New World

New World Dev Tracker

28 Jan


As I’m not a dev… I have NO idea. But I do understand that adding a completely new thing isn’t easy and then comes it’s share of balancing and bugs.

The request for arenas has been heard and passed on. It would be super cool!!

Right now the team is focused on getting those bugs and balances ironed out.


Love, love this. Too many times we forget this was gamers. FOMO is such a real thing. And I understand it, I feel it ALL THE TIME. But it is frustrating to be on this side too, with people wanting all the same thing but different play styles. Which is okay, that’s the great thing about this… take your time!


This is all great feedback guys! Thank you!!


Okay, thank you, you’re heard.

I will do what I can and communicate this to the devs.


Thank you so much! It really means alot to me, trust me… if we could tell you EVERYTHING, we would! But that’s not how these things work lol.


This was mentioned during the previous dev video.

There is a current bug holding it back, the team is hard at work fixing it. As soon as there is any new information we’ll be sure to share it to everyone. We do understand the frustration.


Bwahaha it did spur a silly convo amongst CMs, wanting to be able to ride turkeys into battle.


I did appreciate the lack of negativity but it still was pushing alot of misinformation and spirling to a point where it would be ‘us vs. you’ which is not our intention.


Yup, I closed the topic because it was just going in circles. The question was if we communicate, and we do.

I understand your frustration and asking for feedback is ALWAYS such a dangerous thing, right?Because yes, when we don’t deliver on every little thing that is asked for then a group is upset. And as a reminder, yes, we are just gathering feedback but it’s still up to the devs with what they decide on. There is also ALOT more that goes into these decisions. So many teams and so much feedback and heck, sometimes technology just wants to throw a wrench in it all and break. It was mentoned in the dev video that changes to previous systems or ideas are being made due to feedback. This big shifts can’t happen over night.

As moderators, devs or CMs, we cannot share with you information that we’re not able to. Are we working more on what we’re able to share? Of course! Are we working on our ways to communicate and gather feedback? Sure! Is the team working hard on going...

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Agreed, I do believe adding those things in woud effect the rating and there is SO much that is tied to that.


I mean… this isn’t a race. There is no deadline to accomplish what players want to accomplish in game. There has to be understanding and balance. I can’t no life New World anymore and don’t expect to have the same things players can accomplish that sink 12hrs a day into it.


I do miss just standing in a new area and taking it all in! Everything was so beautiful in its own way for sure!


I mean, it’s okay. It’s fun to talk about things players would like, especially in a positive way. I think everyone is aware of the current issues with desyncing but focusing on them won’t help them go away any faster. Knowing what you guys WOULD like or be excited to try out helps the team plan out fun things in the future.


Wearing a helm, I’ve tripped over SO MANY things haha! There is no way to see anything at your feet… a kitty would be an A+ tripping hazard.


I’d like to see you jump in full armor! Haha, I’ve worn armor before and a house cat is generous.


Starstone makes me think of this!! Enjoyed having to jump just right or time things with the lasers. My group had sooo many laughs of accidentally killing each other by pushing.


YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! I have a personal goal of owning ALL of the in game plants!!
House decorating is end game for me, and the holiday stuff pulls me in every time!!


The map is absolutely gorgeous and how different each area is. I think the sound of rain shocked me the most.


Pffft, you can’t shame me and my love for New World!!!