Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

11 Dec


I know it's not ideal you've had to resort to posting here on Reddit, but I've pinged a message over to the support team to see if there's anything further that can be done for you here.

Edit: I've also sent you a DM here on Reddit, if you could get back to me so I can help you further that would be great.

08 Dec


Originally posted by itsbananas_

I don't really see actual abuse much at all, just well-deserved criticism when needed

I’m all in favour of constructive criticism but you should see some of the stuff we get sent in the DM’s

07 Dec


Originally posted by livewomanmode

Beta starts at 10am est?? I don’t wake up till 1:30!! That’s f**ked up

The beta was yesterday - sorry to hear you overslept!

06 Dec


Awesome work as always! I love it :D


Originally posted by Flashyshooter

I mean no one expected someone to get 99s in RS classic, yet people did. I'm sure some people complete will some parts you really didn't expect.

This is true - it's something we'd love to see.


Originally posted by lamapyjama

I hope angry messages like that guy dont bring you down I think you are doing a fantastic job keep it up!

Not at all! I appreciate the concern and your kind words though :)


Originally posted by NewAccountXYZ

Though, I'd have loved to see this for real.

As a caster for the event it's definitely not something I'd love to see happen :D


Originally posted by mkmkmk6

If I do not speak to The Collector, does that mean that future drops will not be logged until I do so?

Your drops will be tracked regardless :) if/when you decide to pick up a Collection Log, ones you have already will be in there.


Originally posted by Pepefrog1111

Classic jegflox. Incompetent and lazy

I guess that's why this is a beta rather than an actual tournament, It allows us to make sure as much as possible has been covered.


Originally posted by gkonn

mudskipper hat and flippers aren't present in the slayer tab. other untradeables are showing for me but not those

We're making a list of these to be added in one of the following updates - has to be done this way as it'll require a coldfix.


Originally posted by Jedsmith518

When you say tradeables have to be reobtained do we have to get another or can we just drop and pick it up and it will be added to the log?

You'll have to get another from the monster that drops it for it to display in the log.


Originally posted by SynyzaL

optional setting, toggle on/off to save those of us with OCD tendencies. Or a "hide completed" option maybe.

Good idea


Originally posted by [deleted]


I’d like to, if people think I did an alright job!


Originally posted by kiwidude4

That's one of the main reasons I like having a completionist mindset. I know I'll never actually get there, so I always have something to do. I say go for it, you won't trigger me at least.

Apologies for the phrasing - I hope you appreciate that was tongue in cheek! I'm of the same mind set myself and would be up for this change.


Originally posted by rekopek

I would rework the quest log tab into a player's adventure tab with buttons to open a quests interface, a achievement diaries interface, a collection log, and so on

We're taking a look at this idea!


This is possible - we chose not to do it on release considering some categories will almost certainly never turn green. But if the community wants it...


Originally posted by smchenry_

I was kind of hoping the log would be available as part of the core interface - specifically, as a page in the quest list tab. Along with other ongoing game progress tracking information, i.e. quests, achievement diaries, and Kourend favor, I feel like it’s perfectly at home there.

This is possible if it's what people want


Originally posted by Black_Mirror_RS

$5 to anyone who can complete the master clue log

Screenie this one guys.


Originally posted by darkhawk1005

Does the collection log show the KC you got a drop at? It'd be interesting if you hover your mouse over an item and it told you what KC you got the drop at.

Edit: hovering your mouse, not a house

It doesn't currently but I like the idea!


Originally posted by 99AllStats

I was thinking adding another star to the "quest tab" similar to how favour was added. But there wouldn't be much room for text unless you removed something. You could replace Kourend favour with the collection log (and maybe bundle in the boss/slayer log too). It would be neat to access all these interfaces from the game's UI.

Hmm - not a bad shout if it can squeezed in.