Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Hey there! Hopefully I can take some worries off your mind: we have no plans to limit your resources before the next set drops.

On top of that, if we make any future changes on how you can use your resources, we would not spring them as a surprise on players.

19 Feb


Michael Bay and J. J. Abrams were threatening legal action for stealing their style, so we had to tone it down.


fun fact, we took the photos of T-Hex using a panoramic camera, and Jinx thought it'd be funny to jump around and leave parts of herself.

15 Feb


Originally posted by Un_Ours_En_Ski

My friend kept a token for a week and had his vault level 12 (which would have given him another token) but got none. So apparently you cannot have more than 1 token :/

Hey there! This sounds like a bug and you should send in a ticket to Player Support, because you can hold as many Expedition Tokens as you can earn!

11 Feb


Originally posted by Zenai10

"We don’t plan to refund cards we’re adjusting—our commitment is that any card a player obtains should remain viable despite changes" (or be quickly adjusted again if we miss the mark)

Good to know

Edit: added (or be quickly adjusted again if we miss the mark) as pointed out by rioter

Adding a second bit that got snipped out of the pull quote - "(or be quickly adjusted again if we miss the mark)"

Point being that we definitely don't expect to get it right with every change, but will come back and make further adjustments when that's the case.


Originally posted by ItsTheFark

Main takeaways:

  • Every champion should have a deck where they're the best fit and their “dream” can be realized.
  • Non-champion cards should have at least one deck where they're a good option.
  • Regions should have at least one competitively viable deck.
  • The meta should support the widest possible array of competitively viable decks.
  • We should expect a new region within the year.

Let's work as a community to make sure Riot is accountable to these items.

Please do!

06 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]

Game is clearly Pay2Play, you cannot play the game unless you buy my finny boi Gloomtooth and give him lots of pets. Actually impossible to play without a cash investment in shark puppies.

Confirmed Gloomtooth is required to play Legends of Runeterra please give him pets at once

03 Feb


Originally posted by rednu23

I was going to submit this in the feedback megathread, but can you guys do something about Demacia's battlefield? The lens flare every single time the round is passed to them is too much. Maybe it can instead slowly light up every time they have a round, and the lens flare is only when they start the turn off with an Attack coin?

Fixed in the next patch (so two weeks from tmrw)!


Originally posted by jshaunallen

Baby Shark doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo

I have two young children and it's rare I can get through a day without hearing this song. THANKS.


Hey folks, dropping some info for anyone still experiencing issues:

- Players with existing Riot accounts can rarely end up on the incorrect LoR shard due to a misattributed region of residence.
- Anyone who thinks they're on the wrong shard should IMMEDIATELY contact player support for assistance.
- Player support's ability to transfer account progress is limited (though we are working to improve it in the coming months), so again we encourage players to immediately contact player support if they believe they're on the wrong shard.
- We currently have no plans to offer any in-game capability to transfer between shards.

TLDR - Hit up player support and they can help you out, though there are limitations (for now) if you've made a ton of account progress. Apologies to anyone who's experienced issues, and thanks for to everyone here for sharing info!

01 Feb


MMR is part of the matchmaking for expeditions, normal constructed, and ranked constructed. Expeditions also match for win count.


Hi there! The preferred method for reporting bugs is through the player support page.

There are a good number of rito lurkers that will see bugs reported in reddit, but not necessarily Player Support or QA team members. If you want to make sure we address something— from minor visual hiccups to more serious game interfering bugs— our player support page is the way to go!👍


Originally posted by sulli_p

I have yet to get a 1500 exp quest using every reroll given to me. How rare are they exactly?

Hey there! 1500XP quests are about 20% of the overall quest pool currently, though what quest you get is still random.

29 Jan


Originally posted by FantasyForce

I guess gaming development is a lot more complex than I thought, I could have sworn this fix would be as easy as pressing enter on the text to move it down a little.

Edit: I'm not being sarcastic, it's a genuine thought, I apologize if it came off a little cocky.

The complexity is related to ensuring our fix works across all of the languages we support.

We want to ensure the best possible experience for every player that plays in every language.


Thank you for the call out! We love all of the help we are getting in finding bugs.

We hope to have a fix for this bug very soon. Unfortunately, the fix will not be in the next patch.

Thanks for your patience and thanks again for helping us find bugs! We want to kill as many bugs as possible.


Hey everyone, we're aware of the pain with card counts, card # in deck, and card ownership #. We've got work coming in the next content patch. Love the discussion and options proposed, some spot on analysis and suggestions.


Haha, I can tell you with confidence that we don't think the UI looks perfect as it is, and we're continuing to work on improvements. We've been focused on getting the game ready for open beta (like adding your enemy's Champions in game), but our future patches will include a steady stream of UI improvements.

But we'll probably never hit perfect, so keep the feedback and memes coming :)


/u/Humanistix : I'm late by reddit standards (2 days old already yikes), but we're actually planning on adding this. It'll be slightly different than what you suggested since we also have to consider mobile, but you'll definitely be getting this info.

We're actually doing a bunch of updates to this screen, so to minimize confusion we're bundling all of our improvements to the reward screen as one package. That means it may take a bit longer to arrive than our updates to other screens (like deckbuilder), but we're not going to leave the reward screen as is by any means.

27 Jan


Originally posted by TrueLolzor

I think most animations could use some speeding up. Biggest offender: Draven. Dude's animations need to be sped up by at least x2.

Some in-game art is very poorly sized. Worst offender I've saw: Noxian General Dude (can't recall the name), who gets +1/+1 for each time someone was stunned or recalled this game. You can practically see pixels on him when you're browsing your cards/deck editor. Another one I can think of is 2/2 Damacian Dude who costs 4 and gets +2/+2 on attack.

Thanks for the call out. We totally agree about Draven's Axes and we should have an updated animation coming soon.