New World

New World Dev Tracker

05 Jul

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

This event was unintentionally shut off for a little under an hour and then extended for an additional hour to make up for our mistake. Hopefully you were able to enjoy it through the end of the 4th! :slight_smile:

    Wyvernn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @postedheavily,

I would love to be able to complete the support you need over the forum however we don’t have the possibility to take all the actions that you require, reason why we redirect to live chat when is needed.

If you need further assistance in any other issue please don’t hesitate in reaching us again!


04 Jul

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Should be up again now.

Going to keep it up for an extra hour into the wee hours of July 5 (1:00AM PT), to make up a bit for the lost time.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is suppose to run through end of day July 4. It’s being addressed now and should be back up shortly.


We’re constantly taking and very open to feedback regarding the spilt stat changes, I’ll be sure to have the team check out this thread!


There is currently no ‘professional PTR testers’ that I’m aware of. I’ll ask the team when they are back in office after the holiday but please do not give anyone your private information.


I can let the team know that we need to get the word out!


Love this conversation! Thank you so much everyone! I’ll be sure to share with the weapons team!


Hmmm… no matter what skill you use, you shouldn’t be bullied or threatened over it. While I say prioritize your own fun, maybe asking more so why players feel that way when you do use the skill? This way you can make a more educated decision when using that skill in that situation.


I always recommend that players returning give the game a chance and see how they personally feel before prioritizing advice. While the forums are a great place for feedback, it’s only a small portion of our player base. We are working hard to ingest that feedback and make changes that make an impact. We also have alot of great changes and content coming up that we’re super excited for!

Hope you decided to hop back in!


The devs always appreciate testing and conversations over the balance of weapons, I’ll include this in my report. Thank you!


As Eivor mentioned above me, we’ll make sure to let the team know!

    Eivor on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @vanatheras thanks for your feedback about this, i will send this to the team to take a look at, please follow our official forums page for latest updates.

03 Jul


I do work for both games and post on both forums. Reminder that LA is published by AGS, not developed.

02 Jul


Habrá una desconexión de todos los servidores y regiones de Lost Ark para realizar un mantenimiento el 1 de julio a las 09 AM CEST. Prevemos que la desconexión durará unas 2 horas aproximadamente.

Este parche incluirá los siguientes cambios:

  • Hemos solucionado el error que aparecía cuando se iniciaba Lost Ark en Windows 7.
  • Hemos reducido el tiempo necesario para completar las misiones diarias en la isla Latido de 3 minutos a 30 segundos.
  • Se ha arreglado el problema que reseteaba los rangos en JcJ en la región Europe West.
  • Los pases de poder caducados de Feiton ya no se enviarán a los jugadores que completen la misión “Voluntad”. También, todos los jugadores que usaron su pase de poder de Feiton desde su inventario antes del 30 de junio podrán usarlo hasta el 20 de julio. Tened en cuenta que los pases de poder de Feiton que se han usado muestran un mensaje de “Caducidad: sin límite” en el juego, pero caducarán después del 20 de julio.
  • ...
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01 Jul

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ll look into this! Thank you for reporting it.

    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, thanks for the question. I’ve included a breakdown of Outpost Rush scoring below. This scoring has been updated several times since we launched and we’re continuing to keep an eye on it as the game matures. Right now we feel it’s in a generally healthy state, but as we look at Outpost Rush contribution tiers and more in the future, we may make adjustments to ensure players are rewarded for contributing to their teams success!

Action Score
Player Kill 50
AI Kill 10
Ore / Rawhide / Wood Deposited 2
Azoth Deposited 1
Damage to Player 0.01 per point of damage
Damage to AI/Structure 0.0025 per point of damage
Damage dealt with Siege Weapon 0.005 per point of damage
Healing Done to Allies 0.007...
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    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! We’ll be going in and fixing this!