Hi There! I've passed your account onto the Support team. Do you mind checking your account settings again? Thanks!
Hi There! I've passed your account onto the Support team. Do you mind checking your account settings again? Thanks!
Hey /u/jagexacorn , I wanted to also tag you on this suggestion thread about the death mechanic interface! It's gotten a lot of support and I would love it if you could take a look.
Thanks for the tag. I'll have a read through all the comments and pass on relevant information to the devs.
My BH pking account has 56:47 mins of gameplay, just age check at Hans. I've been a member since I first got off of tutorial island The BH world is till unplayable for me. I.E: Shaded out just like a player who doesnt meet the total lvl req for a 2200lvl world. What do i do??
You will need to get 25 hours of game play plus 300 total level to access that world.
Requiring 65 attack to weild
Typo /u/JagexAcorn
This was Mod Gambit's blog but I've gone ahead and changed the typo anyways as I was in before him. Thank you!
Thanks for the tag! Sounds like Mod JD has this covered :)
Hey - first up, congratulations!
Definitely an odd request, but I'll try to help. DM me with exactly what you need and I'll pick it up when I'm in the office tomorrow.
Tagging in /u/JagexWeath, but as far as I can remember last night we'd identified this during the fight Apache had lost (the last 16?). If he'd have won, we'd have DQed him.
Correct, he was just about to be DQ'd before he lost his fight. The account was also subsequently banned.
That is a fake account. The correct name is /u/Jagex_Weath.
Thank you.
Tagging in /u/JagexWeath, but as far as I can remember last night we'd identified this during the fight Apache had lost (the last 16?). If he'd have won, we'd have DQed him.
For context, the cudgel is (basically) the same accuracy and strength of a rune 2h using slash, but 3 ticks faster. I dig it. No mention of 1h or 2h, though?
Sorry, it's planned to be a 1h weapon!
I like the proposed darkbow reward, but can it also uncap the damage of the spec? Currently it's the only weapon I can think of that has a damage cap outside of ruby bolts(e) and you can already hit harder with Gmaul
I'd rather not touch the special attack of the weapon because of the potential implications in pvp
Since it's a "middle" level boss, maybe add the robes from the Undead Mage as a very rare drop too? (for zerkers). They could have the same offensive stats as infinity robes but have the defensive stats of Lunar robes (lunar robes req 40 def). Require 45 defence and 65 Magic to wear, and let it have a set effect of like 20-30% more dmg and accuracy on undead monster?
Those Undead Druids in the blog are just placeholder images!
The actual ones look different and don't have any robes (Although they are clothed)
Thank you Prezedent, very cool!
I may have to steal that nickname from you.
tired of everything being made for irons.
With the changes we're making, it will no longer be an instanced boss!
If I have a recurring 6 month membership that I got before the price increase of membership, can I buy this and keep my other recurring subscription? Or will it update my subscription to a 3 month cycle with the newer membership prices?
Yep, you'd keep the recurring sub. You will keep your current price as long as your membership doesn't lapse for a certain period (I think it's 14 days).
Great, as ever, Prez!
You're right, I've also seen this a lot lately, which is strange.
Maybe we should ask Jagex to investigate this on the off chance it is actually true. Not sure who to ask though... So I guess I'll just tag /u/Jagex_Wolf, /u/JagexAcorn and /u/Jagex_Weath
Even better would be that OP sends an ingame bug report. But it might not even be a bug. Maybe he just fell for a scam. :\
I'll private message the OP and see if I can get more details to give to the team. Thanks for the tag!
PM me your username please
Obviously I don't work for Jagex any more, but I can give some insight.
In order to do this properly Jagex would need to remake a whole load of assets, last time they did this it took a team of artists and developers 12 months plus to do it. Having this toggleable would also mean there would be an increase in the amount of work needed for each update (eg making sure everything works in both options) which will slow down how quickly updates will be delivered.
Of course, if there is a technological solution (ie something clever that just makes it work) then I am sure Jagex will snap it up. However every attempt to improve the graphics with this method has hit one of two problems, firstly the z-buffering issue (the graphics processor deciding which parts of a model appears in front or on top of another part of the model) is not professional enough to be used as a commercial product and/or the amount of processing power needed to be used requires a super high end PC.
... Read moreIf I’m on the 3 month auto renew does the summer special automatically apply to my account?
Nope, it's separate entirely. Like in my earlier comment you could buy the Summer Special and request a refund for the 'normal' 3 months of membership you have (assuming you haven't used most of it).