
Mordhau Dev Tracker

08 Jul


Originally posted by VengefulKenny


hmm doesn't roll off the tongue that well, also it's "tri-tern-ion", not "tri-ter-ion"


Hey all!

Just a quick side-thing in addition to the usual feedback threads - we're looking to see where you'd like us to focus a bit more time on, development-wise. We'd like to make sure that we're on the right track and developing things that you all actually want to play! Feel free to also comment with any other suggestions or input, it'd be extremely useful for us. Thanks!

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Bro c'mon you could have said sh*ternion get it together work on the insults some more use less dated memes you can do it

06 Jul


Originally posted by Orisoll

Will female characters have more than one face sculpt (like plain/rough/nubian) or will that have to be added in a later patch?

Also, how many voices should we expect when they first come out? There's quite a few male voices so I doubt we'll be seeing exact parity, but having 3 dropped on us last patch makes it seem a little more doable, at least in the long term.

We plan to ship with one face and 4 voices


Originally posted by Eexoduis

I look forward to a palace update for Arid, I think that will really complete the map.

Just a bit of a reiteration there - we're not 100% confirmed on the palace getting expanded. We *think* it's a good idea, but it depends on a lot of things and we're still deciding what the best course of action would be.


Originally posted by thejoosep12

And the response of "contact us and we'll unban you" is f**king ridiculous! Just unban everyone that was banned that day. If some real necessary bans get unbanned through this then so be it. This game is stressing me out and I can't even f**king play the thing because they f**ked up BAD.

I have no idea why I didn't think of this - I'll talk to our backend dude and see if it's possible.


The original comment about why we don't hotfix all the time got deleted, but I'll post my reply here. I'm not gonna let a wall of text go to waste.

I'm no expert, but here's my understanding:

We have a limited amount of time post-update where we haven't introduced the content for an upcoming update. So for example, right now we haven't added the first iteration of the next update's map into our development build to work on it. Since we haven't done that, our development build is pretty much the same content as the update that you guys downloaded. This means we can patch out issues etc. and mess around with the files.

In a month or whenever the bossman decides, we'll "lock in" this update and add the map files etc. to the dev build. This lets map maker A work on the buildings while level artist B makes textures for the walls or w/e, while objective guy C does objectives and programmer D does code stuff. Any changes we make are now shared acro...

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Originally posted by not_consistent

I am satisfied with patchie for the most part except how long it took. I truly am grateful for continued development but there has to be some way to alter yalls process to allow for smaller more frequent patches. I saw a post from marox on the last feedback thread about how the maps and small incremental changes weren't cutting it so he was looking to do something bigger and crazier. Not to discourage anyone but smaller and more frequent would be much better.

We're looking to push the next update out in a shorter timeframe. Granted, that has been said before, but that's at least our goal. Luckily, we already have a map or two that have the potential to be completed without too much work, relatively speaking. For some context, those maps (we'll probably only focus on one) are much farther along than Arid was when we released the first part of Eastern Invasion.

05 Jul


Originally posted by MrFluffyNipples

"This will also hopefully address an exploit we had yesterday that allowed unauthorized administrator permissions"

This is actually insane wtf are you guys doing lmao

Unfortunately we have to deal with far more infrastructure sabotage and DDOS than most games out there. Given how small the playerbase is, it's mindboggling.


Originally posted by AeternisModding

Nice to see a detailed fleshed out post here!

Is there any news on an SDK update? This patchie broke quite a few things (mainly armoury related) and some things we literally cannot fix until the SDK is updated.

We're working on it, but had some setbacks here unfortunately so I can't give any exact timelines until we know what's up


He do be big


Hey all,

We're back to the usual routine now, so normal feedback threads and such have resumed! As usual, we'd like to hear your feedback, especially now that the dust has settled a bit on things and everyone's gotten some more experience with the update. Like usual, please keep things civil and constructive - thanks - but aside from that, we'd love to hear any thoughts, questions, comments or suggestions. Thanks!

As for our meeting notes:

  • We're looking to push a hotfix today or in the next few days. This hotfix will address multiple technical issues, such as inputs locking up on the menus, etc. This will also hopefully address an exploit we had yesterday that allowed unauthorized administrator permissions, resulting in unauthorized bans. In the meantime, we've had our moderators take precautions and we're unbanning accounts affected by this. If you believe you might have been banned yesterday from this issue, feel free to reach out and contact a moder...
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04 Jul


Originally posted by byTheBreezeRafa

Well it’s been days and I still can’t see them

The bug has been fixed in the last hotfix. If you mean not seeing the novice servers, that's probably because you perform too well to be allowed on them.

01 Jul


Originally posted by Deargrigh

Hi Jax, nice to have you back! My feedback:

The New Map:

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm actually pretty disappointed with Arid. Credit where it's due; it's nice to have a night map, and it does look absolutely beautiful, but I've actually found it a little boring. Some things I noted that I found a bit disappointing:

There's not a single functional siege engine we can use in this massive siege. There's some catapults sitting around but they're just props. The castle walls are completely inaccessible. We're fighting our way through an entire city, but there's not a single indoor space. None of the buildings have interiors, and there's not a single functioning door. There's no pitfalls, and there's no fun props we can pick up (like the cabbages/apples we got on Noria) — come to think of it, this might be the first map where there's actually nothing to pick up at all; no weapons lying around, no shields, no boulders to throw, or rock buckets, o...

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Server changes: we knew there would be complaints regarding this, but there was no real alternative option here. Consulting the community on this would've been futile, as the response would have been negative. Taking choice away is obviously not what people will respond well to. However, we have simply too much fragmentation, and it's unsustainable in the long-run with diminishing player numbers. It's not just two main modes, it's four - each has 2 size variants. Invasion was more popular, but Frontline was not too far behind. You also have to keep in mind that we added novice servers this patch, which further fragmented the whole thing into two again. Novice servers have been working out so far, so we're hoping this will be a worthwhile sacrifice, but only time will tell.

The voting screen probably doesn't help with this change, since it often provides samey maps for voting (especially alternative scenarios) so there is definitely room for improvement.

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29 Jun


Originally posted by OneEyeTwoHead

I was pumped to make the Kipchak armor they showed off in the old preview but with the colored plates I look f**kin ridiculous.

It's a bug, we'll be fixing it.


Originally posted by Deargrigh

Hi Jax, nice to have you back! My feedback:

The New Map:

I'm sorry to say this, but I'm actually pretty disappointed with Arid. Credit where it's due; it's nice to have a night map, and it does look absolutely beautiful, but I've actually found it a little boring. Some things I noted that I found a bit disappointing:

There's not a single functional siege engine we can use in this massive siege. There's some catapults sitting around but they're just props. The castle walls are completely inaccessible. We're fighting our way through an entire city, but there's not a single indoor space. None of the buildings have interiors, and there's not a single functioning door. There's no pitfalls, and there's no fun props we can pick up (like the cabbages/apples we got on Noria) — come to think of it, this might be the first map where there's actually nothing to pick up at all; no weapons lying around, no shields, no boulders to throw, or rock buckets, o...

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Thanks for summing up your opinion - this will be really helpful to bring to the team. I have a lot of the same questions as well, so it's nice to hear them out in the wild as well.


Originally posted by RocvaurOfDarkCrystal

What is the "upcoming project" we keep getting told the studio is working on? And what is the dev team's plan with Mordhau in the mean time? Many community members are well aware of the diminishing support the game is receiving and we are curious if any of the criticism Mordhau has recieved will be implemented towards managing the next game, whatever it may be.

The next game isn't public yet, can't talk about it unfortunately. I actually haven't been brought into the loop on it at this point, so I'm more or less in the same position as you are as well. As for lessons learned, I'd say that the team has a lot of information to draw from - and hindsight is always 20/20. In the meantime, the plan is periodic content updates and fixes for MORDHAU, we're not dropping support for it.


Originally posted by gustronaut

Where woman? Where Maximilian armor? Where double gold event?

Next major patch on the first two, and we're working on the latter to be a server-side toggle.


Hey all,

We hope you're enjoying the new update! We're absolutely aware of some current issues, and working on hotfixes for them. In the meantime, please let us know what your thoughts on the new update are -just please remember to be constructive, and be courteous to one another. Any feedback, comments, questions, suggestions, etc. are absolutely welcome and will definitely help us iron out any wrinkles with this patch. Thanks!

As for meeting notes, we actually did a bit of a switch-up. We had our meeting last week instead of this week, and that was exclusively focused on the progress of this update and getting it released - so no new notes there. We'll be resuming the normal post next week, so things will be getting back to normal ASAP.

Thanks for reading - if you're interested in the past feedback thread, you can find it here:

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