Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

01 Apr


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

Any chance we can have seeds remain under their category as well as be added to favourites?

Given the way interfaces work, I suspect that won't be possible without a lot of dev time, if at all. I'll ask though!


A rare defect where some unicorns have 2 horns. Your character mercilessly removes one and not the other.


Originally posted by eddietwang

Not sure if this has been said but if the seeds could auto sort by level that would be fantastic! Having flashbacks to real 2007 by having to leave 1 as a placeholder every time :)

With the ability to drag and drop to arrange the order, this problem would be fixed by just having placeholders in the vault so we'd probably look to do that instead!


Originally posted by PiBBzYx

Is there a Mod Coke to go with your Mod JD?

Alas, no Mod Coke or Mod Turk!


This is one of the things we saw in feedback and are taking into consideration :)


I'm so envious of anyone who can produce something as amazing as this. Great job, OP!


That is insanely good. Great job.


so this is my new favourite thing


The popular pages section is hilarious. Great work to the Wiki team!

30 Mar


Originally posted by WeGoDancingUpAStorm

I know there have been a few hiccups, some that caught the ire of some vocal portions of this sub, but I personally can't wait to watch it.

Thanks for putting it on!

We appreciate it. We don't deny it hasn't been as smooth as we'd like but I'm glad to hear you're excited - enjoy the finals!


Originally posted by Cygopat

Why is nobody using barrelchest anchor? Shits op.

Are you gonna pick one up and whack people with in the summer season?



'Google Login on Android Devices'

Players on Android devices can now log into Old School with their Google account via a new button on the login screen. A new account will automatically be created if you haven't previously linked your account to play RuneScape (the other one


The time is almost upon us for the grand climax of the Deadman Mode Spring season! At 19.30 (GMT) we'll be going live on twitch.tv/OldSchoolRS with casters @AyizaTV, ...

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The time is almost upon us for the grand climax of the Deadman Mode Spring season! At 19.30 (GMT) we'll be going live on twitch.tv/OldSchoolRS with casters @AyizaTV, ...

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Originally posted by creepyzaptor

it could be added in the future, when there is an expansion for slepe. since there is a lot of lore there.

Also true. I'm not too familiar with what Ed or West have planned with Slepe or the Drakan continuation. If it fits that rather than treasure trails, sure!


The venue is being renovated, it's not that it's invite-only, there simply isn't the audience space. We love having an audience, but it's just not feasible this time.


Thank you so much for sharing your story. If you ever need someone to talk to, my Reddit Messages are open for you <3.


Top 5 SCPs.

I like it. Won't make it in time for the TT expansion, but we'll save it as inspiration for future rewards.
