This is going straight into the backlog.
This is going straight into the backlog.
Sorry Acorn. I knew I didn’t know all the Jmods names by heart so I was going by the wiki to remember who I didn’t.
As Gee pointed out the wiki is also incomplete. If I figure out everyone I missed I’ll make an updated version :)
The new wiki is complete I believe?
Sorry Gee, I was using the osrs wiki on Jmods with pictures as a guide - a few didn’t make it in a result.
I’m willing to make an updated list if I figure out everyone I forgot
I'm willing to just accept it as a compliment on my gentle, placid and inherently un-violent nature.
ya best sleep with one eye open tho
When you're so outside the realms of a possible stabbing situation that you don't even make the chart
It's a legitimate email address but email addresses can be spoofed. You can see more here:
The other suggestions in this thread would be sensible too.
"I won't hesitate bitch" confirmed
Is this a pun?
Maybe... >.> Edit: Pls don't stab me in retaliation
When you didn't make the cut :(
Is this a pun?
Well what would you do?
First category with Kieren, Sween, Bruno, West, and John C/Lottie for sure!
u/jagex_weath u/jagexgambit u/Jagexacorn
Made because of recent events. Thoughts?
I can pass the idea onto the Support Team as display names are typically their domain :)
When you didn't make the cut :(
Mod Acorn,
I have one concern regarding this matter. The update to 178.3 did not fix this issue. Not sure if the update details meant it was for this specific issue or not but the issue remains.
Can you let me know if a fix is still being looked into for this issue? Thank you very much!
Hey there! We gave a short update in the latest newspost regarding the iOS devices but it's kind of hidden so I can see how it might be missed. "iOS Users: An issue affecting mobile players on iOS which prevented the game from remembering login details is being looked into by the Mobile Team for a fix in the coming days." Hope this helps! -Mod Acorn
Uh I wonder if anyone else submitted bug report for the ghost disciple change - but it definitely feels like that I have now contributed to the game :D
Just for you ;)
Cool update. When's the mobile log in bug getting fixed?
It’s being worked on - hopefully it’ll be fixed before the week is out
If OP got phished by clicking on suspicious link like you mentioned wouldn't that explain how they had his login info?
Yep that's what I mean by unknowingly giving them his login info
If your password database got hacked do you think it would be proper for journalists to say "Jagex gave the malicious party their database"?
If our password dadabase was accessed by someone who has the admin username and password, it would be a fair statement that someone gave it away somehow
If someone hacked into your systems and gained access to a database would it be fair and proper to say "Jagex gave the malicious party their database"?
That question was neither convoluted nor complicated, and the very fact that you tried to skirt around it demonstrates that you know damn well it's unfair and improper to say "give" without evidence of intent.
If you have evidence to demonstrate intent then that's fine. But don't pretend it's not needed.
No but it would be fair to say that the "hacker" was given the password if they used it to access the database
Not to pile onto the shit you're dealing with already, but I certainly hope that's not a possibility (plaintext passwords).
I genuinely have 0 knowledge of how they're stored or secured so wouldn't even be able to guess
If your password database got hacked do you think it would be proper for journalists to say "Jagex gave the malicious party their database"? How do you reconcile the use of the word "give" with the use of the word "hijacker"? Which is it?
Do you have some credible proof that there was intent involved?
Saying libelous shit is probably not in your employee handbook.
You can unwillingly or unknowingly give something away, I haven't at any point said that the account owner did so with the intent of allowing third party access. If our password dadabase was accessed by someone who has the admin username and password, it would be a fair statement that someone gave it away somehow
I know myself and others have been looking forward to this for a long time. So happy to see it delivered and honestly going above and beyond our expectations! One question though will we be able to store/withdraw twisted bows here?
Only if we use the twisted bow as a new seed for the twisted bush...
My bank thanks you for helping it lose weight. I will probably never use all the seeds that I get from seed pack rewards, but I hate throwing them on the ground because it seems wasteful. I can't wait to build a huge stack of every seed in this new bank.
I save them all too!