Yeah, we're aware that this is a sore point and we're looking to deal with this in the future. Don't be afraid to keep raising to continue reminding us that it's annoying but we are looking to get the work done
Yeah, we're aware that this is a sore point and we're looking to deal with this in the future. Don't be afraid to keep raising to continue reminding us that it's annoying but we are looking to get the work done
Chaos Elemental - My first and only pet. Planning to get it at some point ☺️
We've got this as feedback to discuss tomorrow. Thank you for passing it on and please keep raising feedback for how we can continue improving MES (I see this thread also has some others that we'll be discussing too)
Could you expand a bit on what and why you don't like the new UI?
I'd massively appreciate it if you could also put that in the survey from the newspost.
I've heard rumors that you'll be able to woodcut in leagues 5 can someone on the mod team please confirm this?!?!?!!?!
I, as a member of the mod team, can confirm that you will be able to woodcut in leagues 5.
Don't say that man....dint do that to me man. Not you man, not you. I gotta wait a year to grt the skin colors is wild
You have another week, but it will be gone by the 15th. Good luck!
I am so sorry for the loss of your gorgeous fuzzy friend. Thank you for taking the time to post this, it means a lot. <3
I've been asking myself if making a holiday event was the really right way to process my grief, because it felt a bit... Callous? But it has reached people like you that share this very special pain and it is comforting to feel that we're not alone. So thank you again <3
Please note that Menu Entry Swapper is not working for some players and the issue needs to be coldfixed.
Currently if you turn ON NPC Tags or Tap-to-Drop you will not be able see Menu Entry Swapper. For some players, turning those features off for now should have the Menu Entry Swapper button visible.
Repro steps:
Menu entry swapper not working on iPhone se, Samsung galaxy s23+
Appreciate it, the team is investigating.
Currently if you turn ON NPC Tags or Tap-to-Drop you will not be able see Menu Entry Swapper. Turning those features off for now should have the Menu Entry Swapper button visible.
Autocast on plank make is broken on mobile. Is this just a setting reset that I'm overlooking or a bug?
This is currently a bug and the team is currently investigating.
So any updates on those who have updated their app, closed and re-opened multiple times, and restarted their device, but still can’t access minimenu reordering? I can click the button in settings all I want, but I don’t have the option to actually re-order anything. Even the “Modify Starting position” option does nothing, independent on which “entry” is set to be first.
Appreciate the feedback, the team are currently looking into the issue.
Is the customization for hotkeys broken for anyone else on IOS? I can’t drag hot keys into empty slots
Going to ask this to everyone but double-check your app is on 226.2 but if that is the case, can you let me know your device please!
Can we please have an option to use the classic mobile UI!? I prefer the old one better compared to this new UI.
What's the main reason behind this and could you put this into the survey?
Just popped on mobile, my goodness is that an upgrade, mobile gaming is going to be so much better now.
That said, MES does not appear to work, at least for me. Despite enabling, the button has not appeared on any entity, item, ground object, nothing. Other options like hide pet interactions, spacing between buttons, hide cancel etc all work, but the button to swap does not appear.
Heya, thanks for letting us know! The team is aware as this is causing issues for some players while others have needed to update to 226.2. I'd check that your version is up to date but the team is investigating!
Idle notifier like runelite has. The screen flash is so convenient to get me to look back at my phone while watching something.
Make sure to add this feedback to the survey when it goes live in 10 mins :D
So thrilled you had Fully Mobile make the offical Mobile Update video. Great guy and a great voice for the mobile community. Anyone who hasn't seen his mobile locked iron account should go check him out. He was the first mobile player to beat the infero without having a tbow!
Big agree, glad we got to shout out an underrated legend :)
in celebration to menu entry swapper on mobile im going to grind a blood shard on my poop break
Gl to both
Will the new mobile update include the options to turn off attack style for pures? If not then I don’t care for it.
When the survey goes live at 11:30 GMT, feel free to leave that as a missing feature as part of your feedback :)
If we're allowing using a keyboard button to activate special attacks on this, can we allow Runelite developers to do the same?
There's no F-Key support for Hotkeys, only the normal Sidestones you'd be able to use F-Keys on desktop.
Hey y'all! Since we've had two massive newsposts go out at once, I'd really appreciate it if you could leave any Mobile feedback here and save any other update related feedback on the main update newspost thread:
Appreciate you all <3