New World

New World Dev Tracker

04 Oct


Hi everyone!

The functionality you’re describing here is intended. The game behaves this way to ensure wars occur frequently, as well as to create regular opportunities for underdog Factions to battle a dominating power.

While it is important to run PvP missions as the Controlling Faction of a Territory, you can only stave off the inevitable for so long until eventually, you’ll have to test your mettle against an opposing army.

From a design perspective, we want wars to occur. They’re fun, they create social tension and excitement, and they give large groups of players the opportunity to work together towards a goal. It also evens the playing field on a fundamental level: regardless of how many total people are in a given Faction, a war is between two armies of 50.

Over time, it gets easier for Companies in the Factions that do not control a Territory to generate Influence and push that Territory into Conflict to enable a War Declaration.
The mechani...

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Hi everyone!

For Fae Iron (and other rare resource drops), make sure you’re munching on Mining Luck Food. Crafting a basic set of Mining armor can be really helpful, too. Additionally, as your Mining Trade Skill increases, you’ll start to see them appear more often - but in the very early game the food and gear is essential.

See you in Aeternum!

03 Oct


Greetings Adventurers!

Our team is currently investigating an issue with Company creation.

Please hang tight while we figure out the situation and get it resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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Wir haben weitere Welten mit Sprachempfehlung hinzugefügt:

World Name World Set Language
Kurhah Vanaheim Nacht (DE/EN)
Lacerta Vanaheim Nacht (DE/EN)
Acamar Vanaheim Nox (ES/EN)
Acrux Vanaheim Nox (ES/EN)
Baltica Vanaheim Sterren (IT/EN)
Betelgeuse Vanaheim Sterren (IT/EN)
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We added a few new language tagged worlds in EU Central:

World Name World Set Language
Kurhah Vanaheim Nacht (DE/EN)
Lacerta Vanaheim Nacht (DE/EN)
Acamar Vanaheim Nox (ES/EN)
Acrux Vanaheim Nox (ES/EN)
Baltica Vanaheim Sterren (IT/EN)
Betelgeuse Vanaheim Sterren (IT/EN)
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Wer Probleme hat, seine Drops im Spiel zu erhalten, kann gerne die Schritte aus diesem Beitrag ausprobieren: [Anleitung] Fehlende Twitch Drops beanspruchen

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Danke fürs Melden! Wir haben das bereits an unser Lokalisierungsteam weitergegeben und die Bezeichnung sollte mit einem der nächsten Updates aktualisiert werden. :slight_smile:

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Nous avons ouvert 2 mondes de plus (FR)!

World Name World Set Language
Caelum Vanaheim Soleil (FR/EN)
Caph Vanaheim Soleil (FR/EN)
    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports, this has been forwarded to the dev team.

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Salutations, aventuriers !

Nous avons constaté beaucoup de frustration à propos de joueurs qui restent artificiellement actifs sur les serveurs pour éviter d’être éjectés automatiquement après un AFK prolongé dans New World. Nous sommes d’accord; ceci n’est pas un comportement acceptable, surtout quand autant de joueurs attendent patiemment d’entrer dans un monde. Nous avons développé une nouvelle solution pour nous aider à identifier et à agir contre les joueurs AFK de mauvaise foi.

Nous ne dévoilerons pas les détails du fonctionnement de cette contre-mesure, mais nous sommes convaincus que les joueurs qui jouent normalement à New World ne rencontreront aucun problème. Au départ, le fait d’être détecté se traduira par une exclusion rapide vers le menu principal. Si le comportement se poursuit, des sanctions plus sévères seront appliquées.

Cette initiative va être déployée progressivement, donc les résultats peuvent ne pas être immédiats. Mais c’est quelque chos...

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Grüße Abenteurer!

Wir haben viel Frustration über Einzelpersonen gesehen, die auf Welten möglicherweise künstlich aktiv bleiben, um die automatische Verbindungstrennung, die es in New World gibt, wenn man eine Zeit lang AFK ist, zu umgehen. Wir sind uns sicherlich einig, dass dies kein akzeptables Verhalten ist - besonders wenn es viele Spieler:innen gibt, die geduldig darauf warten, in die Welt von Aeternum einzutauchen. Deswegen haben wir eine neue Lösung entwickelt, die uns hilft, diese Art von AFK-Spieler:innen zu identifizieren und gegen sie vorzugehen.

Wir werden keine Details zur Funktionsweise preisgeben, aber wir können euch versichern, dass wenn ihr New World normal spielt, ihr keine Probleme haben werdet. Wenn wir zum ersten Mal jemanden als AFK erkennen, wird die Verbindung zur Welt unterbrochen und man wir zurück ins Hauptmenu geführt. Sollte dieses Verhalten danach vermehrt auftreten, werden härtere Maßnahmen verhängt.

Beachtet bitte, dass die Impl...

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Abaton is back online and available. Thank you for your patience and once again apologies for the additional maintenance time.


The maintenance is being extended by roughly 15mins.

Thank you for your patience.


Greetings Adventurers!

We have seen a lot of frustration around individuals who may be artificially remaining active enough in servers to avoid the automatic AFK mitigation that is built into New World. We certainly agree that this is not acceptable behavior, especially when there are droves of individuals who are waiting patiently to get into a world. We have created a new solution to help us identify and action against bad faith AFK players.

We will not disclose the details of how the solution works, but we will say that we have every confidence that players who are playing New World normally will not experience any issues. Initially, being caught by our detection solution will result in a quick kick to the main menu. If the behavior continues, more harsh penalties will be applied.

This effort is going to be rolled out over a period of time, so results may not appear immediate, but this is something we are dedicated to bringing online as quickly as we feel com...

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Greetings Adventurers,

We are restarting the world Abaton in the EU Region at 8:00PM PT for maintenance. Downtime should last for about an hour.

We apologize for the short notice and thank you for your understanding.

02 Oct

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, thank you for reporting that issue. We are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. Sorry for the inconvenience that bug has caused.

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Hi, thank you for reporting that issue. We are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. Sorry for the inconvenience that bug has caused.


Greetings Adventurers!

During the course of launch we have seen many reports of issues within Expeditions where enemies behave incorrectly within the Expedition itself. While our team is endeavoring to find a permanent fix for these issues we have found that restarting the server resolves the issue for a time. While we understand that server restarts are frustrating we feel that because Expeditions are important for the Main Story Quests that these moments are critically necessary.

Throughout this weekend, we will be restarting the servers that are discovered to have these issues. Restarts take approximately 20 minutes and will be messaged in game before they are undertaken.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!