New World

New World Dev Tracker

01 Feb

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I just replied to another thread here but going to post it here too:

Hey all! The team is aware that the Mutations didn’t change on servers and are working to resolve this issue. Currently, we anticipate a fix in upcoming weekly update and it should refresh mutations from that point on.
Thanks for your patience!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all! The team is aware that the Mutations didn’t change on servers and are working to resolve this issue. Currently, we anticipate a fix in upcoming weekly update and it should refresh mutations from that point on.

Thanks for your patience!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team is aware of this and it’s listed in our Known Issue page. I know the team is investigating the cause of the issue.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mobs and bosses cannot crit players.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Interesting suggestion! I’ll definitely send it over to the team for further consideration.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have definitely heard you on this and we have members of the team monitoring the status of Eden; as a whole the team is working on a fix to mitigate these issues from happening in the future and hope to release it once it has been tested and verified.

31 Jan


Great feedback! I’ll discuss with the team.


    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Understood, thank you for this! I know the team’s looking through additional telemetry that can help them dig deeper into the issue and I will forward this along to them as well.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Spellshockn,

Thanks for reaching out and Pichu’s correct. Unfortunately only the Support team has the ability to assist with character/account-specific issues like those, especially when they need to collect information that is not meant for public eyes.

In the specific case you linked, I’m unsure if the Support team will be able to assist them (since we are not providing additional world transfer tokens) but they should reach out to our Support team through their website for something like this.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello adventurers!

Our Game Moderation team are constantly working to help address the prevalence of bots and gold sellers here in New World.

New World has a variety of security controls in place in order to deter and prevent the spread of bots and gold farmers. Nevertheless, we wish to improve on these controls and combat the bot trend. It is well known that bots and gold farmers often run the game in virtual machines. As such, we have enabled a new feature for New World within the latest Easy Anti-Cheat module.

Moving forward, New World will no longer launch in Virtual Machines that are known to be used by bots and gold farmers. This virtual machine detection feature will not issue bans for players trying to run the game in a virtual machine. However, the game will not work on these machines.

This feature will not prevent the game from running on GeForce Now.

Thank you for your understanding and see you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for letting me know. I’ve forwarded the information I have about this to the team but any additional information would be really helpful. I have noticed less reports about movement bugs so they may have addressed some possible causes.

28 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações, Aventureiros!

Com o jogo ativo, alguns problemas aparecerão durante nosso desenvolvimento e análise de tudo no New World. Esses são alguns dos problemas conhecidos de que já estamos cientes e que estamos trabalhando ativamente para resolver.

Procurando as notas de lançamento? Clique aqui!

  • Às vezes, o jogador pode ficar sem rosto após um teletransporte.
  • Cintilações de luz na área da Árvore de Azoth.
  • Os marcadores verdes de missão parecem desaparecer e reaparecer inconsistentemente.
  • Luz pisca/interrompe esporadica...
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations, les aventuriers !

Avec notre lancement, des problèmes apparaîtront à mesure que nous développons et publions activement divers éléments de New World. Voici une liste non exhaustive des problèmes dont nous avons actuellement connaissance et que nous tentons de résoudre.

Vous cherchez les notes de mise à jour ? Cliquez ici !

  • Le joueur peut parfois perdre son visage après une téléportation.
  • Les lumières situées autour de l’arbre d’Azoth clignotent.
  • Les indicateurs de quête ...
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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Seid gegrüßt, Abenteurer!

Im Live-Betrieb des Spiels werden unvermeidlich Probleme auftreten, während wir New World aktiv weiterentwickeln. Hier sind einige der uns derzeit bekannten Probleme, an deren Behebung wir aktiv arbeiten.

Wollt ihr die Versionshinweise lesen? Klickt hier!

  • Spieler verlieren nach dem Teleportieren gelegentlich das Gesicht.
  • Umgebungslichter des Azoth-Baums flackern.
  • Grüne Aufgabenmarkierungen scheinen inkonsistent zu verschwinden und wieder zu erscheinen.
  • Im Brackwasserverlies flackern bzw. blinken die Lichter stellenw...
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No problem, thought I might have just missed something. It’s definitely a very frustrating situation. The server I play on is constantly being tossed around by companies. I don’t have any information as of yet but will be sure to add it to my notes for the team.


Because the CM title is linked with the Dev Tracker. It has been brought up but at this time I’m told that it cannot be turned off. I’m sorry.


Wait, what? I’m sorry, I think the tone of my post is coming off wrong?

I was just listing the exact opposite as no one seems to have a problem with people posting nasty things. And I have no problem with your post, was just asking a genuine question.