
Mordhau Dev Tracker

03 May


Originally posted by StarWight_TTV

Why is it that female characters, something supposedly planned from the kickstarter, is only having a "bit" of work put into it now? Why the delays with this? Why is it YEARS later, and still no female characters--and even now, most of your art team as you say, is focused on Arid--and not something that was supposed to have been a feature before the game was even a game?

The reason there's not a ton of work on them currently is because they aren't planned for this update, and instead we have all of the artists working on Arid - there's no real reason to slow down development on this update in order to get a little bit of progress completed for the future patch, if that makes sense.

25 Apr


Originally posted by Jaaxxxxon


serious note: mmo's are definitely out of scope for our team, you usually need to have hordes of employees to even consider it


Originally posted by DescriptionSpecial45

Might really be worth it to remarket the game as a UE5 game with enhanced visuals and you might get a lot more cash money for it since there are not many UE5 games out. (Free remaster DLC/Update and sell the game as Mordhau Remastered? Could be a good idea to raise with the team since you're already remastering the combat.)

The lighting and enhanced visuals would be awesome, would allow for even grittier visuals, thought it would be a good suggestion seeing as you said you are looking at updating the engine in order to be able to hotfix after releasing a patch so it would be a good opportunity to do a port to UE5.

Can you please leave a comment and confirm whether the team will consider this Jax?

Hey! So at the moment we're not looking at doing a MORDHAU remaster for our next project - for a few reasons. Mostly because UE5 is pretty brand new, porting it over would effective stop any further development on mord, and if we are going to swap engines, it's probably best to make a completely new game, whether it's 'Mordhau 2' or something a bit different.

The development time needed would require us to sell a UE5 version, and it would be a slap in the face to y'all if we just updated some graphics and charged $30.

tl;dr - unlikely


Originally posted by DrScienceSpaceCat

I'm excited for the class folders, now I can finally have all my memes in one folder so I don't need to search for it.

Yep, but you can also search for it as well via the loadout search bar :)


Originally posted by SPARTAN-258

Thanks a lot for the explanation. I figured it couldn't be so simple but it just goes to show how complicated game development really is :/

A WIP build could be a good idea but I doubt the playerbase is big enough for that...

No problem! And yeah, there's definitely value to feedback, it's just not always applicable all the time.

Also - we were floating the idea of a public playtest around, but we haven't come to a decision on that as of now.


Originally posted by ZiggityZeke

I assume it's part of the unified design (with controller support) for the console ports.

correct, easier to have one system as opposed to maintaining two. Also, there's more functionality and in general less clicks to do whatever you want.


Originally posted by _p4cal

Left to right is fine. I like the idea of folders. Do you plan on making load out backups (which are unfortunately necessary) more easy? E.g. separate Textfile/ folder instead of squishing it in the game.ini

I don't think there's plans for that, although there should be a backup game.ini.

Changing that aspect of the inventory system kind of goes into the point of diminishing returns - if anything, we would probably look into fixing loadouts getting wiped as opposed to making backups easier to use.

20 Apr


Originally posted by SPARTAN-258

New armory UI seems really good! I don't know if I prefer it over the old one but having folders will be so goddamn useful! Overall I think it's better

Glad the work on Arid is going smoothly, however I think you should change how you actually work on the maps. It's a bit too late for Arid, but for any future maps, I think you should consistently post screenshots on the actual layout, how the objectives will work, etc. You don't want to spend months on a map that the community will just end up not liking, and personally I don't see any downsides to just sharing how the map will work gameplay wise. And I'm talking about just the layout itself, it could all be white polygons, it wouldn't matter, we just need to know how the actual layout works. And when you've found a good layout that most people really like, then you can start working on the art itself. Of course I'm not a game dev but from the perspective of a player I think this is the best approach.

And about wome...

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I agree that we should definitely share more of the early stages, but we can't develop an entire map design based on feedback - this might sound a bit harsh, but let me explain.

If we decided to take feedback into account on the actual design, we would never get a proper consensus from players, and "design by reddit/committee" just ends up with kinda mediocre results. We can absolutely take feedback for specific things, but the level designers create a map based on our lessons learned with objective flow, respawn/gameplay timing and pacing, performance and technical requirements, etc.

You can kind of get an idea of what's needed by looking at a whitebox layout and having experience in the game for sure, but changing the overall/core design of a map requires technical knowledge that most people (including myself) don't have.

Player feedback is super important - while we can't really use public feedback for the reasons I listed above (i.e. 15 people think we s...

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19 Apr


Originally posted by SkyTheKaiser

Pls coin bag for rock skin Also please make the old menu an option for people who like the old menu look, it is a good idea

(copy/paste from another reply)

With this UI stuff it's not just a cosmetic switch, it's a complete rework of the entire UI and interaction system how how you actually click on things in menus and such, so no swapping between the two.


Originally posted by dankmemesm80

Can we please have the option to keep the current armory? I'm sorry but that new screenshot looks really rough, blocky, and unintuitive to my eyes. I prefer the aesthetic of what we have now.

No, we're not going to be supporting the old version - it's already gone internally.

With this UI stuff it's not just a cosmetic switch, it's a complete rework of the entire UI and interaction system how how you actually click on things in menus and such.


Originally posted by 12poundsofdust

Was there any discussion regarding changes to how Triternon's dev cycle operates? The current method that renders hotfixes impossible beyond the week that an update is released might be feasible for a game that hasn't been released to the public, but when a title is released like this, the lack of patches and fixes make it look like the dev team doesn't care about their game. You mentioned bringing this issue up to the dev team a month ago, but we haven't seen any acknowledgement of Triternon actually coming up with a solution.

At the moment, no - not with the version control stuff. We hadn't built our workflow around it for this game (big mistake obviously) and it's still technically possible to do it, but that might end up causing a development delay or slowing us down in unexpected ways.

I believe that we're still looking into it, but it's not the number one priority, unfortunately.


Originally posted by Nay0n

There were important question from last q&a not answered. Higher tickrates, engine updates, npc guards. Can you adresses these important questions the community had for the devs?

Yeah, for sure - I'll go grab some of those and post em in here with responses this week.


Originally posted by KevlR

Imo it's better keep the "menu" on the right side but it is what it is i guess

Some stuff kinda pops out in different menus, so it expands left → right. If we had stuff on the right it would kinda end up being weird and squash in and overlap, especially in different languages that are wordy.


Hey everyone,

As usual, we'd love to hear your feedback on the game - any comments, questions, concerns, etc. are all welcome here; your feedback is extremely valuable to us and helps us massively with development. In addition to feedback, we'd like to share a bit on what's been going on behind the scenes! Like always, please keep comments on topic - and please be courteous to others.

As for feedback, this week we looked at quite a few things, although a few notable talking points this week were:

  • We touched on a bit of feedback about annoying objective designs, such as one defender being able to hold up the trebuchet on the alternate Grad INV map, and how to make things a bit more consistent across the board in terms of gameplay.
  • We discussed a few potential issues that were raised about nobles, and a general lack of counterplay for them against ranged opponents. At the moment, no particular decision on this but we are exploring some option...
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08 Apr


appeals and stuff should go through reddit modmail/ discord dms, not discussed in public - it doesn't help with appeals to clutter the sub with this kind of thing, and imo it detracts from subreddit as a whole. I'm free to discuss it but let's do it in a private chat.

05 Apr


Like I said above, apologies for this one being a little light on info. I'll add more stuff to this post if I can get more stuff to share with y'all. :)


Hey all,

As usual, we'd like to hear your feedback - and share some insight on what's going on behind the scenes! Please be sure to ask any sort of question you might have, give feedback, constructive criticism, or suggestions - they're incredibly helpful for us, and we appreciate all of them. Now, onto development!

Like before, we're keeping a running list of known problems:

  • The sky-building stuff is being investigated; for now, our moderators will be removing people who use this method to be disruptive or grief matches.
  • The scimitar will be getting nerfed a bit!
  • Team switching restrictions will be changed; after the first few minutes, teams will be unlocked. This should help to prevent people stacking a specific team initially, but allow people to swap sides afterwards to keep things balanced. If this doesn't work, we'll look into further fixes.

Development update:
Mostly, we're just working on Ari...

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01 Apr


Originally posted by DeusWombat

In the future you can take screenshots or video preferably and send it to the devs or the community Mod here. They actually take these things seriously and have banned a fee accounts before

The mods have banned like a couple of thousand of accounts for griefing / exploiting/ votekick abuse, some temp, some permanent. We just need a report with evidence (screenshot of the player list and pic/video of whatever they're doing) to log it and take action.

Edit: reddit/discord mods are in-game admins as well, so a report here will do. They're usually a bit more responsive to DMs via discord since that's kind of the main hub for them, but you'll get reports taken care of from here too.

30 Mar


Originally posted by DrScienceSpaceCat

That's the worst thing about Noria Invasion, the middle room is always the last to go and it always ends with people blocking the door and it getting barraged by fire bombs spammed.

I think we'll probably be looking at some tweaks for Arid sometime after we release it, so if we're already rebalancing one map, might as well do another then as well.

AFAIK, all the map people are working on Arid, so I don't think we'll see major updates to Noria's objective design in the next patch - but it's something we can definitely take a look at in the future.