
Mordhau Dev Tracker

30 Jul


Originally posted by AleksiMizaro

I've been having a lot of discussions about the estoc recently. It's in such a bad place right now - it's god awful except in specific circumstances and team comps where it's op and frustrating to play against.

From what I understand, the general consensus is that the 2htk headshots paired with the reach and fast windup are what makes it so hated at the moment.

To understand the downsides (mainly for duels), compare it to the longsword:

For the *stab* it has the same hits to kill (unless you're lucky enough to headshot twice), a worse turncap, worse recovery, only 25ms longer release and 50ms faster windup. The longer reach is a definite advantage, but remember: this is for a weapon a lot more expensive and infinitely worse at slashing. Stabbing is meant to be its focus. And yet it's very very similar to the longsword.

The slash is laughably bad, taking 5 whole body hits to kill - almost not even worth using. Adding on to this, the parry drain negat...

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yeah we're looking to tweak it, but the chamber stuff was annoying because chambers are much easier than actually hard-reading an attack so not sure about that one


Originally posted by HPADude


if this cant be fixed, pls just tell us

It cannot be fixed without the audio lines clipping.


Originally posted by ETucc

Falx has the same damage as Executioner sword, except it combos and 1-hits T1 body. It's the same length too.

It's broken and will be nerfed if added.

we know the experimental one is op, it's being tweaked


Originally posted by dunkulees

Have you ever considered doing something similar to the CSGO workshop? Where people can submit their skins or maps to be added to the game

Eh, we've talked about it but the thing is that there is no guarantee they'd match up quality and standard wise to what's in the game. It's not even like "oh they will look bad" is the reason - more that if they don't make the items the same way they're made by the art guys, even if they're good quality they will look super out of place.


stimpee would be proud


Originally posted by Naut1lus_

How did they do this?

see the trick is to find an opponent that sits still and doesn't backpedal more than 3 mm and you'll land the hit, but if they know how to press their s key you don't land the hit


Originally posted by ETucc

I commend you for listening to your mercenaries. Transparency will save you from another patchie riot.



Originally posted by XSOCommando

Hi, I am a player from South Africa and I have a request for the devs. The player base in South Africa is rather low so we are not able to fill up invasion servers easily. Most of the time we are only able to play deathmatch due to the low playerbase. Unfortunately there are no official servers for deathmatch and we may not be able to host these deathmatch servers forever. I am requesting the devs if they can please add an official deathmatch server for South Africa? Mordhau is a really great game, one that I am very passionate about. Please consider my request.

I find battlemetrics reports for player count on servers to be quite accurate. Community Hosted Deathmatch server Official Invasion Server Dia5

alright, we'll see what we can do! :)

29 Jul


Originally posted by Deargrigh

Of course you can!

dopeeeeeeee thanks


wow can I share this on twitter? the world needs to see this majesty

28 Jul


Originally posted by AlbertDarkBat

It would be better if they made a normal arrangement of beards, etc., as in the picture, it feels as if all the beards and how they look were made by a person who has never seen a thick beard in his life

I'm like 99% sure that beard is in the game


That's a kick, not a ban for one. Two, you're griefing by throwing smoke bombs at the friendly catapult, stop doing that. If you did that to a normal player they would probably do the same, because it's annoying.

There are probably other things that are not present in this clip that led to his decision to kick you from the match, and we'll never know. Locking the thread because this violates rule 7 anyways.


Some notes from our dev meeting today:

  • We've identified issues with laptops that automatically switch from an integrated gpu to a discrete card (power savings measure) that can cause a crash on startup, or during gameplay. This seems to not be exclusive to Mordhau, and may also happen on other UE4 games as well. We're currently investigating it, and trying to find a solution.
  • We have been investigating quite a few bugs, such as resolution errors that require switching to windowed mode to get into the settings, etc. no resolution on all of them yet but we're considering some fixes that can help to alleviate the issues, even if we're unable to pin down the underlying cause. We'll see what we can come up with.
  • Ranked matchmaking implementation for team ranked is in development. It's not just as simple as taking ranked duels and adding more people on each team, and so we've been putting some work on getting the queue system and all that up to speed. No e...
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Hello everybody!

As always, we appreciate the feedback, suggestions and critiques. Keep 'em coming, we'd love to know what's on your mind! Like usual, keep suggestions/feedback constructive, and let's be nice to each other :)

Going forwards, we'll be adding a few notes of what we've discussed in our weekly dev team meetings as a pinned comment. As a bit of a disclaimer, some things we talk about are not able to be shared, as they're experimental/early stage/etc. or information we'd like to save for a more dramatic reveal. For the things we do share, keep in mind that it's not a 100% confirmation of features being added, just what we've been talking about recently.

Last week's post can be found here:

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there may be something coming soon™ ;)
edit: we don't really rework items that are already in-game, it's better to add new stuff because then you have 2 items instead of 1 item


Originally posted by Rowmacnezumi

Seen "Dumpstered", "Spirit Bombed", "Destroyed" myself.

seymour is displeased


f*cking 1%'ers with their goddamn plumes

i'm just making a joke don't crucify me for some political spin you've attached or associated to/with this comment ok thx bye


"ah f*ck i can't believe you've done this"