where gotr changes?
Next week!
where gotr changes?
Next week!
Where gotr changes?
Next week!
Dropping a comment of my own to say that we're appreciative for all of the additional questions being suggested - while we're not going to edit this survey at the same time that it's live, we'll look to gather up any 'straggling' questions and see if we can include them in a short follow-up in the very near future!
Personally it annoys me that you folks at jagex seem committed to dedicate a lot of manpower to "figuring out" PvP in this game even though youve been unsuccessful for years, which attracts a small fraction of the playerbase, while fixes and improvements for other content that tons of playeras engage in go ignored for years.
It's really puzzling to me.
Ultimately boils down to different teams working on different things, having a sizeable enough number of players engaging in PvP content for it to be worth the support it gets, and the strong nostalgia factor/marketability that PvP brings with it - growing that base further while still engaging the existing base should be the aim, since it's strictly more bang for our buck (time). Appreciate that it can at times feel like bits of QoL or improvements don't roll out as quickly as people would like, and that's something we're looking to get better at too!
We want to get a clearer sense of how we should invest in PvP. We want to know what new activities PvPers might enjoy, while bringing the fast-paced world of rapid clicks, tight movement, and maddening mind games to more players!
I really hope you guys aren't just focusing on what new content pvp players might enjoy, but also what non pvp players think about new content and existing wilderness content.
It feels like too often you guys only consult pvpers and then get surprised when players in general dislike the proposals. I understand that this survey is a way to get away from that, and I greatly appreciate it. This line in the blog just worried me that instead of meaningful discussion and critically looking at pvp content with all players in mind, it'll just be more of the same.
With all of that said, I do trust that you guys are going to take everyone into consideration and not just pvp and pk players. I just hope that truly i...
Ultimately it's still a line we've gotta walk, can't necessarily go all-in one way or the other - part of what the survey's aiming to do is more properly 'quantify' existing grievances and where gaps feel the biggest so that the team might have direction for future updates to address those gaps with a look to grow the PVP community further.
Got an error mid way through the survey twice, something related to back-button or being open in another tab?
Might have been because it was embedded twice in the post, have removed the second embed to see if it fixes it!
/u/JagexGoblin I'm getting an error about halfway thru the survey for using the back button or opening in two tabs when neither are the case
Might have been because it was embedded twice in the post, have removed the second embed to see if it fixes it!
I was filling out the survey and about 10 mins into it, it stopped me and said
You are seeing this message for one of the following reasons:
1) Your browsers back button wa sused. Please refrain from using your browsers back button.
2) The survey is open in multiple tabs
Neither of which is true. I noticed the survey is in the news post twice however, maybe that's what caused it?
Have removed the second embed to see if this fixes it!
I'm sure that this will be explored in your survey which I'll do, but my main feedback would be that I don't think most people are opposed to PvP updates in general.
However, I think people are getting sick of being told that x new PvE encounter is a PvP update just because it's being released in the Wilderness. PvM is one of the most popular aspects of this game. If you release a new boss, people will want to kill it regardless of where it is. And a big portion of those people will be frustrated by interruptions from people looking to engage in PvP that they aren't interested in.
I've finished every wilderness boss, and I while I didn't hate every second, overall it would have been more fun for me if wasn't in the wilderness. You need to find a way to get people who actually want to fight each other together that doesn't involve an unwilling third party.
Would be keen to see if you feel like this was addressed in the survey, very here for the feedback!
Fossil Island zipline to north Island ETA?
Haven't got an ETA on that one I'm afraid!
Can the revenant ether from breaking down revenant artifacts be considered for this PVP QoL poll? It was originally pitched with wrathmaw but that has been radio silent since the original controversy
Other stuff here is trivial enough that it's not being polled, but you're right that we should pull that out and poll it!
PvP is too toxic for it to exist in the game, remove PvP in its entirety!
Fill in the survey and give us some granularity, broad strokes like this aren't constructive!
With armageddon weapon scroll hitting 100m this week, do you have any plans to reintroduce this discontinued item into the game, or is it gonna continue to be discontinued?
It's not something we've discussed since I think the plan is for them to be available from future events, similar to how Leagues cosmetics work!
I can already hear the spades scraping the ground on the way to the poll booths to vote no
Nothing to vote on, just a survey to fill out to help steer us towards things to vote on in future
Just want to say that the podcast/interview was really cool, and getting to hear you go into detail about design philosophy was awesome.
Thanks! It was really fun, I hope it's the start of something great.
cant wait until jagex finally starts teasing things, been waiting too long!
It did lose a bit of charm when some of these towns were updated back in the day, they did get a lot more personality though, so I don’t think it’s all bad or as ugly as this post is making out.
I do find it funny how we can label a change that was made roughly 18 years ago and still tag it as ‘new’
This is one of my favorite weird tidbits:
Literally part of it is that somewhere in the spaghetti code in the last few years they lost the ability to add textures to polygons (think the leaves on old trees or the classic door model) and now they can only create new objects NPCs etc by using colored polygons like clay (think, anything in Priffdinas) that they model into whatever they want.
It actually totally explains the art style disconnect between new content and the oldest content.
It’s not that we really lost the ability. It’s just always been really bad and the technology to improve it has never been worked on. There’s no way for us to ‘unwrap’ an asset so if we want to use textures they need to be manually projected for each polygon.
That isn’t the main reason we don’t do it though, we do use it sparingly (trees mainly). It’s just that the majority of the game isn’t textured and so we use polycolour a lot more as things match a lot better that way.