
Mordhau Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by 12poundsofdust

Change how the coding process works within Tirternon, previous comments showcase that the current process makes it impossible to release hotfixes after the first few weeks of each major update. This is awful for keeping the game alive, as it allows glitches and overpowered weapons to be abused for months before anything can be done about it. Even in scenarios where these issues are few and far between, small and consistent updates help portray that the game is alive and constantly being worked on to the casual player.

It's one of those things where it's relatively easy to get a system working like this prior to release, but once the game is out... it's not trivial to implement. Hindsight is 20/20. We're doing the best we can, trying to leverage content updates with backend improvements. I'll be sure to let everyone know if we can figure out a solution.

23 Mar


Originally posted by Explorer_the_No-life

Female characters still in the early stages? Something, that you have promised already in your Kickstarter? Tweaks for Scimitar are coming so long, that it seems they will never be here. I know you people are a small team, but this is getting awkward. At least release the changes for Scimitar and other small stuff as hotfix, don't wait with it for next major update.

You never answered my question- will we get a German Kettle and Black Sallet in T3 versions with bevors?

Servers are lagging again, although not as much as it used to.

We can look into some new cosmetics for sure. As I've mentioned in a few past threads, we can't really hotfix after a few weeks, which is something we've looked at changing.


Originally posted by mulymuly123

Longbow buff when? -Gobo

IMO the bows need to just be more fun; they're not terrible in terms of their effectiveness, they're just... unsatisfying to use. Animators are tied up a bit with the melee stuff animation reworks that are ongoing, but it might be something good to look into afterwards!


Originally posted by Gomer-san

New/improved Invasion scenarios. You should be aiming to have 2 for every map. We haven't had a new alt since blue grad. I mean the objectives are already there in frontline.

I would change the royalty on Noria to a king and his princes, have the players control them and make one of them a child (dwarf) for a bit of extra fun.

Honestly the commander/noble objectives are the best Invasion stages, please make more.

Fair point, if I have to guess we'll probably have a minor update after Arid and before the next major update; we could probably knock out quite a few for that. I'll bring it up to the team!


Originally posted by Ceril-

I’d also love to see more emblems.

I know I’ve seen the argument that it won’t happen because the Kickstarter backers paid to have emblems put into the game, but the devs not adding more for that reason is akin to not adding more longsword skins because the Kickstarter longsword exists.

I’ve heard rumors that historical emblems were turned down by backers that submitted them, but I’m not sure how true that is. Regardless, I think it would be nice to see more historical-style emblems, even if they’re not 100% historically accurate.

Some historical emblems have unfortunately been repurposed by some... unsavory political ideologies, so a few aren't able to be added. Considering how some of the community has gained a pretty bad reputation, we have to err on the side of caution. This being said, there are a ton of historical emblems that are possible for us to add, and we can definitely look into getting more heraldry in-game in the future.

At the moment all of the artists that would make emblems are either making Arid, or working on the Armory update. After Arid, we might have a bit more freedom for smaller additions to the game, but as of the past few updates we've been trying to focus on the biggest bang for our buck when it comes to content. Hope this helps!

22 Mar


i have no idea if is sarcasm or not

but thanks!

or uhh sorry you feel that way :(


Hey all!

As you might know, we've switched to dev meetings every two weeks, and people have seemed to want us to also shift these posts to bi-weekly as well. Like usual, we'd love to hear any feedback on the game, whether that be comments, suggestions, constructive critiques, etc. Please keep things on-topic and be nice to one another.

Also, we'll be keeping a bit of a running log of some known issues and prominent planned changes, as per feedback on the last post. Some of those are:

  • We're aware of people building stuff in the sky; while some of this isn't disruptive to the game, unfortunately people are abusing it and griefing matches. We're looking at ways to fix this for the next update, while removing disruptive players from officials for a little while.
  • The scimitar will be getting tweaks to bring it more in-line with other weapons.
  • Team switching restrictions will be changed; after the first few minutes, teams will be unlocked. ...
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Originally posted by Trollaciousness

Extremely toxic moderator who plays on US West

I've yet to see any actual evidence of him being abusive, if I get any I will be able to actually see what's going on and take action (if needed).


Originally posted by nottaxy

please being back team selection

Planned for next update - after a few minutes into the match, teams will be unlocked.

20 Mar


Originally posted by St0uty

i only posted it here to get Jax's attention for the booster


14 Mar


Originally posted by KasiFlow

Just hotfix it. Continuing to wait forever to release balance changes is what pisses people off. You've done hotfixes before. Please stop repeating mistakes. It's been 2 years.

Our version control doesn't really allow us to hotfix past a few-weeks window.

When we release an update, there's about 2-4 weeks where we hold off on putting in-progress stuff into the 'code', which allows us to fix issues. Once we've past that point, we start adding development, WIP kinda stuff back into the game. Once we do that, we can't really go and fix things from the old build, because there's no guarantee that we'd be able to port that stuff back and make it functional.

I'm doing a terrible job explaining this, but I hope it gives you some insight. We have looked at changing how we do things in the past, but we didn't finalize that due to some technical issues.

11 Mar


Originally posted by Erid0s

Hey guys, could you please fix Buckler? :D Problem is if you want to use your fist as a wepon with buckler, it is not possible nor you can kick. Please please please patch this, we actually have 'Target battle discipline' league that would added a lot more fun! Thank you!

Shields with fists aren't something we're really looking into, since fists are actually an OP weapon that's held back by the fact you can't parry :D


Originally posted by Sharps__

Even if you don't have new information, you really should make a point of acknowledging the hot-button issues so we don't have the same responses in every thread. Even if the answer is just a rehash of "we're working on it."

I'll list the top issues here so everyone else doesn't need to post them:

  • Team switch
  • Scimitar nerf
  • The lack of meticulously animated full-penetrative historically accurate sex

Those issues have been addressed + fixed internally, I think I posted about it about 3 (?) weeks ago. That being said, I should keep them rolling over into each post, as sort of a 'planned fixes'/known issues kind of deal. Good suggestion!

10 Mar


To clarify a bit on the question I'm asking at the end:

We're moving our meetings to every two weeks, so that way the devs can have more work actually done before reporting in. It's also helpful since for me the meeting is at 7/8AM, but for the bulk of the team it's at around 8PM. Makes life a bit easier for all parties involved.

This means that there can't be weekly dev notes; while I can see that there is stuff being done, I don't really have a ton of context aside from some commits to the internal build. When we do the dev meetings, I'll often ask a bit for some clarification on certain things and for the okay to share other things. Without that additional info, I run the risk of not accurately portraying what's going on - also, some things are being developed but don't show in the internal changelog until they get added to the build.

So, back to the question; since I can't give weekly updates on dev progress any longer, do you want:

  • Weekl...
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Originally posted by BurgerKid

I agree with this. Weekly threads are nice but if we can be more in depth every 2 weeks with some developer comments. This could be pretty cool. Jax is doing an amazing job in keeping us in the loop, I can’t complain about even MORE and in-depth community engagement.

Thanks yall :)

If we do weekly ones, every other post won't have dev notes. It's kind of a bummer, but at the same time it will be a bit less repetitive while also meaning that the dev notes will have a bit more 'meat' on them :)


Hey all!

As usual, we'd love to hear your feedback on the game - any comments, questions, concerns, etc. are all welcome here; your feedback is extremely valuable to us and helps us massively with development. Like always, please keep comments on topic - and please be courteous to others. Thanks!

As for development, here's a screenshot of what we've been working on for the past few weeks! Arid is coming along pretty nicely, especially with some improved workflows and also getting all hands on deck in terms of artists for development.

As you might be able to ...

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07 Mar


every day :')

It was a weird loophole in some bot perms where it would reference everyone - sorry for the issue. It's fixed now though!


Originally posted by Dinoguy666

Alright, thank you! I hope the bot will not be able to be abused like that again lol

Hope not! It was some obscure permissions loophole.


We fixed it, unforeseen bot issue. :(