
Mordhau Dev Tracker

06 Mar


Originally posted by Explorer_the_No-life

Will you give us normal votekick option in menu, so we can kick trolls and toxic assholes without need to look up console commands at net?

Will I eventually get German Kettle and Black Sallet in T3 versions with bevors?

Like others said, there's non-console votekick functionality. We do need to make things more visible and communicate these types of things to players, though.

03 Mar


Originally posted by DaTrout7

For the eventual console port, will there be cross play as in pc vs console gameplay?

Will the game be balanced towards pc balance or mutual balance?

In my opinion I don’t think you can play on the same skill level on controller as you can on keyboard and mouse. Other games such as FPS games use things like aim assist which tends to cheapen the experience.

No crossplay for PC and consoles, getting parity between inputs isn't really possible.

02 Mar


thanks for snitching :P


Hey everyone, sorry for the late post!

Like always, we'd love to hear your ideas for the future of MORDHAU - any comments, questions, feedback, suggestions etc. are all welcome, and they help steer us onto the right track for development. Please be respectful to each other and keep posts constructive, thanks!

As for this week's development, no major notes; we skipped this week's meeting and we're reformatting how we do them in general to be more efficient. Expect notes to resume as normal going forwards though. With that being said, a few things that we've done this week are:

  • Arid: The new map is still our primary goal, and work continues on its development.
    • The castle section is getting more art done, such as lightmaps, details etc.
    • FL/INV are getting further development, with tweaks to the existing structure based on internal feedback.
    • The gatehouse area is being further developed; breaking the building into smaller ...
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23 Feb


Originally posted by LSDPETERSLD

I vouch for: Options, just add what people say and add that in the list beneath "Team Markers" (or whatever was the option called)

U want armbands? Pick that choice. I want holo and outlines? I pick THAT choice. It's that simple

Well, at least they didn't remove the option to toggle team markers

So options are cool and we try to add them when we can, but from my understanding when we update the game or engine version it means that there are more things that need to be addressed and more potential points of failure. This doesn't mean we won't ever add any more settings, but it just means that we have to be a bit more conservative in that regard.


Originally posted by Moholbi

Can you hint us what is the general purpose of changing the riposte animations? Just to make them more clear or is there gonna be a mechanical change?

More clear animations, for the most part, but we're looking at some general timing changes etc.


Originally posted by Wide_Internet9512

It's likely incredibly low in priority. I would also love these to be added.

Yeah, going back and finding all the VA's and getting them to re-record lines is probably not gonna happen :(

22 Feb


Hello everyone!

New week, same drill - if you all have any questions, suggestions, or general thoughts on the game, we'd love to hear them! Like always, please be civil to each other, and also keep things constructive - thanks! :)

As for this week, most of the work was on the armory and Arid - there haven't been any major issues so far, currently we've just been taking bites out of our to-do list. A little more detail from this week:

  • Crush has been making some good progress on ripostes; while changing an animation isn't the most time-consuming thing in the world, there's a difference between changing an animation and making that animation readable. Animations are a huge part of the gameplay, so we've been taking our time here.
  • Work continues on Arid - it's still the main priority for development. Elwebarro is working on interior lighting and other FX related things, trying to nail the feel for the level. Lighting on this map will be a little...
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Originally posted by DSofren

For Controller Users: When can we expect an option to turn off toggle crouching and/or an option to revert back to the old movement system that doesn’t make you sprint when you push the stick all the way forward?

We can definitely look into gamepad changes, we'll probably need to fix all that up when we do console ports regardless!


Originally posted by l4dl4dl4d

when can i play as a chicken please please please please please



7. You shall not engage in witch hunts.
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Originally posted by DrScienceSpaceCat

u/Jaaxxxxon how come in Blue Attack Grad Invasion the 4th obj (where you're capturing the trebuchets) is the only obj in the game where you need to have EVERY. SINGLE. ENEMY. off the obj to capture it, with spawn flags especially it just makes the objective broken, you could have half your team on it and one red on it prevents it from capping.

We could look a little at tweaking it, depends on the balance of the specific objective


Originally posted by JPRei

Are there any plans to adjust the speed of combo on miss? The current setup leads to some pretty funky initiative, where punishing misses is highly unreliable and dependent on weapon matchup.

Similarly, the recovery time on ‘blunt’ hits (hitting walls and team mates) is now significantly lower than missing. It seems odd to incentivise hitting walls/the floor/your teammates over simply missing.

This also leads to some odd situations whereby parrying a hit that’s redirected into a teammate by your opponent GUARANTEES they get a hit on you, as it doesn’t seem to trigger the miss detector and their follow up attack is lightning fast.

We're looking into general combat changes that avoids a feeling of being locked into certain actions, but still allows punishing mistakes when they happen.


Originally posted by Krauser_Kahn

  • For whatever reason this game doesn't change the audio output device to the one I select in Windows. If I plug my headphones and select them as default I have to completely disable my speakers in order for the audio to be output from the headphones.

  • Carry from last week: Please fix the issue where when you exit the game, the process UnrealCEFSubProcess.exe doesn't stop and Steam considers you are still playing the game and thus doesn't let you do anything until you kill the process manually or restart Steam. I had to make an script to run after every play session.

First one's probably on your end, I've never heard of this before. As for the second, I've also never had that happen but I'll see if this is a widespread problem.


Originally posted by Wide_Internet9512

Thank you for the update Jaaxx, we appreciate it.

I've noticed, both from my own observation as well as from other players in chat, that the invasion objectives on Castello and Noria are a bit boring.

Please bear in mind I'm not knowledgable about the dev process, so I may say something that is unrealistic or low priority.


The initial objective of holding that spot by the staircase is a bit lacking in my opinion. Its just an empty area where people duke it out. I feel like it would be more enjoyable if it was a bit more dynamic, like maybe some barriers to go over/hide behind, a mounted ballista for the defending team, or something like stones/oil to drop from above. More often than not the attacking team breezes through that objective.

I feel the defense of the crank wheels that open the gate is great. No feedback there.

The escorting of the cart and the pillaging of the gold/burning of stuff is great, no feedback there.

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Thanks for the feedback, we can definitely work with this. Atm our map people are all busy with Arid, but we occasionally do balance passes/tweaks on other maps too :)


Originally posted by SillyOldJack

I would like to see some adjustments for AI behavior for bot games, mostly Frontline. It's probably a rare/niche way to play, but playing Mordhau in bot games actually really relaxes me. Unfortunately, the bots are getting dumber and dumber.

My biggest issues are:

  • Pathing
    • Stuck on geometry
    • Stuck on doorways
    • Stuck on each other
    • Walking into walls/objects in the way of wherever they are trying to get to
  • Targets/Objectives
    • Attacking friendly objects, such as carts, constructed walls/spikes
    • Opening/closing doors can cause two bots to end up stuck in a loop (admittedly this is pretty funny to watch)
  • Other
    • Broken bots. They simply don't do anything after spawning. About up to 15% of bots in some matches seem to just stand there, even when enemies are near.

We can look into this, atm the priority is on more of Horde for bots as opposed to the other modes - but a lot of these issues still apply.


Originally posted by JohnWickStuntDouble

Please please finally implement folders for builds. At level 200 I have to scroll a country mile.

That's part of the armory stuff for next patch!


Originally posted by Explorer_the_No-life

Give me the German Kettle and Black Sallet in T3, bevored versions!

Good to read, that there will be some changes to riposte, these damn nose-to-the-ground accels are anyoing. How is work with rest of the combat changes going? Again, I recommend removing quick parry, it is unfair mechanic for people, who use good spacing to avoid attacks and score hits. It lets people get away with missed swings way too often.

Asking again, how about more Polish-Lithuanian stuff for second part of Eastern Invasion? Joupons, fuzzy hats and scarfs, textile belts, Hussar saber and warhammer, koncerz skin for Estoc? Also, Tatar hats and Cossack hairstyle? Do you plan to add any of these?

Quick parry has always been in the game with combo feint to parry, so removing the quick parry would nerf people who don't know the mechanics. As for removing cftp, it would buff weapons like the maul, exe swords, etc that can't rely on combos to ftp since no weapon would be able to. As it stands, quick parry/cftp costs a ton of stam and it's not viable to crutch on it.

As for cosmetics, the second half will still be desert themed, not eastern european, so that kind of stuff wouldn't make sense for the update. That being said, it would be cool to have some more stuff like that in the future!


Originally posted by seannyboi

I have green ping on US West servers for the first time in MONTHS! Thank you for swapping out those servers!!

:) I'm west coast so I've been enjoying it too!