
Mordhau Dev Tracker

26 Jun


Looks like a bug that can happen on map change, we're investigating.

23 Jun


We'd love to hear your thoughts on the update!

Also, if you want to see the DLC voice pack go here\_Continental_Voice_Pack/)

15 Jun


Originally posted by DrScienceSpaceCat


I'm moving


31 May


Originally posted by TesticleTorture123


That is all.

Thank you for your suggestion, I'll start the next meeting off by saying this :D


Originally posted by KingSlayer05

I don't want to edit that cause Reddit is dumb and will break my entire message, but thank you again for reading if you do, and you too u/Jaaxxxxon for being a homie and listening.

😘 thanks for being a homie and giving constructive feedback we can work with!


Originally posted by KingSlayer05

I've already bugged you Jax about the whole steam select thing, if you guys still plan on bringing team select back in the next patch (please for the love of god do, I cannot stress this enough) I still strongly believe that disabling team switch for the first few minutes is counterintuitive, as again, you will get players who plan to switch switching regardless. I believe the right steps to improve team balance and to stop forced pub stomps is by first allowing team select instantly with no restrictions, then considering the suggestion I am about to mention again. I whole heartedly believe that if we had to choose between forced RNG team stacks, team select with a initial cool down, and finally classic team select before any of this happened, I believe classic team select will be the first right step. Again, I do not think we will ever find a one size fits all sort of solution to this, with the way the skill ceiling in this game is, and just generally how it's sha...

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This is a pretty good idea - I can bring it up to the team in our next meeting for sure. With development we do look for the simplest implementation possible (it just tends to be more elegant and work better) but in this case it might be worthwhile to implement a reinforcement mechanic.

As for the idea behind the limited-duration team lock, what we found looking at some backend data is that certain maps have an attacker/defender advantage. When we looked post-match scoreboards, etc. and which team got stacked, it'd be the team with the map advantage. To counter this, teams are randomized on match start so the initial teamstack can't happen, but after that you can only get a few people swapping teams.

I'd also say that most people are usually going to stick to whatever team they're on, but if they're presented with the option at the start of joining the team with an advantage, they will. This (in theory) should prevent it.

Like you said though, RNG team ass...

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Originally posted by costcohotdoge

Three things came to my mind the other day while playing some invasion.

  • Some rewards for reaching higher levels (200+) would be great for your more loyal players
  • Double XP & Gold weekends with hotfixes would be nice to have every few months at the very least
  • Some type of marketing ad/commercial I believe would help the game alot :)

These are definitely good points! We're doing automated double XP/gold stuff in the future, Dominator has it on his to-do list. I actually reminded him about it today in the meeting, but he has been tied up with a few other tasks in the past couple of weeks, like SDK updating for the new patch. We'll definitely get to it though.


Originally posted by not_consistent

Fellas I love the game. The shot looks gorgeous. Armory update will be pretty sweet. I tend to defend the way yall develop because way I see it, I bought a complete game and I'm not entitled to more content seeing as I've gotten well over my $40 worth of enjoyment over 1300 hours and counting. I'm extremely grateful for continued development but holy crap. Either don't give out a timeline at all or stick to it. I was hoping for something more than soon-ish. This is the first time I've felt I need to add my voice to this discussion thread because I'm running out of patience. I'm a pretty patient person and I'm willing to bet a lot of the less patient folks are now just looking at Chiv 2 steam release. Again I wanna stress that I love yalls work and I want this game to continue to have a pulse but yall are gonna need defibrillators with this patch.

On another note yall need to quit being douchebags to Jax in these threads. It's a videogame not a human rights violation. We wou...

I absolutely understand where you're coming from, I really do - and thanks for the shout about being nice, I definitely appreciate that <3

As for timelines, I wanted to give at least *something* that kind of gets in the ballpark of what we're looking at for a release timeframe, as opposed to just radio silence on that. I get that it's annoying that I can't actually give a date - believe me, I wish I had a date I could throw out, it'd make my life 100x easier. That being said, I do think that even a vague kind of general idea of when the patch might release is better than just not saying a single thing.


Hey all,

Like always, we'd like to hear your feedback on the game - any comments, questions, constructive critiques, feedback, whatever - we'd like to hear it, as it absolutely helps us out with development. In addition to general feedback, we're looking for a bit more specific stuff in a few areas (which you can read about down below). Like always, please be nice to each other, and we absolutely appreciate your comments!

If you haven't seen it already on our other platforms, here's another shot of Arid - this time, the palace area! This has come together pretty recently; while there are a few areas that need some tweaks, we're mostly focused on testing and getting things all ready to go. Expec...

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Originally posted by DrScienceSpaceCat

u/Jaaxxxxon is anything going to be done about spawn beacons? several maps attackers can just place them in spots that have a one-way path or just have 3 engineers build spikes and they can just dominate an objective, you can break it and it just gets rebuilt, same with defending teams being able to put them directly on or beside the obj. You all have changed spawns before to help with the flow of the game, but these just break the flow, spawn beacons seriously need to be removed or reworked to where a limited amount of people can use it.

You can shoot them with arrows sometimes but when the builder can just press end and respawn or re-stock it just gets rebuilt quick, some areas like grad the castle is insanely easy for attackers clog spawn beacons above the enemy spawn and with all the choke points and a few engineers it's incredibly difficult to get up there.

We've been looking into some solutions for sure, can't remember off the top of my head if we have any major changes coming, however.


Originally posted by MM_Double_M

Dear Jaxxx I know it's difficult to give an estimation on when this patch will be out. But I beg you, we need to know some sort of time frame because the game is not doing well. There are just too many issues with the current build of the game like the scimitar speed, toolbox build glitches and team balancing not working correctly. And due to the lack of content the playerbase is dwindling. So please do us a favor :)

It's hard to give a time frame, but at the moment we're pretty much testing - there isn't a TON of stuff to do. We're on the tail end of the development cycle for this patch :)

18 May


Originally posted by TeenyTinyWyvern

We're aware that you all would like heraldry-based emblems, and we're looking at some emblems that will fit thematically into the next update; while also planning out some more for the future.


Who has been requesting this? I feel like the vast majority of the playerbase would just like you guys to actually update the game faster than a snails pace. Like, seriously, 7 Days to Die gets updated more than this game now, and that's just plain sad

Like the last 3 reddit posts had heraldry in the top few suggestions, and they're 2D images so not the hardest thing to add into the game.


Howdy folks!

As always, we'd like to hear your thoughts on the game; any feedback or comments, concerns, suggestions, etc. are super helpful for us, and we do appreciate them. Of course, please keep things civil and constructive - we can't really work with "game bad", but we can use constructive criticism to improve the game. Thanks!

For development notes:
With Arid, we're beginning testing beginning this week; the collision and structures/models/meshes are all good, and now the focus is on doing internal playtests to iron things out. What we're interested in is testing lighting (it's a night map, so we're tweaking for visibility), performance/optimization and general bug testing. There are still a few things left in terms of propping the map with a bunch of little objects, and a few little odds and ends. Overall though, the map is now playable internally and the majority of the work is now focused on testing.

Arid is still our main priority, but there ...

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10 May


Originally posted by Deargrigh

I love you Jax and I know it's not your fault

:') love u too

08 May


Originally posted by KriegerGoose

Capitalism bad

V spam good


also dm me i don't have it yet (or add me as a friend if you're not in the mord discord)


edit: I'd do it on reddit but reddit's ui is just bad and annoying

06 May


Originally posted by KriegerGoose

Now that I think about kickstarter, I never got my longsword skin from the kickstarter campaign :(

send me a dm on discord and we'll sort it out

03 May


Originally posted by Deargrigh

I'm still worried that the pace of development isn't good enough to stem the bleeding of active players.

Updating to a newer engine version was blamed for the previous slow pace of content updates. Now that this isn't an issue, and you have also hired more people for the purpose of speeding development, do you not worry that 4 (5?) months for one map is still a bit too long a wait?

Well, maps do take a while to get released - I wish it wasn't as long, but it is what it is. We have hired more people, and those people are helping with Mordhau currently as well - our eventual new project isn't taking up much at all in terms of dev time.

This map actually has come together quite a bit quicker than others though - before, we'd have one artist do pretty much an entire map solo, which ended up taking ages. At the time, that was kind of a necessity - in the early days for us we only had like 2 level design guys. Now, we have essentially a team of people that can knock out maps in about half the time.


Hey all!

Like usual, we'd love to hear your current thoughts on MORDHAU - general observations, comments, questions, constructive critique, suggestions; you name it, we'd like to hear it! Staying up-to date with what you'd like to see in the game is super important for us and helps massively with continued development.

As for development notes:

With Arid, we're more or less done with all of the base art. The artists have simplified a lot of the assets, etc. to make things a bit easier and speed up development. The rest of the map needs interiors finalized, miscellaneous propping (putting a random barrel here or there, set dressing), lighting, and general cleanup. Most of everything else is done - we've done quite a bit to get the roads and terrain of the map up to par, buildings have textures and models taken care of, etc. The last things to do are to finish up the palace area, fix up a few issues and ideally, we should start playtesting around next week or ...

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