Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

21 Jun


Originally posted by -Maxy-

Interesting. "I'm part of the Tech Services that build features that all our games/services use (web stuff, mostly, that support our sites/forums/games)."

My first guess: Potentially to be announced as part of the upcoming account security blog as working on solutions as a point of contact for our concerns?

Nó nó.. nó assumptions. I'm still very very new here but I like engaging with the community. Thanks for the tag /u/good_duck_4

20 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


Gib that man some bread.


You wouldn't have lost the name and progress, I'd say it's very, very likely that you're logging into the wrong account.

You can get help here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/206811825-Forgotten-login


If your account was banned whilst hijacked then we'll unban it, nice and quickly. You can appeal the ban here: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002238729-Account-Bans

Membership subscriptions are automatically canceled on banned accounts, so I think it's likely that you've got an active subscription left on another account.

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The Summer Finals run from 22nd June until 29th June. After that there'll be no Deadman event in the immediate future. We want to take time to assess its state and improve upon the content.

19 Jun


I honestly don't know.


Originally posted by GentleTractor

2 Questions based on the most recent poll:

  1. Why was the decision made to stealthily add 7 extra questions to an unrelated poll blog while only informing the players the second the poll went live, leaving no time for feedback?

  2. How can the team justify the proposed changes being made to the elven quest series (Underground Pass, MEP2) as acceptable & not just making the game easier for the sake of it so newer players can get through to the top end content (Song of the Elves) faster?

Hey Tractor - I'll make sure these are answered on the stream


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH


Maybe might be your area to bring up and see if its possible?

Hey there! Something like this is significant dev work to get up and running, and by the looks of it we have many higher priority things to do in our backlog. As you know, I'm also new here so my knowledge is limited.


Originally posted by Spineweilder

  • Can the River Hos and River Dougne be labeled on the world map in the rivers that run through in Hosidius and East Ardougne? These are their canonical names in game.
  • Can the chompy bird hats all have their names changed to be distinct? E.X. Ogre forester hat, Bowmaster hat, Expert ogre dragon archer hat, etc.

Just trying to get me to say Ardougne on stream. Smh



Sorry this has taken longer than expected. We've had some issues around the artwork signed for unScript3d's prize.

I've just sent him an email to arrange his goodies to be sent. If he's got any issue reaching us, can you ask him to @ me on Twitter please? (JagexNiku)



Originally posted by Gabe_oi

Looks way better also thank you for bringing to my attention that mod Ry's twitter picture is a crab


18 Jun


Originally posted by rRMTmjrppnj78hFH

I went back and tried to find it but I think the jmod deleted it.

Im pretty confident it was /u/Jagex_Wolf in a couple different comments, one of them I remember being specifically - https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/bzf8ae/unplayable/eqsutvw/?context=3

posted within that post, but I can't be sure now.

I'd be curious if anyone else saw it though.

I don't think I've ever said that, apologies.

From a personal opinion I generally don't mind updating stuff for ironmen if they desire it.

Some things are meant to be difficult for ironmen. Some things are just silly. For example, collecting buckets of sand was something I worked on specifically as I completely agreed hopping worlds shouldn't be a meta method for anything. I'd at least always like some viable in game method that isn't world hopping for things to exist in most occasions.


Originally posted by Jeaper

As a dev myself, I'd like to hear a bit more about that, any examples on tools you guys and gals make?

If it is things like RuneMetrics/Adventure log for rs3, I'm just going to shamelessly toss out a thing on my wishlist in the hope that it sticks somewhere in the back of your mind!

I'd love to have a completed quest list available through the osrs API. I'd like to make an adapting quest requirement page for the wiki! :)

Basically the whole website is made by the Tech Services (not the game). That's a cool idea, but again, I'm pretty new and don't want to promise anything.


Originally posted by dguthrie2

It seems that I am able to replicate it --- at least on Chrome on both my Mac and Android devices --- if I clear cookies. Manually setting the language to English does work, but (as best as I can recall) I also believe the language setting reverts back to Spanish if a significant amount of time passes since my last visit to the website. For example, I only recently started playing again, but I tended to check the website every 2-3 months (#nostalgia), and the website was almost always in Spanish (I don't clear cookies that often, so I don't suspect that would be the cause).

Also, I just attempted to replicate this on Safari and Firefox (on my Mac) and was unable to. I will attempt to replicate on IE and Firefox (Windows) once I'm back at my desktop.

One last thing: I'm noticing at the moment that only part of the page is in Spanish. For example, "continue to website" in the top right and "play now" in the top center and bottom center are in Spanish, while the ac...

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Well, that's pretty darn weird. Thanks for the feedback, we'll try to replicate that here! Let me know if you can do the same in Safari/Firefox


It's not fair if it's half cut off the screen, come on bro.


Originally posted by VenomRS

We need more lemon pledge.

No, you buy.

No no, señor Jagex no is home