Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

14 Jan


Originally posted by Thrantax

I'd like to see the Konar's slayer drop table to include actual unique, as stated by DragonfiredRS (eternal expeditious and eternal bracelet of slaughter) , I'd like to see some more eternal gems added, although I'd personally like to see an Eternal jade, opal & red topaz, I'd also like to see the Dragon pickaxe ornament kit come from this table, alongside the removal of Dusk mystic on this table, perhaps add an ornament kit to turn blue mystic into the dusk variant.

I think there should be different tiers of tables, depending on the combat level of the NPC fighting, rather than having an ever changing drop rate, if I killed a level 82 Fire giant and get a 40k extra reward, hey that's neat, if I kill a level 426 Alchemical hydra and get 40k, that's not really rewarding me for my efforts.

We're totally open to scaling the table to the NPC's combat level or the player's Slayer level. Thanks for the other ideas for uniques.


Originally posted by Holmborn

never drop finished supply drops, always either focus on secondaries or primary ingredients. Secondaries would be preffered, but primary ingredients are fine, as long as they aren't an excess amount.

perhaps give her something more unique. A big drop of Slayer Points perhaps? Maybe an item that lets you combine some of the specific slayer monster "finisher" items?

This was the logic behind replacing the Herb drops with seeds on Friday. If a unique item could be dropped to claim at Konar for extra Slayer points, how many would you say it should give?


Originally posted by fatboioncrack

Dagon'hai robes

We know you guys want them, but we're still looking for somewhere that they'll fit better - they don't seem to belong on this particular table.


Originally posted by Tsobaphomet

Take Pure Essence off the table. I don't see why it's on there. The current table is decent, but the Pure Essence drop is just the "oops bad luck" drop that nobody ever wants to see. A reward should never feel bad to get.

Fair - I can get behind this is other people agree.


Originally posted by dmmnoob

I think what konar needs imo is more unique drops on her table not herbs/pots/alchables or straight up cash.

Just get a little bit creative!

I've seen lists of excellent suggestions for new items/effects. For example:

  • A new shield that's given a chance to make your next attack 15% stronger if you are attacking your slayer assignment.

  • A new shield that's given a chance to absorb 15% more damage while on slayer task.

  • A ranged version for the imbued heart (same boost as ranging pots, maybe requiring more time to recharge?)

  • An attachment to the obby cape that gives it the same defensive stats as an infernal cape.

  • Other rings with abilities like the brimstone ring, which allow the next hit to ignore 10% of ranged or melee defenses instead of mage.

  • A boot that gives negative stats but has an anti-poison/anti-venom effect (stops you getting damaged in hydra poi...

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Awesome! This is exactly what we're after.


Alright. Here it is.

The purpose of this thread is to get your opinion on Konar's table and how it ought to be changed. For those of you who aren't familiar with the original table or the change that happened on Friday, check out the Konar Balancing post. It's been a rollercoaster so far and the Old School team thank you for your patience - with your help we'll get it where it needs to be.

Have at it.

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We've just hotfixed some changes to Kebos:

  1. All Runes, Yew logs and Crystal keys have been removed from Konar's table.

  2. Pure essence has been reduced from a weighting of 5 to 1 on Konar's table, meaning it'll drop less often.

The two changes above significantly increase the average value of the drops on Konar's table.

  1. The Alchemical Hydra now accesses Konar's table.

  2. Players who meet the requirement to enter the Farming Guild now teleport inside rather than outside.

  3. The Farming Guild Spirit tree now counts for Master clue challenges.

  4. The Dragon hasta no longer deals full damage to the Corporeal Beast.

  5. Drake Slayer task quantities have been reduced (50 fewer) are now assigned.

  6. Ferocious gloves can be reverted into Hydra leather using the machine in the Lithkren vault.

  7. Lizardman Shaman spawns i...

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12 Jan


These ideas are awesome, thanks for the suggestions!

11 Jan


Originally posted by Iron_Aez

The table needs uniques, proper uniques.

Any ideas?


Originally posted by Xhenxhefil

There is a balance to be found between a table containing drops worth ~2m of skilling materials each, and a table with some crap alchables with seed drops that are worth about 1/10th as much at most. I hope we can find that balance. I don't think calling each other 'autistic' and 'whining pussies' is the way to get there.

That's fair. What would you have the average value of a drop be and what should the highest value of any given drop be?

09 Jan


Originally posted by -Maxy-

Hey Mod Gambit what are those slayer monsters on Lunar Isle between the bank and the Astral Altar?

Not this time.

07 Jan


Originally posted by EdibleCatflaps

I've not played OSRS since late 2017 and when returning, I was unable to log in due to a $1000+ outstanding balance.

I believed I deactivated my membership when I quit so I don't know where this has come from, suggestions please?


Head over to this support page and get in touch with the team: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/207256855-Unpaid-Balance

05 Jan


Sorry to burst your bubble, but we changed that bit a few months ago. However, he got through the account creation process so he is already in the top .5% of the world.

01 Jan


I posted this on Twitter, but it equally applies here. I know Reddit is always a hot topic of conversation in the community, but you have brought me so many laughs, good ideas and valuable feedback in 2018 that I wanted to thank you.

Keep it going OSRS Reddit community.


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25 Dec

19 Dec


Congratulations, you may now go outside.

18 Dec