Magic The Gathering: Arena

Magic The Gathering: Arena Dev Tracker

21 Jun


What is posted here is up to the community and mods! If you’d like official news about Mythic Championships, I’d suggest following us on twitter at [MagicEsports]( and [MTG_Arena]( . Our esports website is another place.

20 Jun

19 Jun



It's great how you guys are trying diminish annoying/boring archetype decks with new cards, one more damage than 2 shocks, RDWs will love this.

It's a joke. Chill.


If I see anyone complain about Teferi again, I'm going to spam this card. BEHOLD, FRIENDS!



We call that the “Read More” ribbon, and it shows up when a card would have more than 2 of the badges in the corners. It’s basically an indicator that the card has more keywords/abilities than we can easily show at a glance, so make sure to read it.

18 Jun