New World

New World Dev Tracker

28 Jan


And yet you’re okay with insulting, condescending, none helpful hate posts?

It’s okay to let people be happy. It’s not hurting anything.


Hi there! As mentioned in the dev video, there is still currently an issue preventing transfers.

When anything changes, we’ll let you guys know!


Hey everyone! Just a reminder that moderators are watching this thread and if it turns into a hot mess, we’re going to have to close it.

With that being said… can we not attack those who are enjoying something? Just because a few people are expressing their happiness does it mean that we as a team will celebrate and no longer work on the game. We learn just as much from things you guys DO like vs. things you DON’T like.

We would like to make the effort to have the forums be welcoming to ALL and less toxicity. So that means allowing positive posts along with negative ones.


I don’t believe I’ve seen anyone demanding a response, but it is something the team is aware of. With this upcoming patch being focused on balance, hopefully this will be looked in to. It’s not an easy situation. I’ll be sure to mention it to the team.


Glad to hear that you’re seeing less!


Thank you so much!! We very much appreciate this!!

Have a great day to you too!


No changes will be made. As mentioned above, it was already discussed.

There is nothing more to add to this conversation.


No, there is no option to deactive it.


Thanks! There is currently no change that will be made.


I understand your frustration and annoyance. I’ve spoken to my team about me filling up the dev tracker as a few people have mentioned it annoying them. Your opinions do matter to me and I can see the logic in the request.

But as I am still part of the dev team, although in a CM capacity, and many times I still am discussing information important to the game, I will continue to be tagged as a dev and fill up the dev tracker.

Rest assured that any very important topics will be pinned on top of the correct channels and any questions you have and are answered will still be easy for you to access.

I was brought on to engage, collect feedback and be an active member of the community as the dev team. I do apologize if this interferes with your way of collecting information.

I wish you well and apologize for not responding to you DM as I tend to be buried in DMs.


I appreciate the intention behind this post… but lets be a bit kinder, shall we?

No need for ANY of use to come into a conversation aggressive. We all have our own thoughts, feelings and play styles. Doesn’t make anyone better. We’re all fans of the same game, so let’s support each other.


Absolutely!! And I love it all… the team is SO hard at work trying to make things better. To fix and add more, I never expected monthly patches. It’s going to be rocky but the effort is there so I’m very excited for the future!


No worries! :smiley: just trying to be honest with my communication


I would recommend posting it in the bugs channel so the mods there can get eyes on it, but I’ll also let the team know. They just tend to be faster.


The Feb update will be focusing on fixing bugs. This is a known issue. Thank you!


Thank you. I appreciate this and yes, I’m really trying. This is only my third week working for AGS. And I’m helping with Lost Ark too. I was hired to engage and gather feedback so they know they are not getting everything, or the negativity is just too much to dig through. So. Please, that’s all I’m asking. Is be kind and give it time.


Hahaha but it’s so enjoyable to watch them play it together like that.


Thank you. This 10000%


I would love that. The team would love that. The designers and devs would love that… but we are all humans with human feelings and mental health is extremely important to prioritize as a team.

I don’t think the forums are quite at the point where amas can be a thing safely. Hopefully though, at one point that would be great!!