Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by Evarre

I can send log latter if it will help, already closed pc and forget about this file. Iirc i did log at moment i found land doesnt work correct

No, I understand what the issue is. Most delayed triggered abilities clean themselves up the first time they are triggered, and it's relatively new that it was even POSSIBLE for a single activation of Primal Wellspring to want to result in multiple triggers.

There actually is some hope we'll be able to fix this in time, so yay! #wotc_staff


That should be pointing to the rotation/renewal info from our last State of the Game:

Hopefully we'll get that link updated soon, but that's the info it should be giving. (And no, we're not spoiling the upcoming set names)


See my response here. Should be fixed soon. #wotc_staff


Thanks for the report! I have an idea for how to fix this, but unfortunately we just passed the window for changes for the next release, so it may be a while before a fix goes live. #wotc_staff


Thanks for the report! I've got it fixed in-dev now. The issue came from the "you may" - the "should we check for target revalidation now" code was accidentally requiring you to have already answered that question! #wotc_staff


Currently investigating the problem.

We had a crash when specific cards were the stack in some languages that we just patched last weekend. This looks like it could be something similar. I know it's not a great solution, but playing in English should stop the crashes until we have a fix.

Thanks for posting these videos, it's helping us figure out what's going on.


Well... darn it. Thanks for pointing this out.

I love Abzan and cats, so I'm not sure why my brain decided to put blue in there.

01 Jul


Originally posted by quillypen

Have you folks learned anything useful from it? Like the kinds of games that tend to make both players happy?

Absolutely. We also especially pay attention to cases where winners come away more "sad" than usual or losers are especially "happy." (Just recently, the Mastermind workshop fell into both categories, which is an interesting case.)



Hey [[58194,users]] do you have any news on when the next update is coming and if they are going to be addressing the people who are unable to play since Core 2021 dropped 5 days ago?

Unfortunately no new news yet. Sorry. :disappointed:


Originally posted by PvP_Noob

I think fun is highly dependent on whether you won or not, not the quality of the game.

When you get the survey, your opponent always does, too. We divide the responses by the game result, because as you guessed, winners tend to be happy more frequently.

30 Jun



I can understand why they don't create an off topic board. That'd be more trouble than it's worth-- for users and for WotC.
One thing we might try is creating a thread just for people to post their account usernames with the intention to play casual games. I know there is already a pinned thread for general matchmaking... a thread where we can post stuff like, "Hey, I am looking to play off-meta stuff, etc." But I've gotten mixed results from it. I specifically said I prefer brews in my post and that netdecks were cool but no top-tier nonsense. But people who friended me seem to be split into 2 categories. People who bring stuff like Temur Rec to duel me with, and people with starter decks.
So maybe we could create a new thread just for casual/off meta seekers, and then ask if it can be pinned. Now, we already have the one pinned thread devoted to direct challenge connections, so, unless the new thread gains ...
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@Some Rando:


[[58194,users]] check this out. Lots of ppl would love something...anything to give casuals something relaxing.
I totally understand the want for a more casual format. I think a decent temporary solution would be to get a group together and direct challenge each other. You can set game stipulations and go from there. It would basically be how things work in a local game store!
Perhaps a way to friend people in the game, who we had fun playing against, might make that a more realistic option. Right now it's very hard to friend people because they decided to hide player's secret numbers, even here on the forum. While I have your attention, maybe an Off Topic section of the forums would be nice too.
There is...
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@Some Rando:


[[58194,users]] check this out. Lots of ppl would love something...anything to give casuals something relaxing.
I totally understand the want for a more casual format. I think a decent temporary solution would be to get a group together and direct challenge each other. You can set game stipulations and go from there. It would basically be how things work in a local game store!
Perhaps a way to friend people in the game, who we had fun playing against, might make that a more realistic option. Right now it's very hard to friend people because they decided to hide player's secret numbers, even here on the forum. While I have your attention, maybe an Off Topic section of the forums would be nice too.

There is a pinned post in General where people have posted their in-game names, so you can add them. If you ha...

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[[58194,users]] check this out. Lots of ppl would love something...anything to give casuals something relaxing.

I totally understand the want for a more casual format. I think a decent temporary solution would be to get a group together and direct challenge each other. You can set game stipulations and go from there. It would basically be how things work in a local game store!

Send in another ticket asking to change your password, and let me know what the ticket # is. I'll see what I can do!

    on News - Thread - Direct

THIS IS A SCHEDULED EVENT Jun 30, 16:00 - 17:00 UTC

Jun 29, 21:00 UTC
Scheduled - We will be performing scheduled maintenance on June 30 for the hot fix. Maintenance is scheduled to begin at approximately 9 a.m. PT (16:00 UTC) and last one hour, but is subject to change.

While no downtime is expected, this is a required update. Players who are logged in prior to the start of maintenance will be required to restart their client to download the patch.

Patch notes will be available once the game update is available.