make you actually lose resources.

  2. It will be much more stressful to play because you need to win to not get a massive loss on your shards.

  3. It will be much more annoying and sad when you lose because you pay 2k and get nothing back when you have a bad run.

Hey, just wanted to clarify that there are still rewards on Expeditions (including going 0-0). The loot tables are being adjusted to account for the buy-in reduction, but you will always get loot when you finish an Expedition

18 Mar


Originally posted by Gold_Quarter

Is there going to be an IOS client? Rito pls I don't have Android.


17 Mar


Hey folks, we're definitely aware of this need and are working on a solution for launch & mobile later this year. As some of you in this thread have pointed out, there are definitely tradeoffs / execution challenges, so I'm sure we'll need to iterate over time -- once you've seen it, let us know what could be better!


he hates being the last to the party. he's only happy when someone new shows up so he's not last.

13 Mar


glad to see this sub finally paying attention to the right champions.

12 Mar

11 Mar


Yup! if it says Riot at the front it's one of us. Glad they were able to give you an epic game!


love hearing things like this, thanks for playing!

27 Feb


Originally posted by crimsonBZD

It's a comically oversized version of a Caestus. They're basically ancient brass knuckles filled with padding to protect the wearer, while having metal plates, stones, or spikes on the outside.

Here's a great example of a realistically sized stone Caestus. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/70/Boxer_of_quirinal_hands.jpg/1280px-Boxer_of_quirinal_hands.jpg

history nerddom intensifies

24 Feb


"Them whumps do like a yordle in uniform." - Chump Whumps
"What the F*** is that???" - Draven
"And I thought I was already perfect." - Draven
"What time is it? ... Kat'O'Clock!" - Kato

"You call that a sword?" - Tryndamere "Some didn't. But I changed their minds." - Yasuo

22 Feb


Originally posted by jervis02

Makes sense.

Also how come it feels like every round my opponents turn is always first? Doesn't really show the Hearthstone coin flip kinda thing. Is that rng or what?

We don't have an animation for it, but if you are debating what cards to keep or mulligan for your opening hand, there is text telling you if you will act first or second

20 Feb


Originally posted by abetadist

Any thoughts on changing the old wildcards and shards into a "legacy" version which can only buy old cards that slowly converts to normal resources on a weekly basis?

We have thought about "legacy" systems like that, but we were not confident, at least for now, that we could build one that would feel good to players.

Overall, we want to make sure that we respect the resources that players have worked hard to earn, so we are extra careful any time we think about modifying the stuff you have.