Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

18 Oct


Originally posted by s00pahFr0g

I played a game against Riot Dovagedys earlier today. Is that one of you?

Hi S00pahFr0g! Great name.

I am on the LOR team!

What deck was I playing when we battled?

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


We'll have to see how the quests we've created for LoR work out. We fully intend to curate them and add more over time.

As a last note, we want there to be non-trivial XP on losses. Right now it's pretty paltry because we don't have protections in to avoid abuse cases, but once we have those, legitimate losses will be a decent source of XP.

17 Oct


Originally posted by ProbablyTriggered

This is a little late, but if we have access to the announcement preview patch will we retain that access come the expeditions preview patch? Loving the game so far and excited to see it grow!

Yep, you'll continue to have access for the next one!

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for going into it a bit more!

We definitely don't want people feeling miserable if they didn't play for a day. The current quest system will let you bank up to 3 quests, so you only have to play every three days for totally optimal XP. We have ideas on how we'd take this further in the future if needed.

How much quests warp gameplay and in what ways is something we have thought about a lot. We've tried to make our quests generally aligned with winning, though if you're REALLY min-maxing them, it can still lead to some odd plays. We're trying to strike a balance for the people who love them as inspiration to try something new or only want to play a couple games a day (this is a lot of players), and those who'd rather play their own way no matter what.

While it doesn't totally solve the feeling that there's value on the table, our game-win XP is very high relative to quests compared to genre norms. Hopefully this helps at least a little.

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by nguyendragon

Thank you for your response. I don't know if it was communicated somewhere but I'm just worried that it will set false expectations on users only to be disappointed comes open beta time.

We tried to make it clear in the pop up that happens after the tutorials when you get the wildcards, but I don't think we were explicit enough.

Trying to compensate by working it in where I can answering questions. Apparently in all caps sometimes..


Originally posted by doppelgangerforpeace

Is there a "best way" that someone in the dev team enjoyed leveling the most? For instance doing every faction 2 levels at a time or just trying to get 20 on the the best faction (piltover & zaun)

I'm most drawn to Piltover/Zaun, so I end up spending most of my time there (with occasional excursions to other parts of Runeterra.)

Fun story - pastrytime played so much on one of our early iterations that he went went past all the available levels and broke the system.


Originally posted by The_Real_HeXed

Wait Wheel of Time has a CCG?? Iv read the books like 4 times at LEAST.

I love Brandon Sanderson

This team has the most obscure collection of CCGs I've ever seen. I had no idea there were so many.


Originally posted by LastDreamy

First of all thank you for this amazing game!

Do you have a roadmap in mind post-release for the game? What kind of content can we expect and will it be seasonal or permanent? Will the game offer a campain or some kind of adventures to explore Runeterra's lore? Thank you so much!

We have an early roadmap

up on our website, which covers the first two preview patches as well as early 2020!

tl;dr - Our next preview patch will focus on Expeditions, our take on a limited draft mode. Will also include constructed, and everything currently available in this preview as well. Early next year, we'll be back with closed beta, which will include ranked and a new set of boards and guardians.

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is good feedback, and lines up with how a lot of us have felt in testing...we just couldn't get anything done about it in time for this preview patch.

We've got a couple changes designed out already, and I'm sure we'll tweak those based on feedback we get from this preview. No promises on when they make it into the game, but it's something we really want to do.

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by the_slime_man

Another thing that becomes quickly irritating when spending a lot of wild cards is like the ~2-3 seconds of loading that occurs after spending wild cards and then minimizing the card to go back to the deck screen.

The time quickly adds up while building a new deck and it makes the process far more annoying than it should be.

Yeah, this is something we'll have to address one way or another. It's pretty painful.