New World

New World Dev Tracker

12 Jan

    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback on how scoring works in Outpost Rush! Teams accrue points two ways; holding outposts and killing other players. But as an individual, you gain points by doing a wide variety of activities throughout the match. We aren’t quite satisfied with how individual scoring works right now so we are investigating changes that would modify those calculations to better reward players for damaging other players and enemies, much like how healing your teammates works today. These changes should allow you to hop right into the action without having to worry about hitting the contribution threshold as that will happen a lot more naturally.

    Zin_Ramu on Forums - Thread - Direct

We completely understand your frustration around the weapon swap issue, its actually a very complex problem with the way our code is structured. But we are actively working on it and have some fixes in internal testing right now. We hope to have this in the next PTR and then depending on the results releasing it with that update. This is a pretty risky change, however, so there is chance we have to work on it further and release it when we are comfortable with the fix.

ps Scot says Chessmaster 3-D is a masterpiece

    Zin_Ramu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for all the feedback so far on the Umbral system. One piece of feedback that is fairly unanimous and I think makes sense is limiting the ability to upgrade to GS 600 is pretty onerous. We wanted to keep the value of legendry 600s really high. But I can totally see how that is limiting, and can be disheartening when you get a lot of bad RNG and haven’t gotten your Legendary roll.

Therefore, we are looking into reducing the required minimum GS to upgrade to 590. You will still need to get to expertise 600 to unlock upgrading via umbral. But once its unlocked you could now upgrade from 590 to 600 at a moderate umbral cost. That allows those really good 590-599 rolls, to become great weapons, with a little extra Umbral.

We will try to get this change in as soon as possible.


Hello and thank you so much for your passion regarding the Winter Convergence and overall lore of New World.

The insights on how The Winter Wanderer arrived in Aeternum through a cave definitely have a lot of implications as to how things show up on Aeternum. From the darkest reaches of the sea to the highest peaks of the world, it seems Aeternum can be accessed where the veil between magic and mundane is thin.

On the subject of how we can better incentivize loreseeking and reading, we hear you and are taking your comments into account in our future quests and notes. We hear your requests for cutscenes and are eager to add new storytelling tools to our belt in creating New World content as well. We are working on new tools for better camera control and possibly staging some scenes in-game, but we can’t promise anything quite yet. We’re also working on some illustrated vignettes for some of the more impactful parts of the story.

Some of these vignettes might be a...

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    swarf on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all!
I’m sad that it feels like we don’t listen. For sure, we want to be better at keeping up a good conversation with you all. Trust me that we love the game as much as you do and I cherish the passion you all bring to the game and to these forums with this kinda thread. We’re trying to respond more often because we really do hear you all. We want the game to be an amazing experince for everyone and I know we don’t always get all the details right the first try. We’re making balance adjustments for the next update right now after feedback we got from the PTR. And there’s a ton of work going into chasing down cheaters, fixing bugs, stopping bots, and working on new stuff.

Thanks for being awesome. Keep the feedback coming.



Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll talk it over with the rest of the team and see if we can figure a great way to implement this on the forums.

We do have a Company Recruitment channel in the Amazon Games Discord channel that can be used now, if you like.

    Critias on Forums - Thread - Direct

Great responses and additional ideas here. We knew this wouldn’t be a cure-all, but it should be a quality-of-life improvement to reduce fast travel costs generally, and to specifically make it easier for players to travel long range across the map.

In the mid-level range in particular, when players have active quests in Brightwood/Weaver’s Fen and then another batch in Cutlass Keys, this should make traveling back-and-forth to do those quests easier, and also make it a little less of a handicap to buy a house in the more remote ends of the map.

We’ll still be looking at other improvements and adjustments to fast travel, using game data and the feedback we receive here to drive our discussions.


I mean, I didn’t create any content… :wink: you don’t want to see me trying to code. With that being said, my question still stands then. What is something you’d like to see instead of dungeons?

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Grüße Abenteurer!

Wir werden heute um 2022-01-12T07:00:00Z Wartungsarbeiten durchführen, um einen neuen Patch aufzuspielen. Die geschätzte Ausfallzeit beträgt ca. 3 Stunden.

Alle Informationen zum Patch findet ihr im Blog: New World Update 1.2.2 - Neuigkeiten | New World

Wir haben außerdem eine vorläufige Lösung für die Desync-Probleme implementiert, die bei Spielern im Krieg und anderen Gebieten mit einem hohen Spieleraufkommen aufgetreten sind. Bitte lasst uns wissen, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, damit das Team die Untersuchungen fortsetzen kann.

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und euer Verständnis!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime 2022-01-12T07:00:00Z in your local timezone for the 1.2.2 Update. Downtime is slated to last approximately 3 hours (~180 minutes).

Please find the release notes here: New World Update 1.2.2 - News | New World

As noted on the release notes:
A short series of work-in-progress quests was mistakenly enabled in the December build, but several aspects of the quests are missing, most notably the rewards.

These quests have been disabled as of this patch and will be re-enabled at a later date.

For anyone who’s completed the quests in their current state, you can keep the XP and gold earned but progress will be reset so you can complete the quests again for the proper rewards when they’re re-enabled. The quests affe...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Saudações, aventureiros.

Estaremos mantendo o tempo de inatividade em 2022-01-12T07:00:00Z para a atualização [1.2.1]. O tempo de inatividade é estimado em 3 horas (~ 180 minutos).

Vocês poderão encontrar as informações deste novo patch aqui: Atualização do New World 1.2.2 - Novidades | New World

Obrigado pela paciência e compreensão!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations Aventuriers,

Nous effectuerons une maintenance de New World à 2022-01-12T07:00:00Z. La durée prévue est d’environ 3hrs.

Pour plus d’informations sur la mise à jour: MàJ New World 1.2.2 - Actualités | New World

Merci pour votre patience et votre compréhension !

11 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have reached out to the team about this and they have also heard this feedback loud and clear. It is currently being looked into.

    Lazer on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello @ZOMGitsEPIC,

Hope your day is well, I researched to see if this was escalated but did not fine any open cases, can you please contact us through live chat, it has to be done through live chat because they need personal information to create the ticket, I am not able on the forums. Also give them this forum link and tell them to create a ticket of a bug report, Contact Us | Amazon Games

Have a lovely day :blush:...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for taking the time to write this post! I can see that you put a lot of thought into it and while, like you said, it does contain some of your personal feedback, I do see the same across other threads. A lot of these points you’ve written, the team is aware of and are working on a fix or are working on ways to improve. However, game development takes time and while it may seem like the GS increase was an arbitrary decision, features are planned ahead of time and being worked on ahead of their release. February, as we said in our Dev Video, will be focused on bots, bugs, and balance so stay tuned for more information on that update when it becomes available!

Again, we really appreciate your feedback and of course, I’ve relayed all of these points to the team. Thank you for helping keep the New World forums constructive and civil!

10 Jan


Hey there everyone,

We know the subject of bots is a sore one. It is super frustrating to be spending your time as a regular player in game only to have resources or other aspects be manipulated by some random script program that someone installed so they can “gain” while those individuals aren’t actively taking part.

Addressing bots and other exploits is something that our team is very focused on. So much so that this topic was the longest individual part of our recent Dev Update Video.

The reason our Moderation staff are closing topics is because, for the most part, they are topics reporting an individual bot on an individual server. The forums are not a place to seek in game moderation. We strongly discourage any form of witch hunting on the forums as it does not lend itself to a construc...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, I don’t have an update for this but when I do, you’ll see it in the Official News section. We know that there are still people who are interested in using their tokens and the team is aware of this.

08 Jan

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m sending this up to the team! Looks like this started happening after the last update and it doesn’t look like everyone is impacted by this as mariszemlickis mentioned above but definitely warrants investigation.


I’ll definitely make notes on all of this, you have great points!

And, thank you :), I really am trying and we’re all in this together for sure.