None of the untradeables were counted, even tried taking pets/fire capes out of the house and it still didn't check them off. E: thanks, relogging fixed it.
If you relog, this should be fixed!
None of the untradeables were counted, even tried taking pets/fire capes out of the house and it still didn't check them off. E: thanks, relogging fixed it.
If you relog, this should be fixed!
We had a think about this and came to the same conclusion. However, I'm sure players will race each other regardless :)
Allow collection log to be accessed by the price checker!
An interesting idea - does anyone else think this is a good place for it?
Excited to track drops and fill the log. Not excited that all previous kills cant be tracked but i understand (not a btw).
Tracking drops wasnt something i did prior, so i have no idea if im lucky or not. Will be great to see now.
Glad you understand that tradeables already earned aren't in the log - I hope you enjoy the challenge of filling it up!
Oops... I'll fix that in the morning :)
As an artist I think it’s fair to want more colours. She does play the game, check out the start of last weeks Q&A :)
I see from other comments there’s talk about not speaking much on stream and I think it’s important to realise just how daunting being on stream is, especially when it’s essentially your first time. Every moment someone is waiting for you to mess up, say something not everyone agrees with or just judging you in general - it’s not an easy thing to do.
The rest of the team have had plenty of practice. Give it time. Remember when Mod Gambit never said anything? Now the dude is capable of hosting a Q&A all by himself.
This is an old image. The gloves were changed to require 80 Attack and Defence, alongside completion of Dragon Slayer II as the gloves drop in a tradeable but broken form and must be repaired within the Myths Guild before they can be worn, at which point they become untradeable.
And in case you missed the poll for them coming, they passed alongside the other rewards :) (here's the latest blog for it:
Audio-Technica LP-120. It's a cheaper copycat if the Technics SL-1200. Great beginner table if you want something new, not used.
Ahh, I didn't see you'd already answered this. Will probably upgrade from my LP60
What turntable are you using? Enjoying the vinyl! :D
I replied to a comment tagging me, but here are my thoughts on this one:
Personally I don't think it's needed, but I can see why it's liked.
I don't think just insurance would be anymore useful than the message, and anything else seems like a rather unnecessary buff, given pet drops do not replace standard loot drops.
Back in the day you never even got a message. It was added so players could be made aware if they were lucky (or unlucky enough) to get another pet rather than get nothing at all.
/u/jagexayiza I know it's not as nice as Nieve lewds but thoughts on this?
Personally I don't think it's needed, but I can see why it's liked. I don't think just insurance would be anymore useful than the message, and anything else seems unnecessary.
Back in the day you never even got a message. It was added so players could be made aware if they were lucky (or unlucky enough) to get another pet rather than get nothing at all.
Vasilis is the account name. Thank you very much for your help in this, you have gone above and beyond in this matter.
ok all sorted you just need to set a new pass
it is not at the time, i made the account a member with a bond but it still does the same thing. click the link then sign in, then takes me to normal account page
OK I meant is the account a member rather than game access from a Bond - anyway ping me the account name and I'll take a look
They r fixing it
We are indeed. This and a few other hotspots that can be troublesome in PvP.
After clicking the link and signing in it doesn't allow me to submit an appeal, just takes me to the account page.
Is the account a member?
We’re looking at this :)
Read moreI believe i was wrongfully perm muted roughly 3 years ago, immediately after buying 1 year of membership to save money, it was for severe website advertising which i cannot imagine myself doing. i appealed twice but was not reinstated or shown any proof of why i was muted. The website said it cannot show me evidence because they do not want to give away their detection methods. After being perm muted it made it hard to participate in the activities i enjoyed in the game like bossing with the clan i was apart of. every once and a while i would go come back to the account to try and play without the use of a chat but it just wasn't the same. i have spent more days than i care to admit on this account and frankly its very upsetting that this happened. over the past three years or so i would research how to get an account unmuted periodically, but never had any luck until i came across a Reddit post from about 7 months ago with someone describing my exact situation. ...
Here you go - Appeal a mute
I wonder what the drop rate on med clues off brine rats will be, could be a new meta, I mean probably still not better than implings, but with the added drops they could be pretty damn decent to farm with a cannon now.
Sorry for the omission! It's 1/128
If this is by any chance in relation to the recent spellbook filter then it’s not the PvP community that are to blame.
There’s no one to blame other than us for a poorly proposed first question as it should have been split into two questions, followed by a second question that should never have even happened, and a third that should have been done in the first place.
There have been lots of different communities against the spellbook icons increasing, and for many different reasons. This shouldn’t be a “blame the PvP community” situation, I’d be surprised if many of them even voted.