Crusaders of the Lost Idols

Crusaders of the Lost Idols Dev Tracker

14 Oct


Originally posted by Bcadren

Suggestion: Allow crusaders with abilities that affect random enemies that are therefore shot-like, although not actual shots in Reign of Fire; additionally perhaps crusaders that cause random explosions/add extra spawns that explode. (It's just the most limited challenge apart from the T1 only one so expanding on the theme a bit)

List 1 (Shot-like): Gloria, Priestess of Time, Imani, Garnet

List 2 (Random Explosions): Fright-o-Tron, Skeletom, Holddoor, Gwen (Already in because clicker but still on theme).

It's not something we're currently planning on adding, but I'll add your vote to the item on the suggestion list and we'll see what happens.


Originally posted by XZlayeD

completing missions, resetting the world, basically anything that has a chat with the server causes significant lag, especially on those on idleps 17 and 19. from clicking on a "complete mission" button until you're actually able to interact with the game again can take upwards of 8 seconds, and at 15 mission completed at the same time it becomes an absolute slog.

Thank you for the information.


Originally posted by algie666

general lag across the game dungeons especially and free play,it seems to ease on different chat rooms but that could be just luck but it is a spoiler,and have you and your team had any more thoughts regarding the dungeon buff we could purchase?

Thank you for the extra information about the lag.

We don't plan on having a dungeon points buff for dungeon coins, if that's what you mean. But this season we do have the dungeon points missions, that will help players out.


Originally posted by antebus

Will we be fighting Godzilla and destroying Tokyo with our moth lady friend. Mothra has returned?

Oh man, I totally should have had her summon Godzilla as one of her powers, or for one of the objectives.

Just Carnival-ish themed objectives for the Tier 7 version of the event this year. I'll keep the Godzilla one in mind for the objective where she's locked in next year.


Originally posted by Darkliandra

QOL request: Could talents that have a bonus for x show the number you have achieved?

For example: Each epic recipe gives x% dps. Of course I can divide the total bonus by the bonus per, round and now I know how many recipes I have, but maybe the talent could just state the small number somewhere?

Thank you for the request.

I'll add it to our QoL list to look into. At the very least, we should be able to add the related relevant stats to the stat screen.


Originally posted by djorll

wohohoh I get an epic shuttle, thanks for the code!

Oh nice, you're welcome! :D


Originally posted by NoLanguage4337

How about reworking Dungeon Points, my run is around 12.000 tier 1 but lust dungeon season I got lots of points for 10.000 level difference is almost 1.000 DP.

Each season does bring a change to how the dungeon points are awarded. This season the points were adjusted as we'd planned for the length of the season and the new dungeon points missions.

But we'll be reworking the points a little so deep dungeon runs are a little more rewarding.


Originally posted by ropus1

Can we have spoiler of the first t7 crusader? How many ep does she/he/it has? Why does the game designer decided that amount?

She is a support Crusader.

Tier 7 event Crusaders will be debuting with 1500 EP, given some of the Tier 6 event objectives last year required players getting 1000 EP on their Crusaders in order to use them on said objectives, so at the least most players Crusaders will have around that mark.


Originally posted by Mistyville

Loving the new Dungeon missions - I may actually get somewhere this run

Glad they're helpful! It's definitely a nice source of points for knocking out some of the early reward levels. :)


Originally posted by algie666

i just wondered ,are you still working on the lag issue? it effects my game play and stops the fun,and ty for chests ,;]

Hi algie666,

Which lag issue specifically are you asking about? There's been a couple brought up recently.

You're welcome for the chests.


Originally posted by Bungobunce

Any chance that the "reach area 20,000 on tier 2/3/4" achievements can be consolidated, or reworked so that once it's achieved on tier 4 it triggers the previous tiers?

That's not something we're planning on doing, but I do hope to make them season agnostic, so you don't have to tackle them all during season 5.


Originally posted by Kite-sama

Hello Erika and everyone

I was wondering if there would be an improvement on the "SPRINT" for "DUNGEONS" and was wondering if there could be a "TALENT" oriented for that, like 1 payment only to let use activate this function on "DUNGEONS" it could double the function of previous talents "SPRINT" but for this only since we have 15 runs per week and reaching area 20k for each takes a long time otherwise.

Thanks for code

Hi Kite-sama,

You're welcome for the code.

We don't have any plans for something like that at this time, but we'll keep the request in mind.



Originally posted by Halaberd85


can you please add the number of completed Gold Missions to the statistics page? Matt Spacewalker uses them for New Heights but theres not a way to easily find out how many we've completed.

Hi Halaberd85,

Thank you for the request. I'll have Wilson get that stat added in one of the next few updates.


Originally posted by TFahab

Happy Thursday! Curious if there's any update on changing the linear scaling in dungeons or if we're doomed to sprint/reset/repeat for best efficiency this season?

Hi TFahab,

We'll be addressing the dungeons once we've gotten Carnival of Sorrows out the door, so the changes will probably be out sometime next week.


Originally posted by Kite-sama

Hello Erika and everyone

I was wondering if there would be an improvement on the "SPRINT" for "DUNGEONS" and was wondering if there could be a "TALENT" oriented for that, like 1 payment only to let use activate this function on "DUNGEONS" it could double the function of previous talents but for this only since we have 15 runs per week and reaching area 20000 for each takes a long time otherwise.

Thanks for code

Hi Kite-sama,

Nothing planned for extending sprint on dungeons only at this time, but we did recently add more sprint in our talent update. We'll keep the request in mind though.

You're welcome for the code. :)


Welcome Crusaders!

Before we begin: I hope you're all staying safe and being kind.


For those of you who are joining us for the first time, I'm Erika, the Live Services Manager for Crusaders of the Lost Idols, and I will do my best to answer your Crusaders questions. This Q&A is so you know where to find one of the team to chat Crusaders weekly.

I will be answering questions live for the first hour and then checking back throughout the week.


The previous Q&A: Number 260!

Community Activity!

This week's ...

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13 Oct


Hi Everyone!

Walk the Runway in our latest colouring sheet which features the Tier 7 Carnival of Sorrows Crusader, Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit, now available on our website.

Or, if you're feeling creative, you can submit your Crusaders fanart!


If we get 50 coloured sheets shared at us on our Twitter with the hash tags #lostidolscolouring and #fashionablemoth or shared here on reddit by Friday, October 22nd, 2021 at 12pm Pacific Time (UTC-7), then we'll release a code for ...

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12 Oct

08 Oct


Thank you for all the lovely submissions this week!

We'll have a new colouring sheet for you around Wednesday next week (Oct 13), featuring our new Tier 7 Carnival Crusader!