New World

New World Dev Tracker

04 Dec

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can find the December PTR patchnotes here: December PTR Patch Notes
We’ll work to get them up earlier in the future.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, I am linking to notes provided by the actual team, this was not generated from Reddit datamining.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We hear your ask and we have posted December PTR Patchnotes here: December PTR Patch Notes

Please keep in mind these patch notes are for the PTR and may not reflect Update 1.2 on the live game.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is the December Public Test Realm Patch notes. Please keep in mind that information here is subject to change between now and the December Monthly Release.

December End Game Update

Based on feedback on the High Water Mark system and our desire to have a compelling and diverse end game, we’ve made some major updates to the end game in this release. For more details on our vision and future changes coming, please see this dev corner article: [Dev Blog] End Game Up...

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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for surfacing this concern, hopefully it is clear in this case our intended use of the word Turkey refers to the in-game animal. We will share your concerns with the team. If anyone in-game violates our Code of Conduct with hate speech or racist remarks please be sure to report them as this behavior is not tolerated.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think there is a disconnect. For PTR we generally provide notes on where we want folks to test but have not posted full release notes for those tests. I am referring to live product release patchnotes. Update 1.2 would be a live product release.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

As mentioned above, I understand that we have dropped the ball on providing fully comprehensive patch notes in the past and when Update 1.2 releases our goal is to include all the changes introduced. I don’t think we’ll be perfect but we know this is a place we have to improve.


Thank you for your participation and feedback about the Gypsum system! We hear you on the coin cost associated with crafting Gypsum Orbs and Casts, and because of your feedback, we will dramatically lower the coin costs before the feature hits the live game.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

If I am saying anything patronizing please let me know, that isn’t my intention or how I feel as I am responding. So if there are things coming off that way definitely not what I mean to do.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I agree with you in that we need to continue to iterate on how to use PTR to get the most out of the feedback we receive from testers prior to that build being tagged for release.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you are talking about PTR feedback, we should be providing a list of areas where we want folks to test. If you are talking about live game feedback we hope that people play and experience the changes then provide feedback on how it has impacted how gameplay feels. For example, when we have a major update we likely won’t put up focused feedback threads for 48 hours so folks can actually play the changes and report on their experiences and pair that with data.

New World is a living game, it will change a lot and the team will listen to feedback, implement changes, listen to feedback and implement changes and so on.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, there have been mistakes made and we will have to earn back any trust we have lost.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately, while we collected valuable feedback during the last PTR it requires additional time to implement so folks rightfully felt like it was not heard at all. We do care about feedback, the team is listening, and we will continue to work with our players to shape New World.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately I can understand assigning malice to error. We’ll have to improve in order to earn the benefit of the doubt in this area.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for sharing your feedback on weapon balance. It is noted. In the future please don’t frame your personal feedback as an ultimatum on behalf of all players.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand emotions are running high but please do your best to keep in line with our Code of Conduct. Please do not target staff members or direct vulgarity at the team. We want to hear your critical feedback but we won’t tolerate personal attacks. And before you say there weren’t any, moderation has already removed them.

Update 1.2 has not released yet. If you re-read the PTR article you will see that we will provide the full patch notes for Update 1.2 when it releases.

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03 Dec

    Zin_Ramu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the active discussion and feedback on the system so far. A few questions have come up that may not have been explained as clearly as possible, so here is a brief F.A.Q. with some more details.

Expertise & Gypsum FAQ

When an item’s gear score has its effectiveness reduced to your Expertise level is that permanent or temporary?

  • It’s not a permanent change. The item will retain its inherent Gear Score, and as you increase your expertise the effective Gear Score of the item will increase up to that inherent Gear Score. So you can still buy, craft and use higher Gear Score items, but you just need to grow into them to fully utilize them. Note that all perks and other bonuses will be still be active, though reduced in effectiveness, so those legendary items will still provide nice bumps in power.

How do crafters fit into end game? Will crafting still stay important if there are so many other ways people are able to ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, this was already reported and acknowledged on our megathreads: [Bug Megathread] Weekly Patch 1.1.1 and ...

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    Critias on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not in this build, but… I can neither confirm for deny that this might be in the works as well.