Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

26 Apr


Originally posted by remlek

As a Teemo main, I just want to know if his shrooms will consume enemy barrels. If it is like Gunsmith, I assume it will.

Barrels don't amplify mushroom damage.

25 Apr

24 Apr

23 Apr

22 Apr

21 Apr

20 Apr


Originally posted by ankitku92

Also, somebody pointed out, Maokai's hand is also switched.

Fixed in 1.0


Originally posted by WhywolfSenpai

Level 2 Ezreal has his gauntlet on the wrong hand as well

This is fixed in 1.0


Thanks for the callout.

Will look into getting this adjusted along with Swain's knee pad today this will not make it in for 1.0 though.

We will keep a closer eye on this kind of stuff in the future.


Originally posted by RiotSilver

It will include Ezreal (lvl 2) and Maokai (both lvls)

For Maokai and Ezreal the fix was just about flipping the images. These were images that were flipped during the painting process and just not flipped back when the image was completed (digital artists flip the canvas a lot to get fresh eyes on the painting while it's in progress)

For Swain, we would have needed to repaint part of the image since flipping it would put Swain's demon arm on the wrong side (this was a mistake on our part, not an artifact of flipping the canvas) and given that making changes beyond that point would have put instability into the launch build, I thought it best not to change this right now.

I will say, unlike Ezreal and Maokai, where the reversed pieces were major character defining elements, Swain's knee pad less of a key characteristic, so we may not make this change. We will however keep a closer eye on champion art in the future.

Just saw the post about Vi as well. Will look into getting her and Swain fixed and do a sweep of all of our future content today.


Originally posted by IYINGDI_WANGYI

Thanks for you reply! BTW, does "the fix" include Ezreal, Maokai and Swain?

It will include Ezreal (lvl 2) and Maokai (both lvls)

For Maokai and Ezreal the fix was just about flipping the images. These were images that were flipped during the painting process and just not flipped back when the image was completed (digital artists flip the canvas a lot to get fresh eyes on the painting while it's in progress)

For Swain, we would have needed to repaint part of the image since flipping it would put Swain's demon arm on the wrong side (this was a mistake on our part, not an artifact of flipping the canvas) and given that making changes beyond that point would have put instability into the launch build, I thought it best not to change this right now.

I will say, unlike Ezreal and Maokai, where the reversed pieces were major character defining elements, Swain's knee pad less of a key characteristic, so we may not make this change. We will however keep a closer eye on champion art in the future.

19 Apr


Originally posted by Sasy00

Ah yes, then tsukuyomi and gg

Ah, the summer of 2005. Got to run Reasoning Gate Turbo and just wipe that player out with the OTK.

Also I loved that we made these tokens and gave 'em to people for dueling at Comic-Con '06. (Even though the format was long changed by then)

17 Apr


Originally posted by Nocthonax

MOM, get the camera! Riot person likes my stuff

What Tomukus said.


Originally posted by KoKoboto

What about EZREAL??!!!

Thanks for the callout! The fix for this should be in for 1.0

16 Apr


Originally posted by spiritplx

I am hoping that maintenance is still being done and we shouldn't even be allowed to login in. If it is completed, then this is a huge issue.

Hey folks, hijacking for vis. Have no fear, your content is safe—some routine maintenance on the Americas shard went slightly awry, but we're getting it sorted out. Americas shard should be back up ~11 AM PT.