I'd like to see the Konar's slayer drop table to include actual unique, as stated by DragonfiredRS (eternal expeditious and eternal bracelet of slaughter) , I'd like to see some more eternal gems added, although I'd personally like to see an Eternal jade, opal & red topaz, I'd also like to see the Dragon pickaxe ornament kit come from this table, alongside the removal of Dusk mystic on this table, perhaps add an ornament kit to turn blue mystic into the dusk variant.
I think there should be different tiers of tables, depending on the combat level of the NPC fighting, rather than having an ever changing drop rate, if I killed a level 82 Fire giant and get a 40k extra reward, hey that's neat, if I kill a level 426 Alchemical hydra and get 40k, that's not really rewarding me for my efforts.
We're totally open to scaling the table to the NPC's combat level or the player's Slayer level. Thanks for the other ideas for uniques.