Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

08 Jun


Hey, your recovery attempts look OK but they are from an ISP/IP that has never been used on the account, and a lot of the info is compromised. You are not trying to set the email address that was used to unban the account as well. That said, other info looks pretty good, I've asked an account security expert to review it - no guarantees but if they are happy they will send a pass reset link to the email address you wish to set in your recovery form.


Originally posted by dreadwraith8d

What do you think of the boss perhaps dropping a attachment to the Keris to make it the Bug Destroyer equivelent of the Arclight? As in, it would be BiS when used against stuff like Kalphite etc.

I’d love for the Keris to be improved (see Ellen in the myths guild for my proposed weapon) but it should probably come from a continuation of the contact quest line rather than from a spider (which is an arachnid :P ). However, I’ve seen a fair amount of demand for a unique from this boss so I’m interested in hearing all possibilities :)


Originally posted by Gavello

Is there a reason why new bosses always have to be instances? Why can't it be in the world instead of having another safe place to boss due to death mechanics.

The aim of this boss is for it to be engaged by mid level players. Because most of the other higher level bosses we've added are instanced with a gravestone system it makes sense to get them used to this idea.

Also, if a player wants to engage with this content to learn it can't find a world they will just not bother and go do something else


Originally posted by gigigamer

Can we get a better look at the drop table other than the eggs? Eggs are neat but if the market is flooded with them then the value will crash hard, if this boss is to survive its going to need a variety of drops.

The drop-table isn't completely finalised as I am still debating on having a unique on the table and that drastically affects how the table itself is balanced. On this weeks Q&A i'm going to ask for players to submit suggestions because i've been drawing blanks on what I could add that will actually add value to the game and fit the content.

07 Jun


Originally posted by rejectedstrawberry

do you mind changing the floor on this image

notice how its one solid colored floor, as opposed to this. you need to remember that you cannot try and make it look better than other older parts of the game or it will stand our like an ugly sore thumb. kourend already suffers from this issue severely, please do not mix and match art styles and dont change them without changing it everywhere

The mapping of the area is not completely finished and that room is definitely on the to do list of areas to polish off. Mod West has already done a fantastic job with other areas of the dungeon. If you're interested to see a sneak peek, tune in for the dev stream this Wednesday! :)


Originally posted by magistrate101

/u/JagexHusky will the Giant Egg Sacks stack? The eggs themselves don't stack and this would allow people to fit more runs in at a time if they can manage their resources properly.

The intention is for the Giant Egg Sac itself to not be stackable to incorporate that inventory management aspect


Originally posted by Soul_Turtle

Wait, why does a tanner live in the middle of this dungeon, exactly?

I get the gameplay/balance reason, but it feels a little out of place. Unless there is some lore I am missing?

Haha it is very much explained in the lore of the dungeon. You just have to go ask him! :)


Originally posted by RikdoKosh

Off topic but do you know when the fletching animation update is happening? I'm looking forward to it and everything else from the poll it was on came out like 2 months ago so it seems forgotten.

Sorry about that! I initially made the animations several weeks back but haven’t had the time to fix the issues that came back from QA as the fix was too large to fit into my schedule. I’m going to get the job finished next week, so it should be out later this month or early next :)


Originally posted by jesse1412

Key man mode is becoming real. Getting a bit stale now... Konar keys, wilderness keys, prif keys. Can we try something else? b2b2b2b key updates is pretty boring. Its like 5 people used the in game thumbs up thing after opening a konar chest and the analytics team went nuts.

To me, getting a key from a mob always made more sense than just straight up obscure loot (especially when said loot is noted...). Things like the muddy key and crystal key I’ve always seen as classic OSRS content which is what the grubby key was inspired by.


Originally posted by ilovezezima

Could we please have the boss have quite high range defence? Maybe it could be a melee boss where you need to step under to avoid some attacks etc. Or freeze it or some of its minions with magic and dps with melee. Just not another BP boss please lol.

Ranged will not be the best way to kill the boss :)


Originally posted by runecoins

When are you guys going to do something about all the bots mining clay :thinking:

As an artist there isn’t much I can do about it... if you report them though, our dedicated bot busting staff will be able to do something. I fear the low requirements needed to set up a clay bot may be the reason why they’re so prolific.


Originally posted by LordHayati

When is pinwheel skeleton boss?



Originally posted by Wildcyote

I'm unclear about the shortcut. I got the impression that it's moving because it says that it is being "rerouted", but your comment implies maybe they will share the same "hole" with a menu? I'd prefer to leave the existing shortcut where it is and have a trapdoor in the ruins or something.


Towards the top left of the map there is a ladder and a swirling symbol. That ladder is where the player will come down from the Forthos Ruin on the map which is next to the current entrance. The swirl represents the new entrance to the catacombs.

I have to say, the design for this new entrance is simply amazing. If you want a sneek peak check out next weeks dev stream where i'll be showing off some aspects of the dungeon


Originally posted by TheNewGuyGames

I love all of it and a mid level boss with mechanics sounds cool and healthy for the game. Unlocking it could be a pain with bad RNG but that's part of the game!

Just for the love of god PLEASE don't make BP/Tbow/Range BiS against this boss. I have other gear you know...I'd like to wipe the dust off.

I've been thinking how to reply to this without ruining boss mechanics.

Ranged CAN be used against this boss but there will be other methods which will result in killing the boss significantly faster and i'm talking about ranged as a whole not just blowpipe/tbow.


Originally posted by Bigduud

This is why pvp is dying smh

Bh update? Naaaa

New slayer content? Weebs rise up weeeeeeeeereeetarfs

We released some PvP updates yesterday and have plenty more in progress. We have multiple sub-teams within the OSRS team all focusing on various different updates.


Originally posted by MrPringles23

Getting a little worried with all these chests that getting added to the game.

They really do just feel like in-game loot boxes. And disjointed from the actual "drop" of the monster.

Like when you finish a task or hoard a bunch of konar keys, you're just rolling on a slot machine at the chest instead of receiving the drop on its own.

I get why the devs do this though. Its because people are stupid and riot like morons when they get a really rare roll from a lower level monster and pretend that their sample size is accurate or that "that monster shouldn't drop xxx item".

It provides some separation. But in the same way, it feels non-runescapey when you're just spam opening a chest and getting stacks of noted items/gp/alchables.

Funny you should say that! The grubby chest was inspired by the crystal and muddy chests, both of which really resonated with me back in 2004 when I was a noob. It's not the first time someone has said that they feel like loot boxes (when talking about Konar keys) which surprises me as this to me seems like classic OSRS content.


Originally posted by spockatron

Interesting, ok. I'm of the opinion that the solo/team content balance has been pretty skewed in favor of solo recently- would you agree? Does the team consider team/solo balancing much in development?

I've got plenty more dungeon designs in the works that could easily have a group mid-level boss of some kind (:


Originally posted by asq900

I have 2 thoughts to make

1) this new improvement will take away the shortcut to dust devils which is a very popular way of training magic these days. Taking away the shortcut makes the catacombs unbalanced. I like the dungeon but don’t re route the existing short cut into catacombs and create a new shortcut on the east side of the ruins.

2) I would make the new boss requirement be - if you are off task you need a tome (this combats people who will farm) BUT if you are on a slayer task for spiders then you should not need a tome allowing you use every slayer kill on the new boss. This will create a nice training session while on task. Maybe have a minimum slayer level for the new boss as well!

Edit: thought 2 is stupid as you only need to collect all 3 tomes once to unlock the new boss so idc about it being a slayer task. BUT don’t take away our short cut to dust devils

It won't take away the shortcut! The shortcut just requires 2 clicks to go through and it's arguably ever so slightly closer to the bank :)


Originally posted by bownerator

Why do you want to make this boss better than tower of life to gather red spiders eggs? Assuming it has other drops, if the speed is comparable it's just straight up better.

Red Spider Eggs are not a particularly fun resource to gather. They involve repeatedly killing a level-42 creature endlessly and to buy sardines to do so. The alternative is NMZ. Since the original concept involved this dungeon containing spiders I decided to use this chance to address this issue, those who like ToL can still do so if they wish to.