New World

New World Dev Tracker

03 Dec

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our goal is always to do what is best for our players and New World. We do listen and care about feedback, we gather feedback from a wide variety of places, and data from how the game is played. Sometimes the implementation of that feedback can take time or is introduced in steps but feedback is a critical guiding force for the team.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team is making the decisions they feel are best for the game and our players.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I do understand that some folks are frustrated and want to communicate that frustration.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is totally fair to not agree with design decisions a video game team is making, but please avoid creating hostile conspiracy theories to explain those decisions.
For example accusing us of hating our players in the original thread title.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand that emotions can run high, but please express your feedback and concerns in a constructive way.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The PTR is not under an NDA.

    Zin_Ramu on Forums - Thread - Direct

December End Game Update

Based on feedback on the High Water Mark (HWM) system and our desire to have a compelling and diverse end game, we are making some major updates in our December 1.2 patch.

Our goal for the end game is to provide a variety of activities that all provide compelling rewards and interesting challenges. In this article, I’ll discuss 3 big changes we’ll be making – improving our end game gear progression, increasing rewards for some end game activities, and tuning difficulty of end game content.

Expertise & Gypsum System

Since New World's launch, we've heard the feedback from our community that the HWM system was not communicated effectively, promotes a single monotonous activity, had too much randomness, and was a bit too grindy. So, we are completely revamping the system to address these concerns. This new and improved HWM system is called **Expertise**.

In the December update, Expertise will govern the highest drops you can get per slo...

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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Appreciate the continued detailed feedback, this is really helpful and appreciated! Thank you.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey! This is a great discussion thread with lots of detailed thoughtful feedback. Super appreciated, I will include in my report to the team. Appreciate your help!

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, Thanks for your suggestion for name changes. This feature request definitely comes with pros and cons, may actually open the door to other abusive behaviors, but I will share this feedback with the team.

    Kay on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, my apologies for not responding to this thread sooner. There are some tricky edge cases around the server transfers that we are addressing. I don’t have an ETA on when a scalable resolution will be ready, but I can say with confidence that resolving stuck contracts is one of our highest priorities.

In the meantime, we have been manually removing stuck contracts for individual characters every day. It’s a lot to ask from you, given that you’ve already been waiting a long time, but please hang in there.

02 Dec

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand where you are coming from, we do have important issues the team is working to address but we also have folks who aren’t directly involved in working on those issues and will be working on other things.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, I am going to see if I can get information on your situation.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has wandered pretty far from New World, I am not sure what constructive take aways are available at this point that could be applied to our game or services. Thanks for everyone who helped keep things civil when possible.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all!

Thank you all for taking the time to post to this topic! Your responses have given us a good amount of data to review.

There is clearly interest in cross-region server transfers. While we have plans for an elegant solution in the long term, we are currently working on a near-term solution that will get you to the region you want to be in (though housing ownership will be impacted). Work is ongoing but we estimate the near term solution will be available in early 2022.

Thank you again for all of your responses and feedback!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

Interested in joining our Devs in the PTR?

We have a few scheduled times where some of our Developers will be questing, testing, and playing alongside you. Check out the schedule below for the times they’ll be in game and the content they’ll be playing!

Date and Time (in your local timezone) Content
2021-12-03T18:00:00Z Join us in the PTR!
2021-12-03T21:30:00Z Free Play

Backstories841×473 38.3 KB

Stay tuned for more coming on Monday and Tuesday! ...

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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will see if I can get an update on this issue for you, will investigate.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

While I don’t work in support, I am here and want to try to help. What are the details of your situation?