Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

15 Nov


Originally posted by gamikhan

I value gold chests as 535 shards cause I value the shards given by duplicates. My argument about why I do this is that there are 150 (3 = 450)different commons and 108 (3 = 324) different rares.

With this high number, the personal value should be the worst case scenario which I would denominate the duplicates value, cause this still assumes you are going to get some that you want but others that you dont want at all which could give you 3 rolls without duplicate shards.

This is how I value capsules and chests: (WRONG DIDNT COUNT UPGRADING, below is updated with upgrades)

Blue capsule 175 shards

Epic capsule 500 shards

Legendary capsule 1525 shards

Wild capsule 1000 shards

Chests (exp value from weekly, not enough information for region specific)

Bronce (value 0 exp) 50 + 80* = 130* shards

Silver (1k exp) 125 + 200* = 325* shards

Gold (1.5k) 175 + 360* = 535* shards

Plat (2k) 3...

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Shard value for duplicates is one way to look at rewards, but it implies that a player only values Shards and not cards. That is a good model for the Limited-only player, but the numbers change quite a bit if you are a hybrid player and place value on at least some cards themselves.


It is always great to see players figuring out all the math so quickly! From my spot checks, what I see looks right to me regarding your math (though I could have missed something!).

The tricky thing to account for in rewards is the upgrades, though since we have published the upgrade chances then it should be possible to build the table.

Another thing you might want to consider for your analysis is accounting for agency: if you add in a multiplier to random rewards, but not to wildcard rewards, then you can see how the tables change for players that value random content at different levels compared to an equivalent wildcard.

Great stuff!


Originally posted by sp0otnik

Thank you for the answer! Do we get double the burst exp when doing the second try of the expedition? I won my first one and gave up without doing the second run.

It is all based on the win record of the Trial itself, so yup you get it separately for each Trial in an Expedition

14 Nov


Hey there! We wanted to make completing a Trial be a milestone, so what we did is decrease the end of game XP on wins and losses for Expeditions while adding on a big burst of XP at the end of a Trial depending on how many wins you got. This will happen both in Expeditions as well as Open Play, so get those wins!

08 Nov

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Rhemyst

Alright, I'll just shuffle them around.

Also, there is the question of extra bonus shards ? This can upgrade has well, right ? :p

I don't believe so. I looked at the loot tables and unless it's hooked up in a way I don't understand (which is possible), there's no upgrades on shards.

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Originally posted by Rhemyst

Wow. To be honest, I didn't expect to get an answer. Thank you so much !

These numbers do look fairly generous indeed, and I understand they are going to be your main adjustment variable when it comes to "metagame-evolution-pacing".

Well, op has got to deliver now ;)

Actually, there is still one information missing: the order of the region reward. I believe they are not in expected value order ?

The region reward order is not exactly the same for all regions, because some rewards are swapped around by a position or two. It's never a huge difference and the total content lines up every 4 levels.

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Fair enough :).

We debated a bunch whether we should just include the upgrade rates in that article, but we were hesitant to. The upgrade chances are among the least confident tuning values we have, and, to be honest, is probably one of the most likely places we'd take value out of the system if we need to buff something elsewhere (or if, hopefully not, we've just overtuned things). While we can, and will, communicate that kind of change, it usually causes a bunch of confusion despite our intent to be clear. We wanted to see how much interest there was in the upgrade chances before signing us and players up for that.

Clearly there is an interest to see them, so I'll share them here. That said, THESE COULD DECREASE IN THE FUTURE! These may be overtuned or it may be that the reward value will better serve players elsewhere in the system.

Reward Upgrade Chance
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07 Nov

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Orconem

I don't know if Riot is reading this or not but one of the things I didn't like was that some of the quests required you to own certain cards, such as "Win a game with Lucian and Senna in your deck". Even though they can be rerolled requiring people to own certain card(s) in order to complete quests feels really bad if you get one and don't own that particular card. You should be rerolling because you don't want to do the quest, not because you can't do them with the cards you have.

Each of our quests has prerequisite criteria that check against your collection before you can be granted that quest.

For examples liked the one you've pointed out, if you get that quest and don't own one or both of the cards it's a bug and we'll fix them as we find them. For more nuanced cases like a quest to do Overwhelm damage, it may just be a tuning problem since it's debatable where the bar should be there.

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Originally posted by Steelkenny

WHY OH WHY is the level 4 vault Bronze Silver Gold and not Silver Silver Silver. The pattern is PERFECT except for level 4. Rito pls.

You have no idea how much this bugs me...but in terms of actual value break down this is the better way. Sigh.

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Originally posted by congealed

I understand that; is 3 extra rares and a little extra dust each week enough of a difference to make up 25% of a collection?

Fair question...I could have been clearer.

Hitting a Level 13 Vault gets you the increased rewards you're pointing out, but it's also a useful benchmark for how much XP got poured into region rewards each week. A lot of the delta is coming from so much more progress on region rewards each week, rather than the Vault directly.

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Originally posted by sp0otnik

I wonder how we are supposed to get epic cards ? If I'm reading that correctly finishing one region gives 7 epic cards/wildcards which seems to be a low source. And you cannot have epics with a chest (only if the reward "upgrades") ? I dont know how many epics cards are in the game but it seems impossible to unlock all of them without paying / luck. They didn't announce the rewards for the "expeditions", that might be the best way to complete the collection.

At least you can have a guaranteed champion card each week.

I wonder if they will be adding Twitch drops for chests/capsules. Or will they only do that for cosmetics ?

A lot of Epics do come from upgrades, and they can also be crafted with Shards.

We'll be carefully watching the breakdown of rarities players are getting, from what sources, and lining that up with rarity usage in decks. It'll never be perfect because there's variance in how many of each rarity a deck needs, how players choose to spend Shards etc, but we'll do our best to make sure that rarity feels liked you'd expect. Commons shouldn't really be a problem, Rares should come pretty easy, Epics you probably have to chase a bit, and Champions should be pretty special.

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Originally posted by Pvpal1221

While I'm a huge fan of the idea that you can obtain the whole set without paying anything, I hope they've given a lot of thought to catch up mechanics to players that don't start day 1. One of the biggest issues cards games have after a few sets is barrier to entry. Normally this can at a minimum be overcome by throwing money in to the game. If you can't do that to make up for the time you missed, it's going to be really hard for newer players that come in after two or three sets are released.

We're definitely thinking about catch up mechanics.

We're still deciding exactly what we want to do, and I'm sure it will evolve over time as well, but we want players to be able to join at any point and feel like they can fully enjoy the game.

29 Oct

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CueDramaticMusic

Shame we don’t have any numbers for that vault yet.

We've seen a lot of players estimating rewards for the vault and more, so we're going to release an article with hard numbers. It'll cover region rewards, the vault, our estimates of how much players will need to play to unlock the full set and more.

We're committed to providing equal attention to players around the globe wherever possible, which means I unfortunately gotta keep you waiting for a little bit until we can get the thing translated into all our global languages. Expect to see it next week.

21 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]

Sorry if I am late. I just wanted to ask a small question on point 3.

When I played Hearthstone. I enjoyed it a lot. I quit the game due to it’s monetization practices. I liked the game A LOT. I didn’t however like being forced to buy essentially the solution to the the problem they created. The problem being I need x cards to be competitive. The solution being locked behind like a 40$ paywall and considering for what I got, is high way robbery.

To be clear. Will all cards be able to be obtainable for free? So like if say Vi comes out, under no circumstances would Vi only be obtainable through $$$? (Or insert any other champ, legendary, rare, uncommon, common, etc card) All cards will always be able to be obtained through non monetary exchanges, player plays game and through gameplay is rewarded and can use reward to pick any card they want with the wildcard system or w/e it will be called should it be named differently?

I just wanted to get clarification o...

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Hey there!
I appreciate your comments, and hopefully I can allay your fears! All of the cards in the game will be obtainable over time for free, be that through getting it from a capsule, using a wildcard, or using shards.

Various cosmetics may have different rules and the purchase options might be more narrow, but we want all gameplay content to be available even if you never spent any money.

19 Oct


Originally posted by cefeloth

where do we find the full artworks?

There’s an eye icon on the bottom of the expanded card view if you want to see them while in game.


Please submit a support ticket for things like this! As many specs you can include to help us reproduce such things are appreciated.

18 Oct

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Our quests generally don't require winning. Winning is inherently more efficient because of the increased agency you have in game, but you can make meaningful progress when losing.

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Originally posted by hororo

Your analysis of the paid advantage seems reasonable and the mitigating factors seem fair. The actual effect of the mitigating factors will depend on the numbers (for example I'm sure most developers intend for many decks to be competitive, but actually achieving that is difficult, although an active balance cadence will hope).

With regards to XP efficiency, one thing I really hope is that efficiency is not determined by games per hour like Hearthstone, because that means the optimal efficiency strategy is playing the best aggro / fastest deck over and over, and that gets boring.

I want to see what we can do about at least mitigating the efficiency of playing the fastest-possible deck. We've talked about this some and it gets pretty gnarly when you start thinking about how to abuse any of the systems that would really help.

We have a design that I think will help, but not sure deck speed will be entirely removed as a factor.

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by srulz_

For your 1st point, thank you. Your reasoning makes a lot of sense, and it's good to know that it's a major goal.

For your 2nd point, can you clarify a bit on what exactly do you mean by the "lackluster" feeling? It just seems to introduce unnecessary RNG to the reward system, something that you have clearly stated that you would like to avoid. Basically if you try to finish 1500 dailies only every week, it means that you have a half a week (3500 exp = 3.5 days) extra from the rest of the players, which is a huge advantage.

Just to give you an example. Today I got a 500 gold quest "play x colors" in MTG:A, which is in my current best deck (Golos Fires) colors. Somehow I managed to painstakingly win 4 games (2 BO3 matches) without actually finishing that quest. Now I really enjoy this deck and want to play more, but it's not optimal for me to do so, so I'm going to just turn off the game and wait until tomorrow for the quest reroll. Basically I really want to play, b...

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For a lot of players there's an excitement to getting quests that are more valuable than normal...it's a nice mini-jackpot moment for them. As for RNG in the reward system, we're trying to strike a balance, not avoid it. A lot of the rewards you earn in LoR have some element of RNG to them. It's what you buy that has no RNG.

We can see a lot of the behavior you're describing by looking at what players re-roll, when they log out compared to active quest progress etc. A fairly major difference is our ratio of XP from quests and XP for playing biases much more to playing than genre norms. There's still an edge for trying to reroll for only 1500s, but the EV on the margin just isn't very high (100XP when a PvP game win is 250XP).

For your new questions:

  1. We've got a couple different directions, we still need to decide which to pursue. Can't share more yet.
  2. We don't sell packs. Real money buys Wildcards directly, up to a stock cap each week (...
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Originally posted by [deleted]


We'll be doing at least one full reset, but any money spent will be re-granted as Coins. So if you spend $5 now, you'll have a fresh account with $5 of Coins on it after any reset.