Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

27 Feb


Originally posted by II_Confused

So if I assign a favorite island, will all my decks suddenly only have that island?

I’m asking because I’d like to use this feature, but many of my decks have on-theme lands and I’d hate to have to go back and redo my basics to them all.

It won't change existing decks, no. New decks would default to you new preference (though you could change those as well).

26 Feb


I'm afraid we only learned about this bug a little over a week ago. The fix should go live with the Shadows over Innistrad: Remastered release. #wotc_staff

23 Feb


Originally posted by grimskin

“Press IDDFA for infinite mana”

Surely you mean IDKFA?

21 Feb


There was an issue here for some players; we think we should have it cleared up now.

19 Feb


Originally posted by Hjemmelsen

Why would you ban cards in historic instead of just patching them? Like, I get that the monkey might f**k up the entire format, but then isn't that exactly the point of alchemy, that you can buff and nerf as needed?

Some cards are iconic enough that we don't feel it's right to change them. It feels wrong to rebalance cards like Channel, Demonic Tutor, Brainstorm, etc. There may be room for debate, but I think Monkey has probably earned that status.


Originally posted by WYWUAS272

Do you plan on doing pre-bans in historic brawl as well with some of them?

Yup! We'll be evaluating them for all of the formats on Arena


Originally posted by Mrfish31

Have bannings for these cards already been decided (eg, is Ragavan one of them)? Where will we be able to find out a full list?

"Cards to watch" have been established, but we'll make final decisions based on the Historic meta closer to release. We plan to announce final decisions here before players have access to the set on Arena.


Originally posted by A_Life_of_Lemons

Yeah, like even if they’re nerfed to the point of not viable, it’d be cool to have them available (Oko, Uro, Omnath, Tef).

But then some cards are too iconic to change, and would significantly change Historic: lightning bolt, dark ritual and counter spell in particular. I think I still prefer them staying banned.

"Iconic" is definitely a line we think about with rebalances. Making a "balanced" version of Dark Ritual feels silly. If an iconic card is problematic in the format, we'll ban instead of rebalance.


We'll be taking and treating these cards just like we have past bonus sheets (Mystical Archive & Retro Artifacts). They'll all be in draft (to match tabletop), generally Historic-legal, though some may be pre-banned if needed for format balance.

10 Feb


Originally posted by WotC_Jay

This is a mistake, and we're going to be fixing it. There were conversations about including the Secret Lair logo on future sleeves, but that got misunderstood to apply to these. I don't have a timeline for the fix yet, but it will be coming. Sorry about the error.

Also: Your thoughts on the logos in general are definitely being passed on. I have emailed people many screenshots from this thread today.


This is a mistake, and we're going to be fixing it. There were conversations about including the Secret Lair logo on future sleeves, but that got misunderstood to apply to these. I don't have a timeline for the fix yet, but it will be coming. Sorry about the error.


This is a mistake, and we're going to be fixing it. There were conversations about including the Secret Lair logo on future sleeves, but that got misunderstood to apply to these. I don't have a timeline for the fix yet, but it will be coming. Sorry about the error.

08 Feb


The algorithm is now, roughly: collect up all the colors in casting costs, collect up all the colors in color identities of lands, everything in both groups (the intersection of the sets) is the deck’s colors.

This cleans up a lot of things that used to cause trouble, like hybrid mana in a mono-color deck, tri-lands in a dual-color deck, etc.


Originally posted by Roberto410

Did you know you can attack with a whole stack of creatures by clicking on the count? Based on the incredibly small number of reports we got when this stopped working if your opponent had a Planeswalker out, the answer is no, you did not know that. Well, you can, and now it works in all scenarios.

Definitely the best thing I read in here. I didn't know this, plus it's great it works.

You can also block this way - If you have a stack of 1/1s you can click the stack counter to assign the whole stack as blockers

07 Feb


Originally posted by JonPaulCardenas

Unless I'm reading this page wrong, only elsh norn is availbe in draft boosters. Meaning paper limited does not have this.

We're certainly taking the note that this was not clear enough to players, but the key line there is: "Here is a look at all five that you can find in Set, Draft, and Collector Boosters."


Originally posted by JonPaulCardenas

I don't like how this makes this limited a digital only enviroment.

This isn't digital-only; tabletop is doing the same thing. See the "Borderless concept praetors" bit of this article:


Originally posted by implode311

So follow up, are they replacing a card of the same rarity, or are they replacing a common? this is important because it affects people drafting to build sets.

They replace a rare slot, just like they do in tabletop draft boosters. More info here:


Originally posted by k_serieb

I don’t have any of them. Where do I contact support ?

Sorry about that; we'll look into what went wrong:


I pre-ordered the pass as well and it opened normally for me - Do you have Koth in your avatars and/or the mite in your pets? If not, please contact CS and we'll get you fixed up.


Originally posted by quillypen

I guess [[Pestilent Cauldron]] in the sideboard will still make my mono-G Karn deck look black though? I understand that would be trickier to make the language to figure out though (esp with Nykthos in the manabase!)

If you have no black mana sources, I think it will show as mono-G with ONE. Not positive, though.