Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

29 Apr


Originally posted by Zoiwillxxx

I also got inconsistencies when frostbiting attacking enemies with Sejuani. The backroll gets frostbitten but the attacking units don't, cause me to lose a lot of games.

Hope that helps.

We hotfixed this last night, so the problem with attackers being immune should be fixed!


Originally posted by VariecsTNB

Thanks for quick response! So i've tried to do as you suggested, but appareantly i can't find the "submit" button there... awkward


Whoa that is bizarre. What platform/browser is this on? It sounds like we might have to file a bug about our bug filing system! 😅


Hotfix is on the way. Thanks for the reports :( We feel really bad that this slipped through, and the fact that Oracle's Eye is also incorrect is a blowout.

We're trying to get this out tonight, but it might bleed into tomorrow (US time)


Originally posted by Teldarion

Just cost me a 7-win in expedition. Way to go riot :)

I just died a little inside :( We've been prepping a hotfix for this and are trying to get it out tonight.


Ugh that does look annoying— I'm sorry to hear you encountered this. If you file a bug with Player Support we can hopefully save you (and others) from future unfair losses due to emote shenanigans!

You should never be penalized for wanting to send a friendly Braum greeting :(


Originally posted by riotdefaultchar

Our entire team makes a lot of terrible puns when coming up with internal test names for cards.

You have no idea how happy I am that we let this one ship, hahah.

This is a true story and I complain about it constantly. lol


Originally posted by Sha_of_Depression

Can you make them work in expedition?

They should work in expeditions! If you are unable to modify and use a custom loadout of emotes in expeditions that is a bug and we would very much appreciate if you created a Player Support ticket!

28 Apr


You better believe we used this loadout all the time while building the UI.


Originally posted by Tomppeh

Could be that Catastrophe is considered a "token" which is summoned via other effect and is not counted as "random 1 cost follower"

This is correct - effects like this only generate collectible cards to avoid issues like this example.

The Yeti Token - Kinkou Wayfinder example others bring up below is different, because it's pulling any 1 cost units from your deck.


Originally posted by Roosterton

Yeah they probably have a "display related cards" script which automatically calls up any linked cards, and since it links to itself is just recurses up to the limit

This one's actually intentional, we thought it was funny since it's a unit that creates a copy of itself.


Originally posted by iidevilz0

u/riotstrokke are you guys going to fix the inconsistency in the cards wording before launch?

Nope, unfortunately that's going to have to be a problem we continue to work on in the future.


Originally posted by MohanadElsawy

I was really happy to know that the new card backs will be free if we progress in the regional rewards and as a beta player that is already got all 120 levels i can say thank you Riot for being generous

Well done! Which 5 new levels and card back are you going for first?


Originally posted by [deleted]

Maybe it’s in a lake, not a sea

I honestly laughed for 30 seconds.


Originally posted by GuiSim

My guess would be that it depends on the length of the keyword. FEARSOME uses more characters than DEEP.

In fact, this is probably dynamic so that it can work in various languages. I guess Japanese keywords are probably shorter than French keywords and thus can display their label more often.

You got it. It is dynamic. I really think our game looks fantastic in character-based languages. I wish I could play it Korean, but sadly I can only read English. Ha ha!


Hello, I'm that dev that you quoted here!

Bilgewater cards that draw from the enemy deck cannot draw Champions. In LoR, creation/generation effects will not get Champs unless specified (Island Navigator will never create Fizz, for example). We do have Sleight of Hand though, which actually does specify "non-champion card". We're a little more explicit there due to the fact that it's the only card that draws from the enemy that could conceivably be able to steal a champion spell. We want it to be clear that it cannot do that. Strong-Arm also specifies follower only, which is a much more understandable and well defined term.

These defaults are really helpful for understandability and consistency, but sometimes only after learning a concept. I think we're getting a ton of good feedback from players around our card text. As we mentioned in the State of the Beta article and in the clarity changes from the latest balance patch -...

Read more

Originally posted by pi73rmaster

Yea, the change is straight on terrible, it changes a lot of stuff + it makes the game more bland and deletes a layer of strategy. A change to cater to newbs.

Sorry you feel that way! I've commented a lot in this thread, but I'll say to your concern that hopefully removing the complexity of the old rule will be off-set by the extra complexity we start adding to the game with this and future expansions.

Spoiler - sh*t gets wild in the future. I think the game rules becoming a little more "bland" will be worth it when we move that spice to the cards!


Originally posted by HARD_SISCON

I don't think it will be that much of a deal honestly. Very, very few decks were able to flood the space like that. Wasn't it just spiders and Dinger ? I like it personally. Much less frustration and it will help those decks a bit.

And it will open us up in the future to do more go wide decks without feeling like we're seeing players up to screw themselves!


Originally posted by Aevio11

Now you have to actually consider what to do if they have another creature in hand. This doesn't remove strategy, it only changes it.

This is a key point - we're moving strategy/skill from one area to another. Nothing is set in stone so we'll monitor feedback, but from what we've experienced internally what you're saying has been what we've felt.