Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

15 Nov

13 Nov


Originally posted by Ralficus

On the topic of area design, do you happen to know why Prifddinas doesn't use the standard tree models? It's difficult to describe what exactly bothers me about the present look, but if I had to pin it down to one thing, it's that the environment looks very cartoony and smooth. It's even more jarring when you realise that the trees in the Elven Lands outside of the city gates use old textures.

I wish you guys would reuse more of the truly oldschool-feeling textures for building walls and dungeons, even in new areas.

(I realise this is a ridiculously tiny hill to die on)

Definitely something we talk more about these days and we want to make this a bit more consistent going forward. I think a good comparison with the Prif trees are the ones around Shayzien as they also don't use the classic texture and rely on poly-colour in the same way. I don't think I've seen many comments talking about them compared to the prif trees which have been described as 'playdough' which I think is a fair criticism. It's down to how the mesh is constructed, the shayzien trees are not a complete shell so the shading is less intense and flatter when compared to the prif tree mesh.

The issue we've had with the textures is that our tools haven't changed in a long while and we currently don't have traditional texture mapping like most game engines do, instead we have to manually project each plane which is cumbersome and a little buggy. I think the rough plan is to give us the ability to unwrap meshes so we can start using the textures on new trees while also exposin...

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Originally posted by PlataBear

Damn that's impressive for a game this size. I stand corrected.

For sure! Around that time OSRS was kinda just doing its own thing in the corner with a small dev team, mostly ignored by the rest of the company which I think helped it grow :D OSRS team is easily 50+ people nowadays if not more (depending on how you count external support teams)


It's me!

Wanted to jump in on this briefly to say two things:

  • First up, we're interested in re-polling stackable clues. Mod Kieren left a comment on this a few months ago to the same effect. We've got an open invitation for the entire team to cook up fun designs that might make stackable clues feel a little more well-integrated and tie in with other content. There's never a specific desire to re-poll x/y/z ASAP, but near misses or older ideas that we can rework absolutely come into consideration when we start thinking of new content that might be appropriate. For clues in particular, it's probably something we should just look to do as a standalone, and ...
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Love this, this is super cute!


Originally posted by BlackenedGem

Loving the GoTR updates, this will be so much nicer without actually changing the reward rates at all!

Also /u/JagexGoblin I'd like to plug this again: Is the team aware that the droprate of mossy keys is bugged and exploitable for a 3x drop rate? It's been known publicly since the 20th of October but was likely always in the game.

Was not aware of this, but the team is aware now!


Originally posted by Bill_Wanna_Kill

Any news on when (and/or if) the run energy changes will happen?

Looking more like a 'when' than an 'if', but we're still talking through feedback and data from the most recent beta because we feel we have a little more fine-tuning we'd like to do. Unfortunately I don't have a firm date on the 'when' yet!


Originally posted by Ok_Dig8960

Does this actually also mean it’s easier to solo GOTR? 

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I don't know that it's strictly 'easier' so much as it's a little less reliant on some RNG helping you out in the early waves. Significantly more consistent, which could be absolutely be argued as easier!


Originally posted by Far-Internal-5726

Hi u/JagexGoblin boss! Are we able to use the blighted items in clan wars as well? Does that count as ferox?

I might be wrong but isn't this already the case?


Originally posted by saul1417

Not making menu entry swapper bugs a priority for this weeks update is ridiculous, it was one of the most wanted features on mobile and basically can’t be used how it is now

Checked in with the Mobile team on this one and was told they're actively working to fix as many MES issues as possible, but a lot of the fixes needed are far from straightforward and require significant refactoring. Fixes are coming and are the highest priority for Mobile, they're just complex and may take some time. Apologies that I don't have anything more specific for you!


Originally posted by flickmybeaner

Can please get the Nex bank fixed so that we can light fires there once again? A bug was introduced about a month ago along with Varlamore that won't allow it anymore. Thanks!

We're still figuring out a neat fix for this. Effectively, you didn't used to be able to light fires there because the area counted as a bank. Then the Chugging Barrel wasn't useable there, so we made it count as a bank, which meant you couldn't light fires there. We're hoping to work on a solution that allows it to count as a bank and not a bank so that both firelighting and chugging are permitted activities, which is all anybody really wants!


Originally posted by Minotaur830

Anyone know if there's a way to make rune pouches left click fill but also empty on mobile without having to enable tap to drop each time? It's the 1 thing stopping me from doing gotr on mobile, was hoping to see a change today but doesn't look like it.

Will share this with the team working on mobile to see whether or not it's easily doable client-side, appreciate that it's a bit of a nuissance at the moment when compared to playing on PC!


Originally posted by xsevenmillionx

Nice! Will we ever get aerial fishing and forestry fixed?

There are some Forestry tweaks scheduled for Poll 83, which should make its way to you all in December. Aerial Fishing doesn't have anything in the works, but don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that the time-to-complete there is pretty rough for something that's relatively intensive, so would be more than happy to raise suggestions for it!


Originally posted by Hunajamurune

Ctrl walk animation running the last tile and veng/olm burn overhead text simply not showing been bugged for 4 weeks now. When will they be fixed?

Should be fixed with the next Engine release, which is scheduled for next week.


Originally posted by NoCurrencies

Now, you'll be prevented from receiving back-to-back Weak-tier altar rolls in the first two rounds, meaning you'll be guaranteed at least two Medium-tier altars at the start of the game.

Does this mean that the first two rounds you'll never see an air altar? Or in the first round you'll never see air and in the second you'll never see mind/body?

It means that you'll be guaranteed at least a Medium-tier altar in the first wave, and in the second wave. So it could be either permutation of what you've said - you could still see air in the first round if the catalytic is at least Medium-tier, and you could still see Mind/body in the second round if the Elemental is at least Water or better.


Originally posted by Beezusthegoat

🦀GOTR is ready🦀

🦀I have been putting off Runecraft for 84 years 🦀


Originally posted by NoCurrencies

The GOTR changes will be great not just for masses but also for solos! I went ahead and updated my solo guide yesterday so all the changes coming today are reflected. Solos should be significantly more forgiving and consistent now, and consequently even better XP/hr and points/hr than before!

Edit: more changes to make based on this post which I'll add today

Edit 2: guide is fully up-to-date now

Would love to see more people get into solos and small-team GOTR, a lot of fun and a little more decision-making involved!

12 Nov


Originally posted by GlumTruffle

I wonder whether we'll ever reach a point where there's deemed to be enough midgame tutorial bosses. How long are players actually spending pottering about in the midgame without leveling their combat stats? Is the progression curve going to end up being 100% linear to the extent that upgrades don't feel meaningful anymore?

In my mind, these would likely finish off the 'core mechanic teaching bosses' and set us up nicely to hopefully start upping the ante a little and pipelining people into tougher content!


Originally posted by Lewufuwi

As an iron will I be able to duo this boss with others or will I be strictly soloing it?

Can duo it with others absolutely!


Originally posted by ComfortableCricket

This blog has me hyped for the new boss, everything is on point, so well planned out! I hope everything passes and I can't wait to try these out!

If I may ask, what's the ball park on seeing these in-game?

Early 2025!