New World

New World Dev Tracker

05 Oct

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone, we completely understand the concern of AFK players. We certainly agree that this is not acceptable behavior, especially when there are droves of individuals who are waiting patiently to get into a world. I’m sure that while it may have been funny seeing someone running against a wall for a while at the beginning, that may no longer be the case.

Just in case there are people who haven’t seen this, we provided an official statement here. We hope that this will help mitigate the issue of AFK players in-game.

We re...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone, thank you for voicing your concerns about this issue! I completely understand wanting to play solo, especially when you are not as comfortable to the game or your server’s social setting or maybe you just don’t have the time to find a group. I will bring these concerns up to the team to make sure that this sentiment is heard.

Thank you again for helping us improve New World! We appreciate your feedback.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone! Thanks for the feedback. We are aware of the de-sync issue and I can understand how frustrating it is, especially when you’re in an expedition and have used a tuning orb to get in.

The team is aware of how important having a permanent fix in for this is issue instead of the temporary restarts and are currently working on providing one.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, thanks for your feedback and suggestions about a public API! At this time, the team does not have a public API available (as some of you might know), but it is something they are investigating for the future.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all, thanks for surfacing this issue. Especially with the length of queue times, I can understand how frustrating it is to need to log out/relog just to fix the UI.

I’ve gone ahead and brought this to the attention of the team and I appreciate your voicing this!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone! Just to clarify, yes, you need to have dealt a percentage of damage to Scratchy in order to receive credit to complete the quest. You won’t need to actually skin him. However, we hear you on the design of this quest since it can be a huge bottleneck when a lot of people are waiting around to complete the quest.

I’ve talked to the team about this quest (and some others with similar bottlenecks) and the team is aware of these issues.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glad you are unblocked! We are still going to try to reproduce the issue on our end.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, Jolligator, would it be possible for you to send me your game logs? To do so, you would have to launch the game and log in with your character that can’t respawn, then you can log out. Right after that, go to that folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\AGS\New World (replace “USERNAME” with your actual user name) or copy / paste “%localappdata%/AGS/New World/” in your File Explorer. The file is called “Game.log” please send it to me. If it’s missing, it’s because the file is hidden, you can unhide hidden files by unticking an option in File Explorer settings.

Edit: It seems a bigger issue was at play as I see “Lag Dectected” on your screenshot. That’s an issue with the server that can create this kind of side-effect. Is that still happening?

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone, thank you for your insight and feedback in this! We can 100% understand that it’s difficult to play the way you want to with your friends.

At this time, when you are starting out, once you enter the world, you can start playing with your friends by completing the first quest to receive the boots. Don’t accept the next quest but meet up with your friend in your chosen starting area and continue the questline from there. If you don’t want to do that, you’ll eventually meet up with your friend at the “hermit” quest in Fisherman’s Bend around level 12-13.

I understand that these aren’t ideal solutions but I figured I’d try to provide you some workarounds just in case you want to do that. The team is well aware that people want to be able to play with their friends from the beginning (and even share quests with them) and these pieces of feedback are being discussed.

I hope that helps!

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your patience Elite and yes, please get back to me when you have that info.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, I would like to get more information please. Are you saying you can’t respawn at all and have to log out and log back in to fix the situation or are you saying you are not offered the option to respawn at that outpost and instead have to respawn at a further away settlement? Can you confirm that you have visited that outpost?

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, we have people currently looking at that issue. We take that issue very seriously and understand the frustration.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Vielen Dank für die ganzen Fragen. Ich habe diese aufgenommen und an die entsprechenden Stellen weitergegeben.

Sobald wir vom CM-Team alle Infos zum kommenden Transfer-Feature erhalten, werden wir einen Beitrag/Blog veröffentlichen, welcher alle Fragen beantworten sollte. Habt hier bitte noch etwas Geduld.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will ask our QA team to verify right away! Thanks for letting me know.

    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there!

Thanks for the question! Those buffs you see in the character’s nameplate are what we call enemy affixes. Shattering is an enemy affix that increases the stamina damage a character will deal. So, if an enemy happens to have the shattering affix, you can count on them to break your block with fewer hits than they normally would.

We know that the effects of affixes aren’t always communicated the most clearly in game and it’s something we hope to improve upon in the future. We don’t currently have an ETA on those improvements, but in the meantime, I’ve gone ahead and included a list of all the potential Affixes that characters can roll and what they do. Happy hunting!

Name Effect
Ignited 50% of outgoing damage is converted to Fire damage
Abyssal 50% of outgoing damage is converted to Void damage
Electrified 50% of outgo...
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The stats on the items are tuned to be within the bounds of the level requirement based on their gear score and rarity, so giving them a bump is something I can’t provide an answer to here.

I’ll discuss it with the team, though!


Hi Karsaa,

To confirm what others have mentioned in here:

If an item has a chain damage perk (like Chain Fire) on it, the only elemental gem that you can socket is the gem that does the matching damage type. Other gems that do conditional effects, such as an Emerald or Diamond, should also work.


Hi everyone!

The odds of a gatherable dropping its rare resources are pretty low! Additionally, when you just start gathering as a new character, it’s not even possible for those to drop.

As you level the relevant gathering skill, you’ll cross particular thresholds that first enable and then begin to increase the likelihood of finding those rare resources.

To boost your chances further, you can craft armor with gathering-specific perks on it and eat food that enhances your gathering luck for a particular skill.

Soon, I’ll be taking a look at the drop rates for these lower-tier rare resources (e.g. Fae Iron, Petrified Wood), and if I see an irregularity that could be causing them to be more rare than we expect them to be, rest assured I’ll get a fix in that will make its way to you in a future release.

Thanks for playing New World with us! See you in Aeternum!

04 Oct

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi RedFury43, you will be able to declare war when the invasion is over. You will not lose your influence and the territory will still be in conflict. We are going to see how we can improve legibility of that screen. It also looks like there is a bug where the invasion is not correctly reported in the tab but it looks like a UI issue. I will relay that information to the team, thanks for reporting it. Let me know if you have any issues with declaring war after the invasion is over.


To further clarify: This affects individual turn-ins and it isn’t based on the number of companies that are doing the turn-ins.

Essentially, the PvP Faction Missions grow in Influence Value over time. Their relative value between each other is the same (which is why we denote them with + vs. ++ vs. +++) but the actual value of the mission turn-in goes up over time.