New World

New World Dev Tracker

17 Jun

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you still having this issue today, or was it just yesterday around 9AM? Thanks!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Do you have a skin on your tent? We have a known issue attached to the Herbalist skin that should be fixed very soon!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your report! We currently have a fix in testing for the issue with the Mortal Refreshment perk!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

The fix for the issue here, where the cooldown is the same regardless of the receiving player’s health, is incoming soon!


What we announced in the June dev update, all tuning orbs in your inventory (including mutator orbs) will be transformed into item caches that roll on Expedition specific bosses. Since mutator orbs are agnostic of expedition they will roll on multiple bosses. They still won’t be as valuable as running an expedition outright, but more details will come in our patch notes.

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Thank you for your feedback on our latest dev announcement, specifically regarding the removal of Expedition tuning orbs and the new rate limits.

The limitations of an entry mechanic for Expeditions allows us to provide great loot and progress on the expertise system. For example, acquiring tuning orbs required players to utilize the game’s other activities, such as crafting, Faction Missions, and closing Corruption Breaches. Those activities make instanced farming inefficient for bots. It also makes economic and power progression less severe between players who have time to play dozens of expeditions a day from those players who don’t have as much time.

Looking back, we missed the mark with the initial implementation which had much more friction to daily play than intended. After hearing your initial feedback on tuning orbs, we added them to the faction shop as an interim step while we worked toward goal of removing the orb requirement altogether.

The intention...

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16 Jun

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’re aware this is still a bug. It looks like it should be fixed in the next patch, but please understand that it’s still in testing and could be pushed out further as necessary.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

The durability bug should be resolved in one of our upcoming/very near future patches.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not done, no. We are always reviewing world metrics, and discussing which worlds would benefit from a merge.

That being said, Lux is correct that we do not have merge plans right now, but this may change, and if it does, the Community Managers will give everyone notice so impacted folks can plan for it.

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you hover over the “Play” button, does it say anything? And does relogging into the game fix it?

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you confirm if this might be what you’re experiencing?

If you try to dodge cancel a bow reload immediately after leaving ADS, you won't dodge.

If so, it looks like we have a fix in testing. If not, I can see if there’s more we should be looking into!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Was this just a visual bug, or did you actually receive double the gold? Thanks for reporting!

    Wyvernn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @John_Smith,

I’m really glad to see you are here at the forums and hope you can enjoy your time here and at the game as well!

Thanks for bringing this issue to us, this is a subject quite tricky, so before providing you a false answer or a wrong expectation allow me to do a research about it, I will try to have you updated as soon as possible.

On the mean time I will tag @Luxendra, to see if she can help us with this.

If you need further assistance in any other issue please don’t hesitate in reaching us again!


15 Jun

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for the information you’ve provided regarding your experience with titles and achievements. We are actively looking into what’s causing this for certain players and how to implement a fix.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saludos, aventureros:

Hemos lanzado una nueva actualización 2022-06-15T16:45:00Z con el siguiente arreglo:

  • Se ha corregido un error que provocaba que apareciera el cursor y se desactivara el movimiento de la cámara con el ratón en el mundo.

El tamaño de la descarga es de ~781,5 MB.

Si tienes problemas para descargar esta actualización, verifica los archivos del juego siguiendo estas instrucciones: Soporte de Steam :: Verificar la integridad de los archivos de juego

Gracias por vuestra paciencia y comprensión.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We have pushed a new update at 2022-06-15T16:45:00Z for the following fix:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the cursor to appear and mouse look to disable while in the world.

The download size is ~781.5 MB.

Should anyone have trouble downloading this update, please try verifying your game files by following the instructions here: Steam Support :: Verify Integrity of Game Files

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Aenwyn on Forums - Thread - Direct

Checking in on this, it looks like there’s a fix for this quest in our current testing cycle (which is typically roughly 20-45 days). Thank you for your continued reports and information regarding this quest!

    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Khanzy!

Can you elaborate on this comment a bit? We’ve done some testing internally, and having this perk on your lifestaff doesn’t increase threat generation in a way that isn’t consistent with how healing threat generation functions. It does increase threat generation by 5% due to the fact that outgoing healing is increased by 5%. This effect is not applying threat to self-healing that individual players do such as using potions (basically, if Player A is a healer with this perk and Player B uses a potion, Player A is not gaining threat.) We are also not seeing passive threat generation due to this perk, which I’ve seen reported elsewhere.

If there’s any other discrepancies you’re seeing here, please let us know so that we can take a look and investigate further.