
Mordhau Dev Tracker

07 Jun

05 Jun


Originally posted by DoubleJesusPower


"have at them, boys" vs "have at them boys" - two entirely different meanings monkaS


Originally posted by Techiastronamo

Yeah I really expected dagger play to be much more interesting in-game, but they're complete trash. Fists do a much better job.

poleaxe blunt side to head = 60, then chamber their next attack and hit 2 mid-chamber, instant swap to dagger and stab em in the face for the extra 40 when they're panic parrying


Originally posted by cookyouanything

the upcoming patch has new cosmetics, balance changes, and a new map. It is supposed to be this week so just be patient.

map might not be in it, and no timelines. soon™ but not necessarily a week


mordhau: friendship is magic :^)


Originally posted by Limphaaan

Yeah idk my friend did some wacky 360 move. Not quite sure how it happened.

You can accel pretty hard, what happened here is your friend did at least a 180 spin in the windup alone, so you were actually past his swing when it went into release, and he just murdered some air with the rest of the spin.

If he hit you on the way back around it would have done 1/3rd damage and glanced off you.

04 Jun


stab dragging throwing off timing is necessary, without it stabs would be useless against players with decent defense


- you can do demorec [name] then hop in a local match and demoplay [name]
- in local you can also spawn in, type toggledamage, go 3p, go into spectator and look at your ghost


coming soon™

in the meantime feel free to turn off the chat, i do it personally


Originally posted by enormak

doing 0/2/2 and bloodlust, sometimes the rapier/spear stabs to the face make me think 2/2/0 would be better though. Getting decent with dragging the maul is definitely game changing though such a fun time.

the meta armor priority is: put on chest armor, same armor tier or 1 less for head, same tier or 1 less for legs
333, 332, 232, 231, 221, 121 etc. wearing no helmet but medium legs isn't as viable, wearing heavy head and light chest is a waste of points, etc.

but that's just for optimal play, 033 looks neat but just expect getting one shot often


Originally posted by wolfgeist

This is not quite accurate.

A chamber can be parried or chambered.

The purpose of a chamber actually isn't to have the chamber mechanic activate, it's for IF someone feints their attack, your "mirrored" attack will hit when they feint. The actual chamber mechanic of deflecting the weapon into an attack is just kind of a backup for if they DON'T feint.

However, morphs are more common than feints and morphs will defeat chambers unless you cancel the chamber and parry.

It's also worth noting that after the chamber mechanic activates, you can morph the chambered attack which is useful against people who thrust a lot. Chamber the thrust, and morph your thrust into an overhead attack. But be careful of people who often morph thrusts, which is most people.

it's also a lot easier to read a morph than it is to read a feint, or a morph-feint.

mordhau's combat is like playing rock-paper-scissors with your left hand, and arm wrestling with your other hand, while riding a unicycle; chambers beat feints, feints beat parries, morphs beat chambers, but only if you're reactive and time it well, as good timing and mindgames can make a feint beat a chamber etc. And then of course you need good footwork and positioning for proper offense/defense


Originally posted by teripper

A recent patch should've fixed that from happening, I haven't seen that problem since then.

we're fixing it again soon™


Originally posted by bretstrings

They need to fix the blue spawn points.

Its literally the only thing wrong with the map.

Spawn 1 is essentially closer to mid than Spawn 2. Its stupid.

Fixing spawns and opening up a new route soon™


Fixed in the next update. s00n.

03 Jun


Originally posted by kintaro86

Awesome, are there any devs playing on EU servers as well? :D

Most devs are in Europe so you're more likely to run into one there


Originally posted by -SeriousMike

But the most important question: Is that your dog in the picture?

Almost - it's my brother's dog :)


Originally posted by Aurora_Fatalis

Wasing the reference with the mistborn and your name?

Nope, name came from chiv when a few buddies and I found an invisibility bug and changed our names to synonyms of "ghost", just stuck with mine.


Originally posted by anor_wondo

Totally off topic. But how different is Game UI compared to usual webdev with js?

UE4's UMG system & blueprints are a lot nicer to work with on all levels


Originally posted by Aljetab

Isnt the team from slovenia? Or were you remote

Almost all of us work remotely


That's me :) Hope to fight more of you on the battlefield, usually you can find me on US-East servers.

To answer a few questions from this thread: This loadout is one of my pubstomp setups where I spawn with cleaver and scavenge a primary - I'm bound to the same restrictions as everyone else. I played Chivalry competitively in a top team for years and try to keep up a similar form with the comp scene in Mordhau.