Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

30 Sep


Originally posted by CloudCollapse

Everything looks a good bit better than the original pitches; great work from the art team. Still not sure how to feel about needing a consumable cosmetic scroll for the furniture. Why not a single reusable item that just takes more points overall to get?

I guess it's largely because if you only really want to change one thing, then you're overpaying for it - providing a non-specific and 'affordable' option gives you a little more flexibility and also makes for an easy bit of maingame GP when selling to other players if you're not able to rack up many points over the course of a League.


Originally posted by joe0017

would it be possible to make the virtus/venator bow tradeable when the kit is attached i play as a group iron and its really annoying having to detach it those things everytime

Will absolutely raise this with the team and see if it's something they'd be able to do. Personally a fan of the way DMM kits were handled from a useability perspective, perhaps can do similar here!


Originally posted by Chiodos_Bros

Virtus cosmetic should make you look like the Mysterious Figure from DT2. Maybe with the blue/red color scheme though.

Neat idea to be fair, though the Mysterious Figure's implied to be a Zamorakian so it's a hefty shift to kit them out as an absolute rival!


Originally posted by lizard_behind

Dislike the inclusion of a Virtus kit - that should be saved for a future Zaros-themed raid or such.

I think generally the team aren't sure about including challenge-based cosmetics for stuff that's never been BiS. Ancestral kits are a nice fit since they're worth going for because it's unlikely you'll upgrade from it for a long time, releasing a challenge-based or drop-based kit for something that you're looking to upgrade away from is a little niche. Aim with the Virtus kit here was to have a Magic robe set with a bit more longevity than Ahrim's, which people upgrade from pretty quickly (since Virtus is way cheaper than Ancestral).

29 Sep


These are really, really cool! Good work fam - big love for the POH Portal Tele.

27 Sep


y'all really couldn't just write 'improved' :(

But also yes, what OP said, it's better now! Enjoy your weekends and stay safe!


another hotfix incoming, hope you enjoyed Telegrab's brief moment in the sun!


Heads-up, we just deployed another hotfix to Mastering Mixology - now you can hand in multiple orders at once if you'd like, but the full list will reset on any hand-in. This should make for a much better middle-ground ahead of this weekend!


Heads-up, we've released the Huey hotfixes and a further hotfix to Mastering Mixology.

Now, handing in any potion will reset all three orders, but you'll be able to hand in multiple orders at once. Apologies for the oversight with our initial change, hopefully this helps you keep up on those Lye gains over the weekend!


Originally posted by alwayslonesome

The change to only refresh one specific potion order instead of the whole list seems very poorly thought out. It makes it impossible to target Lye and Mox potions since more of those points are required to purchase the rewards. Now green-logging the activity will require far more herbs than before and leave you with tens of thousands of useless additional Aga and Mox points. Can this change be looked into, or some other option be given for refreshing the potion order list instead of deliberately turning in a wrong order?

Think this is valid feedback for sure. Will take this back to the team to discuss, would be nice to reach a sweet spot of the flow feeling better (with a pseudo-batch-turn-in) without feeling like it's harder to target a certain point type. Noted!


Originally posted by BryanAwYeah

No mention of the prices of Aldarium? It’s still widely unavailable and absolute garbage for iron men to acquire. Put in herblore exp… to get a secondary? How does that make sense for anyone but people who can buy the herbs. Every other secondary can be gathered without the use of herblore exp, and you can gather 100s of them per hour. Currently it sits at like 15/hr and now a minor buff because you can put in 3 potions at once. Please consider removing the secondary from this activity and placing it elsewhere.

Aldarium's one of the things encompassed by the 'other stuff we're considering' note on the points reduction section!


Originally posted by Pozure

Great changes, but I think the mixology rewards costs are still too high, unless the other changes noticeably increase points per hour

Team's super open to further changes, but also curious to see how being able to cycle through orders more quickly and more reliably get Digweed into the mix might increase points per hour before over-correcting!


Originally posted by Optimystix

Is this still ~2 weeks after release?

Yeah that rule's not likely to change any time in the future to my knowledge!


Originally posted by GodBjorn

Hey u/JagexGoblin, got 2 questions on the community's behalf.

With Hueycoatl, is the perfect kill currently bugged? It seems that it cannot be done. Additionally, does the perfect kill impact loot?

This will decide for a lot of players if they want to kill it this weekend or wait.

Hopefully you could answer this one :)

Perfect Kill messaging wasn't supposed to be left in, but actual tracking for perfect kills isn't currently enabled - wouldn't worry about this for now, it has zero impact on loot.


Originally posted by CarolinafanfromPitt

Is there a plan to refund the point difference in rewards to those who bought potion storage or pouch before the update next week?

We're looking into this and hoping to do it, but not able to 100% commit to it along with next week's coldfix at this stage.


Originally posted by OblvThorns

"Group ironmen will no longer lose their prestige for kills with players outside there group"

Does this mean HCGIM can mass Huey now?

Once the hotfix is made yeah, it will do.


Originally posted by Slay3d

Any chance Aldarium price will also be reduced? I feel this item will struggle to come into the game at a sufficient quantity. Especially since it is used in 2 potions that would make great qol if they were worth using

Or do you have plans to add new sources of Aldarium in the future

Definitely one of the things we're planning to look into (as mentioned in the post)


Originally posted by UnluckyNate

Thanks for the quick and comprehensive plan moving forward!

While a lot of the comments the past two days have focused on the negative, there is so much that part 2 did extremely well. The quests, the visuals, and the music are all absolutely top tier. Coming from someone who played during the release of zeah, varlamore is incredible in so many ways that zeah wasn’t on release….and still isn’t in several areas. Kudos to the entire team. Varlamore has been a huge undertaking and its overall got far more very right than wrong in my opinion

Yeah we've made sure when giving feedback to make it clear that a large part (though not all) of the negative feedback surrounds balance in particular. Quests, visuals, music tracks are for sure standouts, and the other stuff is entirely fixable!


Originally posted by CodySutherland

Handing in a potion order will only refresh that specific potion, not all three.

Players will only receive orders that they have the Herblore requirement for, meaning you won't need to force a refresh.

So, I currently have two orders I don't have the level to complete... How do I refresh them?

EDIT: Gobbie saved me, I needed to submit a wrong order to refresh all three at once.

If you've got 'held over' orders that you lacked the requirements for, handing in an incorrect potion should still reset all three of them, then you should only be able to receive stuff that you're eligible for.