Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

12 Nov


Originally posted by StonedMason13

I really like the idea of upgrading the prayers, but I'm struggling to understand why they will be untradeable. These upgrades would be massive for late game players trying to complete the inferno

Edit : the poll doesn't mention anything about the scrolls being polled with untradeable or tradeable versions. I'm not an iron-man, I want to sell my loot or dupes.

If you're trying to complete the Inferno and you're a lategame player, you'd likely have very limited interest in there. The untradeability is just to serve as a chase item for the target audience to have an excuse to get really comfortable with switching while chasing a really impactful unlock for their account!


Originally posted by Gohankuten

Ok so which of you guys is Gimli here talking to Legolas in the newspost lol. That Tolkein inclusion was funny and I love seeing the little quips you guys put into the newsposts like this.

I guess that's me, any excuse to throw in vaguely annoying one-liners!


Originally posted by Zothic

Pretty much all of this sounds dope as f**k not gunna lie. Really cool sounding update (especially especially especially the baby versions of Rigour and Augury), though i'll leave it to people with more imagination than me to calculate exactly how good the twinstaff will be.

One thing I'd like confirmation on though - the dual looting mechanics that favour bringing a duo partner, is it safe to assume that that's all viable with ironmen?

Should be chill to duo with others even if you're an Iron!


Originally posted by Aromatic-Variation62

I love the proposed fight and loot mechanics. Does it mean Ironman will be able to duo with Main and get a loot drop provided they deal enough damage?

Should be the case yeah!


Originally posted by No_Way_482

You are purposefully locking yourself out of content so stuff shouldn't be changed just so limited accounts can access it

The game is updated weekly - there have been countless changes to better the experience for all types of players, give them access to content, and more.

Genuine question here, but why exactly shouldn't content be changed in this way? I'd like to hear something aside from "You are purposefully locking yourself out of content" if you have another reason!


Originally posted by TGamlock

Let us charge the staff with 15k of each elemental runes so we can use it as all the elemental runes staff. Love the bosses and the drops. Devs cooked again. Would we need to farm keys to do these giant bosses?

No keys needed for these, still figuring out what to suggest for Obor/Bryophyta!


Originally posted by Circulation_man

Boos(es) looks great and the fight sounds interesting.

Is this supposed to use more pages than you get? I feel like there's a massive surplus of pages out there since the need for using them is low. Then we finally get a half decent use and it drops more pages??

I'd be surprised if it used more pages than you could get if you chose to opt out of all loot, but we observe that a lot of Irons just don't bother using them because obtaining the pages are a nuissance. For mains it'll always be more worthwhile to just take the regular loot, so it's not likely to be an option with any significant economic impact.


Originally posted by InternationalBend324

Would deadeye and mystic vigour be considered p2p prayers? Or would f2p players also maintain that when on a f2p world? Dumb question but I feel it isn't as obvious

Members only on account of the override, if you chose to go back to just vibing in F2P then you'd be losing out on two prayers (though we could probably work around that)


Originally posted by Mulstar

Why is Chivalry Defence level requirment removal being polled again? It's failed numerous times already.

In this instance, to satisfy the feedback from last time that the suggested drop source was a massive issue, and have it slot nicely in alongside these other Prayers to carve out a full tier of Prayers. We're not repolling the same implementation, we're using feedback from the last time we mentioned it to poll what we believe to be a better and far more sensible implementation!


Originally posted by Sredleg

This looks very nice! Really liking this concept and how the looting mechanics work!

However, in the previous blog it was mentioned that a revisit to giant and moss giant keys would be discussed together with this content. This seems to be missing. Is this an oversight or is it still in the works?

Not an oversight, just not something we're focused on here - looking for feedback on the Titans and their rewards specifically rather than getting bogged down with chats around systems for other content!


Originally posted by chol3ric

What's the reasoning behind adding another midgame trident gap filler that makes uses of elemental weaknesses when most of the time weaknesses need a blanket 50% buff over their current numbers to even come close to trident numbers, along with using wrath runes, sunfire runes, having 5 diff pieces of elemental boosting gear compared to just using a trident? All while giving up spellbook utility like thralls or vengeance or giving up scaling like heart/salt/overload or even magic potions

Would encourage you to check out the graphs included, vs. targets with Ele weaknesses, the Twinflame Staff absolutely outcompetes Trident numbers while using Wave spells and no Sunfire runes.

Primarily though, it's super on-theme for this encounter which leans heavily into EleWeaknesses for the Magic usage, helps serve as a stepping stone for some other content like Zulrah (where you'll pick up a Magic Fang), while being a strong 'generalist' choice in the runup to unlocking your charged staves.


Originally posted by johnmaverik

The concept art shows some kind of necklace along the staff, is it just for flavour or did i miss something in the blogpost?

You didn't miss anything, it's not strictly intended to be a 'reward' like these other ones and is largely there for flavour/backup in case something had really missed the mark, which doesn't appear to be the case!


Originally posted by gavriloe

Brandr and Eldric have been expanding their territory from the depths of Karamja Volcano and the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon respectively. Unfortunately, this expansionist streak has thrown both of them into a violent meeting in the middle

Does this mean the boss fight will be accessible from both the Asgarnian ice dungeon and Karamja volcano? Because that would mean that limpwurt suddenly has to do the inferno...

Current plan is only for accessibility via Asgarnia Ice Dungeon, Limpwurt is safe (unless devs change their mind)


Originally posted by Blitzet

very cool proposal! My only concern is whether the update (in case of passing the poll) will be live during the Leagues, which would be a shame

These won't be landing until 2025, so nothing to worry about when it comes to your region choices or build for Leagues V!


Originally posted by The_Strict_Nein

Finally figured out a way to give Pures Chivalry that will actually probably pass - support pretty much everything here, looks like a good update. Gear switches was probably the main mechanic that was yet to be taught to players, so good choice to have the drop that they give be appropriate for Zulrah.

Probably the only mechanic left to be "taught" is instant death mechanics, perhaps a boss that "knocks you out" or something if you fail the mechanic rather than outright kill you, so you only lose time/supplies rather than death costs?

Appreciate this feedback immensely - not sure if there's a fun way to teach instant death as opposed to alleviating enough mental load that people can sort of just realise 'yo that looks scary' and not get their head taken off!


Originally posted by really_big_capybara

Duo scale baseline? I love it!
Real duo content. Please don't ever change this.

Selfishly I'm extremely excited for this, I've been foaming at the mouth for more specifically duo content for ages. Sad that I'm a little past the target audience but will absolutely love getting to introduce my partner to it when we get there on our little GIM squad!


Originally posted by Brodisi_Jr

I like how the boss have different unique drop mechanics. Being able to target farm the reward you want will be nice.

Hard agree that the team are cooking with some of the reward mechanics here! Araxxor walked so that these guys could also walk, because they're all going to be banger updates!


Originally posted by DrumAndCode

While looking at giant bosses, could we make a bryo adjustment? It really needs a cooldown between sapling spawns.

It’s currently pretty discouraging to work up to a boss in free to play, and then at random fights, it so many back to back saplings that you can’t damage the boss for over a minute.

In f2p where that will drain your prayer to 0 and theres no way to restore it, it’s randomly a completely unbalanced fight at times.

New players won’t see much benefit in switching to membership if the only encounters in f2p make them think pvm is just unbalanced in os.

Can definitely throw it onto our Suggestions sheet, but can't make any guarantees that a change like that would happen alongside the Royal Titans.


Originally posted by hardhairycock

Thoughts on any armour piece drops that specifically provide elemental magic damage increase? Or a necklace for mage before occult or that specifically increases magic damage for fire or water?

Definitely cool space to explore, I don't think we need more here but nice to have in the back pocket or build on in future!


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

The rewards all look pretty cool. Good to have a bridge between the strength of Eagle Eye/Mystic Might and Rigour/Augury.

The staff is also a great concept for earlier/med level players as it helps them with learning about Elemental Weaknesses as well.

And just to be clear, do the uniques come from both Bosses and the change in rewards are just with the common loot? Or is the Deadeye from 1 boss and Mystic Vigour from the other?

Each boss has their own uniques, a fire piece and an ice piece of the Twinflame Staff, one will offer Deadeye and the other Mystic Vigour - if you look at the imagery you'll see that Deadeye has a kind of 'frozen' edge and Mystic Vigour is a little singed at the bottom.

The common loot will vary slightly but they should mostly be flavourful differences and not material differences in profit.