Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

12 Nov


Originally posted by justsomerandomoldguy

Why are these bosses members-only if the other ones are available on the free-to-play worlds? F2P severely lacks content that you can do together as opposed to next to each other, it would be a welcome addition even if the rewards were limited.

Comes down a little to balancing and what they're aiming to do, we think there's a gap in the 'Scurrius, PMoons' school of introductory content for gear switching and taking it up a notch, which feels at-odds with the gear available in F2P, so it's been built from the ground up with Members gear in mind owing to the players we're aiming to reach with it!


Originally posted by Angustevo

If you duo will both players get a chance at the pet?



Originally posted by Integral_e_tothexy

The original post that pitched these also pitched potentially removing the giant/mossy key system. Is that still in the works?

I've not got an update to share on the keys front for now, the team are primarily looking for steer on the design of this content and its rewards in particular before visiting Giant/Mossy keys, but it's still in our minds!


is this a new league relic


Originally posted by Prawn_Dong

Ayiza is such a good-looking guy and always dresses well 👀



Originally posted by MrMirifc

It's available from a site called Zavvi. Then search 'Bulbausur Evolution' (can't post link)

^ Exact site I got it from :)

09 Nov


Yo, these look dope af! I'd love to find out more behind your design process and more.

My own little passion project has been an OSRS TCG so great to see someone create iconic cards for such an iconic game ❤️

08 Nov

07 Nov


Team has already received the feedback - I wasn't in the meeting for discussing all of the bits of feedback we got but I know this was in there, just don't know how high on the list it is to change or how easy it is


Originally posted by PlataBear

Conveniently ignoring that Jagex had over 500 employees in 2012, the year OSRS launched. Literally the next line from the Wikipedia page you're quoting from.

You deadass think 29/500 worked on OSRS? Especially 4 years later when zeah was released.

Me wrong.

There were 12 people working on OSRS during the release of Zeah.

The woodcutting guild was mostly created by a single dev without any art support though, they reused all the assets. I updated the redwood trees a year later.


Originally posted by Mysterious_War_2942

Why does it pester me everytime I open my bank? If I say no then it shouldn't open until I log in next, right?

If you think you've found a bug you can submit a report in-game


Would really appreciate it if you could explain what elements of the new UI you dislike.


Originally posted by Critical-Leave-5241

Pointless like the entire ui department of corse. Fully trash

If you could give me some core examples of areas of the new UI you dislike and why that would be more beneficial.


Originally posted by Spy111

New UI is really unattractive in my opinion. Is there any way to revert back to the old one? Thanks

Is this in terms of design, layout or both?


Originally posted by IndependentTill3991

Or add a toggle to classic ui for the mobile players who never asked for this shit, despite providing tons of feedback which was largely ignored.

/u/JagexSarnie wont respond.

Over the course of the 2 years we've been discussing this with the community we've felt we addressed the majority of feedback that was coming in from players, as an example the addition of the Hotkeys. Within that time we also stated that when we made this change, we weren't going to offer two versions.

I'm sorry you feel like you were ignored in your particular feedback and I would be grateful if you could give me more info on what you don't like so we can look towards some solution.


Originally posted by Jacern

Personally, using the old UI for the last 6 years, muscle memory is ingrained pretty hard to log out in the bottom right. Has made a quick one-handed log out a bit awkward

Might not be a complete solution to your problem but you can assign a hotkey to the logout button and if you have the 'Open Hotkey Panels on the Left' option turned on then you can still have a quick logout.


Originally posted by Heavy_Daikon_2688

Option to use old style osrs mobile Please please please

Having the prayer tab and spellbook tab on the left thumb really helps with PvP/PvM. Having to do everything with the right thumb is cancer, all I wanted was tile markers and NPC highlight. Everything else was fine the way it was. Please please let us use old style as an option.

Chat box and log out button was fine the way it was too, it made it easier to log out fast in the wilderness.

When you say the old style do you mean the design of the UI, the layout or both?

You don't have to do everything with your right hand as you key set Hotkeys up for any of the Side Panel buttons and ticking the 'Open Panels on the Left for Hotkeys' setting will open any Hotkey on the left hand side.

Also, for the logout button, especially if you've got the above set, you can add a Logout Hotkey, to still keep that quick response within the wildy.

06 Nov


Originally posted by desmonger

Am I too late to ask if we can move the prayer book to the other side? I got used to prayer flicking with my left thumb.

You can ☺️ Set Prayer as a hotkey and turn on the setting 'Open Panel on Left with Hotkey'. Or set-up your quick prayers and set the Quick Prayers button on a hotkey.


Originally posted by seagullgim

would you have it pixelated or make it more like artistic? sorry idk terminology good i hope you know what i mean

That would probably depend on the artist I think, but closer to the original is my initial thought.