You actually just trying to be a dick? You know what he was saying
I didn't at the time - this was right after the update and I hadn't seen that the spell icons moved even when no filters were being used. Coldfix is coming in 60 seconds.
You actually just trying to be a dick? You know what he was saying
I didn't at the time - this was right after the update and I hadn't seen that the spell icons moved even when no filters were being used. Coldfix is coming in 60 seconds.
I still don't have my rune pouch but plan to buy an emblem soon, does this mean I just need a Tier 1 emblem in my inventory before buying a tier 7 drop, otherwise no emblem will drop? Or do I also need a tier 7?
You will need an emblem in your inventory, a T1 will work.
Does anyone know if this means the servers are getting rolled back or is it safe to continue on the grind?
Safe to continue, it's just like any other weekly game update :)
Do you have a link to his/her twitter?
They don't have a Twitter just yet but are considering it.
This spell book update destroyed the ability to Alch/Stun efficiently. All the spots are now off please fix.
A coldfix is being worked on.
Regardless of your stated intentions, that is exactly how it looks. You repolled it TWICE then accepted the negative result despite it failing by only 1% when many fewer people voted. If you are going to repoll something, it should need like 30% of the vote to fail at the very least.
I don't think moving the goal posts for re-polls would be accepted. But we can commit to making them as visible as possible going forward. However, it is expected that fewer people will vote on the same thing each time.
Hold up, I have to risk an emblem to get one, but if the enemy doesn't have one I'm risking one for no reason at all? Who the hell thought this was a good idea
If the enemy is your target and you're risking an emblem, you still have the chance to generate one when you kill them even if they have none in their inventory. That has not changed.
High alch spell no longer overlays inventory slot, making alching difficult. This needs to be fixed
We're working on a coldfix that will put the spells back in their original positions.
Read moreWanted to share my opinion on the spell icon resizability.
The danger with repolling is lower engagement/participation. I think it’s slightly flawed that a poll with fewer votes can completely nullify a poll result that had more people engage in it.
While, yes, that’s up to people actually heading to the poll booths, I think it is your job to advertise the fact that something is being repolled (once again).
That’s where I think things could have gone better as you didn’t only post a picture of the poll failing at the time (someone paying attention would quickly point out that the poll didn’t have a lot of total votes at the time, but this was still completely unnecessary and I haven’t seen you do this before). You also posted and opened this on Thanksgiving, a popular holiday. And you closed it on a Wednesday, before the Q&A. Usually you briefly mention polls in the Q&A to remind people to vote (which again, is crucial for REPOLLS).
What I’m saying...
We hear you. Internal discussion and mixed ideas on how to poll the spellbook rework resulted in the first poll not being exactly what we would have liked. The second was not worded clearly, resulting in non-representative results, hence a third poll. It was never intended to get a certain result, which many here seem to suspect - regardless of our personal opinions, we want the game to reflect the overall playerbases' wishes. In terms of the re-poll getting enough visibility, I agree that it's essential this happens so that a minority vote overpowers a previous majority vote.
And apparently hasn’t been announced yet? More and more “integrity” changes from a team that has little to no PvP experience. Emblem update is by far the worst BH update to have come into the game.
And apparently hasn’t been announced yet? More and more “integrity” changes from a team that has little to no PvP experience. Emblem update is by far the worst BH update to have come into the game.
This was announced over 3 weeks ago alongside the other changes we intended to make to Bounty Hunter and PvP - you can check the full post here:
We've had a lot of positive feedback regarding the changes and worked very closely...
Read moreAs soon as I can share more on what's happening I will do so here. You beat me to posting it :)
Edit: you can right-click the spellbook icon to disable the filters entirely and go back to the old spell positions.
Can we get an option for old spellbooks? I actually don't like the filters and have to relearn my muscle memory...
You can use the filters to show every type of spell and leave them all on :)
Who's Mod Nasty? Their name has been included in the newsposts since the start of November.
Mod Nasty is our Data Analyst!
Honestly not happy with these changes. I don't like changing the oldschool mechanics of the game. Spec tabbing is shite for sure, but I feel as if it could have been addressed differently. Having an emblem in invent also seems a bit naff, but I don't BH much.
How would you prefer we addressed spec-tabbing?
Wait the extra 6 seconds in safezone doesn't apply to pvp worlds?
There's a separate change being made for PvP world protection, that's not ready for release just yet though :)
I can, but I won't
The hero we need but don't deserve
Well there is all that Duel Arena tax money lying around that you were asking to be put to good use...
The serious side of me should however state that I doubt it would be effective as they’d just constantly change what gets said. I do hope for improved systems that will better tackle this kind of stuff in general though.
is the collection log ever going to come out?
Hopefully early December!
Just got 99 hunter and I'm seeing an average of about 2.5 nests per house....
That’s the exact expected amount at 99