Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

07 Feb


Originally posted by Sarkos_Wolf

The funny thing is that I'm pretty sure that it used to be this way at first, and at some point they changed it for some reason. I assumed it was intentional. Either way, happy to see it back to the old way.

So, it used to totally ignore hybrid mana. Then it treated it like both colors. Now it treats it like the color or colors your deck is actually using it for.


Originally posted by quillypen

Some nice minor updates, I appreciate them updating the colors shown on decks. My Rakdos Sacrifice deck isn't white just because it runs Lurrus!

This (and Historic UW Enchantments running Lurrus) was one of the main things we built the new rules to solve. The other place it really makes a difference is dual-color decks that run tri-lands.


Originally posted by Odenetheus


I'd like to add that you can use As Foretold to cast a commander for its original cost in Brawl, even now in 2023, despite the cost being supposed to be higher

Can you please clarify what scenario you're talking about? This seems different than the upthread discussion about casting facedown cards from exile. #wotc_staff

06 Feb


Hey Yasmin, thanks for the awesome and detailed post! As I'm sure you know, there are a lot of different ways players can have accessibility challenges, so getting clear reports of what's working well and what's working poorly for individual players is super valuable.

I'm following up with our art & engineering teams about the items you've mentioned (and others collected from the comments here), and we'll see what we can do. The specificity of your feedback ("here's my problem. It applies in these circumstances. Here's what I wish I could do") is very helpful in making it actionable.

You mentioned that you wanted to be able to turn off opponent card styles - You should be able to do this using Options->Gameplay->Hide Alternate Art Styles (bottom of the left-hand list on desktop). If that's not giving you the result you're looking for, please let me know why. We added that option back when we first implemented styles, partly to solve for cases like yours.


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03 Feb


This should be fixed now; anyone still seeing problems here?


This should be fixed now; anyone still seeing problems here?

Edit to add: If anyone is still running into this issue, please contact CS. We're interested in getting your playerIDs for further investigation

31 Jan


It sounds like there was a miscommunication as to your question.

Matching tabletop, you have a ~34% chance to get either a rare or a mythic Retro Artifact.

Again matching tabletop, within that 34%, your chances of getting a mythic instead of a rare are 20%.

Apologies that this information wasn't in the drop rates page. That was an oversight which we will get corrected.

18 Jan


Originally posted by quillypen

Thoughts on a Rusko rebalance? Seems to be a pain point for Historic Brawl and he apparently wasn't flagged as hell queue before.

For Commander balance issues in Historic Brawl we will almost always work to solve those with matchmaking tweaks before rebalances. We would use rebalances if we saw problems in other queues or if the matchmaking adjustments weren't working.

17 Jan

13 Jan


This is unintentional. We expect to have a fix out with the ONE cardset


Yesterday's update was about hardware adjustments to keep the backend stable. There were no changes to matchmaking itself.

11 Jan


Originally posted by Grails_Knight

Another Question:

If I've aquired golden Packs and did'nt use them, will they contain guaranteed ONE cards after the update or will they stay unchanged and can not have ONE cards in them?

The contents of all Golden Packs will change with ONE. Golden Packs in your inventory will contain the guaranteed ONE cards.

10 Jan


Originally posted by 1Land_1Keep

Is the golden pack counter set-agnostic? If I have the bar half filled when ONE comes out, will that progress be lost?

I only really play limited so buying packs is rare, but getting a golden pack every couple sets would be nice.

The counter is set-agnostic. Any progress you've earned from purchasing BRO packs will still be used toward acquiring Golden Packs as you purchase ONE packs.

17 Dec

15 Dec


Originally posted by Flyrpotacreepugmu

They don't get much from a single answer, but if there's a question such as "does playing X card lead to unfun games?" they could compare the distribution of results for games where X card was played with results of games where it wasn't. Or they could experiment with tweaks to the matchmaking algorithm and see if it results in better or worse games.

Those are good options - we've looked before at, say, do people playing with or against color pair X report more/lower happiness. One of my favorite views with this data is "In which events/queues are players who lose reporting the highest fun scores?"

13 Dec


Originally posted by Makarsk

What about free alchemy boosters? My inbox is empty

First messages should be going out in about 30 min (10 am PST). We wanted to give a cushion to make sure the release was up & stable.


There's a tiny bug with the anthology where it's not showing up for players who have purchased EA1. We're fixing that right now, and the bundle should be up soon.

Edit: Fixed now

09 Dec


Originally posted by CatsAndPlanets

In Historic Brawl, the different game structure means an Engine player can have their fun in a more equitable manner. If you are tired of it as the opponent, well, that's why we have CR 104.3a.

Wait, so basically the answer is "It does't matter because the only one having a bad time is you. Just concede."? Well, thanks!

Of course it matters. But both players matter, including the person who wants to play with Engine. In a casual format, players getting to do things they like carries extra value. It doesn't scale to all situations, but at least for the moment, we believe it applies here.


This comes up every now and then, so I don't mind checking in on the subject.

We currently have no plans to ban Paradox Engine in Historic Brawl.

Paradox Engine is banned in Commander (a format that shares a lot with HB), but the primary reasons for that banning do not directly carry over. The primary reasons for that ban were, one, Commander decks play a high density of mana rocks as a baseline due to other elements of the format. That means that having enough things to untap with Engine wasn't really a deckbuilding cost - everyone was doing it already. Historic Brawl has lower life totals and more aggression in general, so these cards are not as prevalent or "required" - it's an intentional choice for players to build a deck that can take advantage of Engine.

Two, when a Commander player starts comboing off, they are taking up three other people's time, who are all under social pressure to stick around even if they aren't enjoying themselves. The ...

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30 Nov


Originally posted by FakeAccount136

Why being forcefully politically correct for a f**king card? Use neutral pronouns when asked to, not for this shit

Myrel uses they/them pronouns. It's not being "politically correct," it's being actually correct.